Appendix 1
Service Expenditure and Income Net Variance  
  To Date Budget To Date Budget To Date Budget   Comments
  £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000  
Management and Supervision including           Expenditure budget is net of design and supervision
Policy and Strategy    556.3    1,794.2 -    45.4 -   170.1    510.9   1,624.1    1,113.2 fees to be recharged to capital - first quarter o/s
Coast Protection, Harbours and               Expenditure budget is net of design and supervision
Seafronts               fees to be recharged to capital - budget also linked to
     245.4      667.7 -    57.4 -   204.6    188.0      463.1      275.1 Environmental Initiatives
Waste Management and Recycling               Main contractual commitments included - budget also
   4,826.8    6,573.5 -      8.3 -      7.1  4,818.5   6,566.4    1,747.9 includes landfill tax and other waste budgets
Public Conveniences and               Main contractual commitments included - budget also
First Time Sewerage    257.5      411.5 -      0.2 -      1.8    257.3      409.7      152.4 includes rates, water and electricity
Building Control               Income presently ahead of target due to amounts
     102.5      402.8 -  177.0 -   372.8 -    74.5        30.0      104.5 received last year relating to this year's work
Street and Beach Cleaning               Main contractual commitments included for street
   1,225.0    1,368.5 -      0.7 -      0.3  1,224.3   1,368.2      143.9 cleansing contract
Highway Maintenance               Requirement to monitor budget closely as a result of
     826.1    1,378.9 -      3.0 -     16.5    823.1   1,362.4      539.3 budget reduction of £248k (budget in excess of FSS)
Traffic Management and Road Safety               Requirement to monitor budget closely as a result of
     158.3      390.4 -      5.4 -     53.3    152.9      337.1      184.2 budget reduction of £248k (budget in excess of FSS)
Street Lighting               Main contractual commitments included
     409.1      621.2 -      3.9 -     10.0    405.2      611.2      206.0  
Central Transport               Budgets shown net of recharges to service users,
     332.4      439.3 -    50.1 -   300.7    282.3      138.6 -    143.7 recharges to take place quarterly/termly for Wightbus
Public Transport Including Cowes               Budget includes subsidised bus services, rural bus
Floating Bridge    516.5    1,740.1 -  231.4 -   626.3    285.1   1,113.8      828.7 services, concessionary fares and Cowes Ferry
Car Parking               Requirement to monitor budget closely as a result of
     323.0      725.3 -  840.0 -2,770.9 -  517.0 - 2,045.6 -  1,528.6 increased income target of £500k above inflation
Environmental Initiatives Including               Budget includes the Coastal Visitors Centre and
Agenda 21      51.8      198.5 -      3.6 -   129.3      48.2        69.2        21.0 associated projects as well as Agenda 21
Committee Total  9,830.7  16,711.9 -1,426.4 -4,663.7  8,404.3  12,048.2    3,643.9