Present :


Mr G P Price (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr M J Cunningham, Mrs M J Miller, Mr V J Morey, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs R Oulton, Mrs L J Peacey-Wilcox, Mr R C Richards


Portfolio Holders :


Mrs T M Butchers, Mr P G Harris


Also Present (non voting) :


Mr B E Abraham, Mr A C Bartlett, Mr J Effemey, Mrs B E Foster, Mr E Fox, Mrs M A Jarman, Mr R G Mazillius, Mrs S A Smart, Mr A A Taylor




38.              MINUTES


The minutes of the meeting held on 17 December 2004 were agreed.




Mr A J Mundy declared a personal interest in any matter relating to environmental issues as his son was an Environmental Engineer.


40.              FORWARD PLAN


The Head of Select Committee and Review Team outlined the items contained within the Forward Plan for the period February 2005 to May 2005. Members were advised that the Executive was due to consider a report on proposals to develop a multi-storey car park at St Mary’s Road, Cowes. The Resources Select Committee, held the previous day, had expressed an interest in discussing this matter before it was considered by the Executive. Because of the impact on the areas covered by the remit of both Select Committees it was suggested that this item could be the subject of a joint meeting.


It was noted that a delegated decision was due to be taken by the Portfolio Holder for Transport and the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Tourism on a review on the provision of Tourism Brown Signs. This item had been raised at the Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services Select Committee. It was likely that due to the timescales for implementation of the revised policy that Select Committee would request a Task Group to look at the amendments being proposed to the existing policy.




(a)               A joint meeting with the Resources Select Committee be held to consider the proposed report on the multi-storey car park at St Mary’s Road, Cowes.


(b)               Councillor R C Richards be the Select Committee’s representative on the Task Group to be established by the Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services Select Committee to discuss revisions to the policy on Tourism Brown Signs.



41.              PARKING ORDER


The Select Committee was reminded that at its meeting held on 29 October 2004 it had requested the Head of Legal and Democratic Services undertake an investigation into a number of elements connected with the decision making process affecting residents permits for the car parks at Wootton, Carisbrooke and Seaview. The investigation had now been completed and the findings were reported to members.


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services referred to the decisions that were taken in relation to the parking order since the 30 June 2004 Executive meeting. The Portfolio Holder for Transport, although not responsible for the decisions, had been closely involved due to the wider issues for the general parking policy. There were problems in ensuring clarification of the decisions taken following the meeting of the Executive. It would therefore be necessary for the Strategic Director for Environment Services to formalise the enforcement issue.


With regard to the issuing of permits in respect of the three car parks there appeared to have been some inconsistent information given to a number of applicants. Once this had been realised the situation was rectified and this also included the signage. This meant that 54 permit holders would have a different entitlement to those who acquired their permits after the parameters had been clarified.


The Select Committee was advised that some of the action taken had been directed at overcoming a number of issues that had arisen following the implementation of the Parking Order. The Head of Legal and Democratic Services highlighted that there appeared to be no clear audit trail of the decision making process. Members also believed that in future when a delegated decision was taken to amend the Car Parking Order all members should be notified for information purposes.


Whilst it was accepted by officers that variations had been made to the existing Order it would be appropriate, given the timescales, for these to be incorporated with any revisions proposed for the 2005 Order.


The Select Committee indicated the need for clearer communication by officers when dealing with amendments to the Parking Order. There was also a need for the Council to have regard to the impact of the Parking Order on local communities and facilities.


The local councillors for Carisbrooke and Wootton, who had been involved in the review carried out by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, commented on the difficulties that they had encountered within their areas as the result of the implementation of the 2004 Parking Order.




(a)               A letter be sent to the 54 holders of permits to clarify the extent of their entitlement and they be issued with a replacement permit, at no extra cost, to overcome any enforcement problems.


(b)               All members of the Council be advised, for information purposes, of any decision taken by officers under delegated powers in connection with any amendment to the Car Parking Order.


(c)               Any decisions taken in the future to amend the Car Parking Order be clearly recorded, together with the reasons for such action, to provide an audit trail for enforcement purposes.


(d)               No further amendments, or variations, be made to the existing 2004 Order until the annual review for the 2005 proposals is undertaken.


(e)               The draft 2005 Car Parking Order be reported to the Select Committee for consideration before public advertisement.




(During the course of the debate Mrs M J Miller declared a personal interest in the redevelopment proposals for Newport Bus Station as Chairman of the Development Control Committee)


The Select Committee was reminded that it had indicated its wish to undertake a review of the Newport Traffic Management Scheme prior to May 2005 when the existing experimental scheme expired.


Consideration was given to the evidence that should be included within the review and the stakeholders that would assist. The need for firm evidence to be considered rather than perceptions was vital if a balanced view was to be reported to the Portfolio Holder for Transport. During the course of the experimental period a number of minor changes had been introduced based upon experience and complaints.  Members indicated that it would be necessary to be aware of these together with details on displaced traffic arising from the scheme.


Members discussed the redevelopment of the Bus Station in South Street on traffic management, both in the short and long term. There would be a need for advance publicity to be given to traffic arrangements whilst works were in progress. Highway issues connected with the redevelopment would be included in the relevant Section 106 Agreement.




(a)               A special meeting to consider the Newport Traffic Management Scheme to be held in the evening in late March 2005.


(b)               The evidence which should be included within the review to cover the following issues :-


(i)                  The impact upon the punctuality of bus services operating to and from the bus station;

(ii)                The effect of allowing taxis to use the bus lane and provision of additional rank space;

(iii)               The effectiveness of signage;

(iv)              Accident records for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic;

(v)                Enforcement;

(vi)              The provision of loading bays;

(vii)             Facilities provided for those with disabilities;

(viii)           Effect on trade within the Town Centre;

(ix)              The impact on parking, both on street and off street;

(x)                The effect on displaced traffic.

(xi)              The complaints received during the experimental period and associated action undertaken to alleviate these.


(c)               Evidence and attendance at the special meeting be sought from :-


(i)                  Southern Vectis;

(ii)                Taxi Proprietors Association;

(iii)               Cyclewight;

(iv)              Chamber of Commerce;

(v)                Delivery companies;

(vi)              Disabled Drivers Group;

(vii)             Police;

(viii)           Newport Forum.



43.              MEMBERS’ QUESTION TIME


Written questions were submitted by Mrs M J Miller in relation to the Christmas and New Year refuse collection arrangements and road traffic accidents on Medina Way, Newport. A copy of each of the written questions (MQ13/05 and MQ 14/05), and the replies, are contained in the Members Question Register.


Mr A J Mundy asked a question relating to parking arrangements on Fountain Quay, Cowes and works in Tuttons Hill, Gurnard. The Chairman indicated that he would ensure that a response was provided on these issues.


Mr E Fox asked a question in relation to the Council’s car parking policies and referred to figures that he had been supplied with concerning the number of One Cards issued, and casual visits made, to the leisure centres at the Heights and Medina. The Portfolio Holder for Transport indicated that he would respond once he had had the opportunity of looking at the figures in closer detail. A copy of his response would be sent to all members of the Select Committee.