Purpose : for Decision


                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              10 SEPTEMBER 2003











1.                  To improve arrangements to deliver efficient and open Executive decision making in relation to the regulation of traffic, parking and related traffic management issues.




2.                  Following the decision of the Executive on 12 March 2003, the arrangements for dealing with Traffic Regulation Orders is more flexible and responsive.  According to the strategic and policy significance, the degree of controversy and/or complexity, such orders can be dealt with:


(i)        By the Executive collectively (rarely appropriate as such orders are essentially operational, implementing previously agreed policy).


(ii)       By the Executive Traffic Regulation Order Committee (generally working well, having met twice).


(iii)      By the Portfolio Holder (yet to take a delegated decision in this area).


(iv)       By officers (appropriate for more routine issues, implementing specific instructions from Members or dealing with urgent or temporary orders).




3.                  Traffic Regulation Orders are just one of a number of statutory powers which regulate traffic on the highway and parking both on and off the highway.  Common features of these powers are that they are strict statutory regimes with clear requirements for public consultation.  They are also complementary in terms of each being important elements in delivering the Council’s strategic and policy objectives in the management of motor vehicles.  Key targets are set out in the Local Transport Plan and in the delivering safe and crime free community sections of the Community Strategy and the Corporate Plan.


4.                  It is suggested that all these powers should be exercised in a consistent way, building on the useful pilot of Traffic Regulation Orders.  There is also an opportunity to improve further the operation of the Executive Committee, which may meet more often as its workload increases.




5.                  As the issue under debate is purely an internal administrative one, no consultation has been conducted beyond those responsible for taking the decision.




6.                  The proposals do not in themselves have any direct financial implications. They do of course apply to a significant income earning part of the Council's budget.




7.                  The functions under debate are executive functions under the Functions and Responsibility Orders.  It is a matter for the Executive how it wishes to discharge them, with a view to achieving efficient and accountable decision making – which will always be in accordance with the statutory regime, ensuring decisions are taken following advertisement and formal consultation.


8.                  The activities regulated are public, rather than private rights, principally the right to pass and repass on the highway and to have access to Council’s-owned land for the purposes of parking.  However, the human rights of some individuals (such as the owners of property adjoining the highway) might, arguably, be affected in some cases.  Each decision will only be taken on its merits and on consideration of the impact, if any, on individuals and the collective well-being.




9.         (i)         Retitle the Traffic Regulation Order Executive Committee as the Regulation of Traffic, Parking, Etc Executive Committee.


(ii)        Establish the following terms of reference:


            “To consider and determine all decisions referred by the Portfolio Holder, which arise under executive functions which relate to the regulation of traffic, parking and the management of traffic and motor vehicles.”


(iii)       Confirm that the Portfolio Holder and the Head of Engineering have delegated authority to consider and determine Executive functions relating to the regulation of traffic, parking on and off the highway and the management of traffic and motor vehicles.


(iv)       Membership of the committee to be all members of the Executive from time to time with a quorum of three, to be chaired by the Portfolio Holder for Transport if present.


(v)        Maintain the status quo.


(vi)       Revert to all decisions being taken by the Executive.




10.             Members have previously been advised that the risk associated with dealing with traffic regulation orders in this flexible and responsive way is low.  This assessment applies equally to the regulation of parking and other traffic management issues.


11.             Indeed, it can be argued that to not establish such an explicitly flexible decision-making regime is to miss the opportunity to use Executive governance to its fullest advantage in ensuring the decisions are taken in a way appropriate to their strategic and policy significance, degree of complexity and controversy.


12.             Wherever such decisions are taken, they are subject to overview and scrutiny by the Select Committee.


13.             The recommendation will establish a regime which discharges these relatively unusual Executive functions in a way which balances the need for some to be taken in a more open and public way, and in some cases delivers a more efficient, less bureaucratic determination.


14.             Decisions may, under the recommendation, be taken as follows (these being illustrative examples only as the Portfolio Holder and Head of Engineering from time to time may wish to use their delegated powers to an increasing extent):


(i)        Executive determining issues of true strategic/policy significance (such as, say, an Island-wide parking order with substantial financial significance).


(ii)       Executive Committee to determine traffic regulation or parking orders which affect a number of electoral divisions or are particularly controversial.


(iii)      Portfolio Holder to determine more routine, local or less controversial parking or traffic regulation orders.


(iv)              Head of Engineering to determine more routine, local or less controversial parking or traffic regulation orders, or orders which need to be adopted or amended on an urgent or temporary basis.




15.             It is recommended that options (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) set out in paragraph 9 be adopted.




16.             Executive Report and Minutes dated 12 March 2003.

Executive Traffic Regulation Committee papers

Local Transport Plan and Community Strategy



Contact Point :           Steve Matthews, ( 823788, e-mail: [email protected]

                                    John Lawson, ( 823216, e-mail: [email protected]




Head of Engineering Services


Leader of the Council


Head of Legal and Democratic Services


Portfolio Holder for Transport