Purpose: For Decision


Committee:      EXECUTIVE


Date:                10 SEPTEMBR 2002










To request that Standing Orders as to Contracts be waived with respect to the purchase of a replacement computer system for Local Land Charges. 




·          Local Land Charges has been computerised since April 1998 with a system supplied by ESRI (UK) Ltd and has continued to operate very successfully from that date.  


·          Computerisation has reduced search turnaround times to an average 5-6 working days, which is well within the national guideline of 10 working days.


·          80% of historical entries held on the former Medina Borough and South Wight Borough Local Land Charges Registers have been entered onto the computer system to date.  The Registers are now maintained entirely on computer.


·          The supplier of the current system is due to withdraw system support at the end March 2003, in favour of their newer product, Total Land Charges (TLC).


·          The replacement system is designed to further assist Local Authorities in achieving various e-government targets, specifically the National Land Information Service (NLIS).  The Local Land Charges department will not be able to fully achieve this target unless this replacement system is purchased.




·          The ICT department have assisted Local Land Charges in preparing a Project Brief outlining the various possible replacement options for the existing computer system.


·          The Project Team are unanimous in believing that there is a very strong case for proceeding directly to contract negotiations with the current supplier and that the disadvantages of the open tender process heavily outweigh the advantages as summarised below:-



o    Longer implementation timescale for alternative product / supplier

o    Existing system will have to run unsupported by supplier

o    Very high risk of loss of LLC service

o    Jeopardises completion of current data capture of LLC Register

o    High risk of problems migrating data to an alternative product




o    Implementation timescale allows for completion of data capture of LLC Register by end September 2003

o    Existing system will continue to be supported by supplier until end September 2003 and probably until new system is in place

o    Very low risk to LLC service

o    Reduced training, data migration, consultancy and maintenance costs over time.

o    The existing system supplier has stated that if an order is placed with them by end of March 2003 for a replacement system, they will continue the existing system support arrangements until the end September 2003, when the remaining historical capture of the LLC Register entries will have been completed.




·          The supplier proposes replacement of the current system with their newer product at an estimated cost of £65,450, with an annual maintenance cost of £5,000. 


·          A maximum of £10,000 additional expenditure could be required to meet the cost of hardware upgrades, if necessary.


·          Standing Orders as to Contracts 2.8, require formal tender for a contract of this value.


·          The purchase consultancy process could produce a reduced overall cost:     


a)                  lower training needs resulting from staying with the same supplier

b)                  ease of data migration within a known format to the supplier.


·          In addition, not undergoing the formal tender process will save the Council £16,000.


·          Purchase of the proposed replacement system will result in a saving of £18,000 per annum maintenance (currently £23,000 reducing to £5,000).  Over the 5 year life of the project, this will result in a total saving of £90,000.


·          Total savings to the Council if the existing service supplier is selected is therefore £106,000.


·          Funding of the new product will come from the same revenue stream as used to fund the existing system (ie the projected search income over the next 5 years).


·          Once negotiations with ESRI (UK)  Ltd have been completed a full business case will need to be approved by the Project Board prior to completion of the contract.




·          The Council is legally obliged to reply to Local Authority Search Requisitions (LLC.1) and Enquiries of the Local Authority (Con.29)


·          The maintenance of a Local Land Charges Register is a statutory obligation on Local Authorities




1.        To follow Standing Orders to Contracts and run a formal tender exercise for replacement of the existing LLC computer system.   This is unlikely to be completed in time to prevent running on an unsupported system from end March 2003 (see Background bullet point 4).

2.        To waive Standing Orders as to Contracts 2.8 and enter into contract negotiations with ESRI (UK) Ltd for replacement of the existing LLC computer system with their new product, TLC, subject to the approval of a full business case by the Project Board, in compliance with Best Value, prior to completion of the contract.

3.        To do nothing and continue to use the existing LLC computer system beyond the supplier=s system support deadline (ie end March 2003) running the risk that total system failure will cease services and destroy the good reputation currently held.





That the Executive approve Option 2.







Contact Point: Caryl Murphie





Strategic Director

Corporate and Environment Services


Portfolio Holder - Resources