Introduction                                                                                                   APPENDIX C


This report has been provided to the Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service based on the data provided to the Isle of Wight Council.


For each question, the graph details the total percentages provided in response to the questions and the data is then analysed in terms of age, gender, employment status and house tenure.


Question 7 – The Fire and Rescue Service aims to commit more resources to prevent fires and other accidents occurring by re-deploying some personnel from operational duties to a community safety role. To what extent do you agree with this policy?


Figure 1



Question 8 – To what extent do you agree that in future the Fire and Rescue Service should work in partnership with a wider range of organisations to achieve its aims of improving safety and reducing risks on the Island?


Figure 2







Question 9 – The Fire and Rescue Service currently carries out some educational work in schools. It is our aim to expand and develop this initiative. To what extent do you agree that this is an effective use of resources?


Figure 3