Transport Vision – A Connected Island               


 Where there is greater access on and off the Island by the development of an interlinked transport network. 


Section A:      2020 Vision and Transport


Our vision for transport is an integral part of the overall 2020 vision for the future of the Island, which leads to a more prosperous, accessible, healthy, environmentally friendly Island.   At the heart of this 2020 vision is the economic regeneration of the Island, which in turn is dependent on the development of the Island’s transport system.  


Our transport vision is an Island where all methods of transport including walking and cycling with public transport form an interlinked transport network across the Island, the Solent and beyond.  This enables travel of people and goods from wherever they are, to the destinations of their choice both on and off the Island, with safety, reliability, ease of access, and affordably at a convenient time.


This vision must be achieved without spoiling peoples lives through accidents, noise or air pollution, and without a traffic infrastructure which dominates the environment.


The Importance of Transport


Transport is important for the Island because: -

It is the catalyst which brings everything together, without it the Island would cease to function as we know it today.  Good transport across the Island and the Solent is essential for our future development.


Transport provides access for all people from our homes and jobs to, education, shops, leisure, health & social care, friends and relations, across the Solent to the UK and the rest of the World.   It supports the economic regeneration of the Island, our health and well being through better social inclusion.



Section B:      Features of the Vision


Transport Organisation & Planning


·         The Council will play a leading role in ensuring that the benefits of an interlinked transport network are maximised for the users.

·         It will play a leading role in coordinating and planning improvements in transport on the Island and across the Solent,. ensuring partnerships between users and providers, encouraging investment in transport and its infrastructure.

·         Air transport to and from the Island will form part of the transport network.

·         The Council will be open and accountable for its decision and actions.

·         It will react to changing circumstances by regularly updating its plans for the benefit of users.

·         The transport network on the Island will link to travel across the Solent and beyond in a seamless manner.

·         Economic regeneration of urban and village centres through development will lessen the need for travel.

·         Tourism development will attract high quality tourism markets, and promote access to the Island by public transport.

·         Freight handling and distribution systems will enable goods to be available on time for companies and people on or off the Island.

·         Industries will be encouraged to the Island, which do not have significant transport needs or costs, such as research, high value goods, and leisure.




                        Public Transport, including services across the Solent


·         Increasing numbers of people will choose to use walking; cycling and public transport on the Island (Bus, train, taxi for journeys), rather than use their car, because it will be an attractive alternative, which is cheaper.  This will be particularly true in urban areas and for short journeys.

·         Public transport will be affordable, convenient, safe, sociable, frequent, punctual, comfortable, reliable and accessible to all.

·         There will be modern user-friendly facilities, which will assist the transfer from one form of travel to another.

·         There will be excellent real time information available for residents and visitors at points of access, so they are aware of the transport options, and be able to make informed decisions.

·         On-board information services will be in place on tourist routes.

·         Tickets will be able to be purchased to our final destination, from all transport providers.

·         Payment of fares can be achieved electronically before or during travel.

·         The needs of families and people with wheelchairs will be accommodated on public transport.


Roads & Use of Roads


·         There will be reduced car use and increased car sharing particularly at peak times on highways.

·         There will be reduced congestion particularly at peak times on highways.

·         As a result of reduced car use and congestion there will be less traffic accidents.

·         The road infrastructure on the Island will be maintained to good standards, and will assist the public transport network using it.

·         Technology will provide vehicles which are less damaging to the environment.

·         Increased numbers of people will walk or cycle using improved urban paths and pavements.

·         Visitors will have a choice as to whether to bring a car to the Island

·         People wont have to travel if they don’t need to, as the need will be minimized through development identified in the Island Plan.



Section C:      How to Achieve the Vision – What needs to be done


The following section is a series of proposals, will be developed into a focussed and prioritised improvement plan matched by resources. 


                        Research, Planning & Organisation


·         Research and understand in detail what journeys people make, and would like to make. (Travel survey to be undertaken in the County Press)

·         Workplace travel plans for each major employer.

·         School travel plans for each school. (Officer in post and development started)

·         Healthcare travel plan, both on and off the Island, in co-ordination with the council for the benefit of patients and service users. (Discussions with PCT and RCC)

·         The development of transport across the Island, the Solent and beyond will be co-ordinated through the 5 year Local Transport Plan.   This will show how priorities and resources will be developed across a range of transport issues for health, education, social care, and tourism.   (LTP 1st draft available July 2005)

·         Planned development of the Island that incorporates issues from transport and other major plans will be developed through the Island Plan and the South East Regional Plan.  (Island Plan – Core strategy in December 2005)

·         The Council will work to provide benefits for public transport users through partnerships with transport providers, both locally, across the Solent and regionally to provide an interlinked transport network and infrastructure through joint planning and operating skills. 

·         The Tourism development plan will give visitors a choice to visit the Island without a car.  (Tourism Development Plan available July 2005)

·         The Council will work with our partner authorities in Southampton, Portsmouth and Hampshire to improve access to and from the Island. 

·         Demand management will be used to encourage responsible use of the car.  (Uniform Car Parking Charges and red bus lanes commenced) 


Promotion in Media


·         Public transport development and education on its benefits. 

·         The health and other benefits of walking and cycling.


Public Transport Improvements


·         Reduce the price of public transport to increase ridership, widen discounted fares, and offer incentive fares.

·         Make public transport "nicer" - clean, comfortable, staff friendly to all customers.

·         Improve bus journey times - bus lanes, prioritised traffic lights. (Experimental system in Newport)

·         Develop the role of Wightbus or alternative provider as community transport.

·         Develop rail services as part of the transport network, which involves the community. (Community Rail Partnership commenced).

·         Promotion and development of walking & cycling routes, especially in urban areas.

·         Make public transport more convenient - on-demand via a transport call centre; use taxis; widely available tickets; through ticketing; common tickets; community transport schemes; good information; 

·         Make public transport more accessible - people with mobility problems; visitors with luggage; parents with buggies & shopping.  (Improvements with new buses)


Infrastructure Improvements


·         Provide investment in a safe, well maintained, road system, including a network for buses, lorries and coaches, through for example private finance initiatives or other forms of investment initiatives. (PFI bid in future)

·         Incorporate accident reduction schemes into the development of roads.

·         Provide freight facilities that suit the needs of the Island, including a distribution centre for freight to improve capacity and support the economy. (Planning Application made).

·         Development of walking and cycling facilities in urban areas; Quiet Lanes; Home Zones.

·         Provide modern interchange facilities at access ports to the Island, and at major hubs. (e.g. Ryde Interchange)


Reduce the Need for Travel


·         Employers to be encouraged to provide home working opportunities for staff where appropriate.

·         Employers to encourage the use of flexitime, amongst other reasons to assist employees who want to travel to and from work outside peak travel times.

·         Maximize opportunities to use technology to provide access to information, services and goods, which assist convenience and can reduce the need to travel. 

·         Ensure that new planned development of houses, services and facilities takes place at locations, which ensure that access by walking; cycling and public transport is maximized.    This to be achieved as far as possible through the normal Planning processes including the Island Plan (Local Development Framework). (Core Strategy by December)

·         Encourage local products and services for local customers, so that travel of goods back and forth to the mainland is minimised.