Improving public transport and the highways infrastructure


Protecting the Island’s natural environment






To achieve efficient and effective overview and scrutiny by means of a planned programme of work.




CHAIRMAN                                                             VICE - CHAIRMAN


Cllr Mrs T M Butchers                                                 t.b.c






To review and/or scrutinise decisions made or actions taken relating to the areas of work covered by the Committee


To make reports and/or recommendations to the full Council and/or the Executive


To consider any matter affecting the area or its inhabitants relating to the areas of work covered by the Committee






Coast protection, harbours and seafronts                       County transport

Waste management and recycling                                  Public transport

Grounds maintenance                                                    Traffic management

Public conveniences                                                      Traffic education and road safety

First time sewerage                                                       Agenda 21 Strategy     

Building control

All types of highways





Best Value Review 1999/2000 (pilot)


Home to School Transport  (jointly with Education)



Best Value Reviews 2000/01


Highways and Transportation



Best Value Reviews 2001/02





Best Value Reviews 2002/03





Best Value Reviews 2003/04

To be confirmed



Service Plans (t.b.c)


Engineering Services (not Rights of Way)

Agenda 21 (included in Policy and Communications)

Planning and Building Control (Building Control only)




Other Strategic Documents and Plans                                  Next Review (t.b.c)


Local Transport Plan                                                               

Agenda 21                                                                              

Isle of Wight Coast Shoreline Management Plan                       

Air Quality Strategy

Biodiversity Action Plan                                                           

IW Shoreline Management Plan                                                2003




Select Committee Membership of Working Parties and Task Groups




Task Groups 2001/02


Lead Officer


Public Conveniences




Cllrs Adams, Effemey, Miller, Oulton, Butchers, Tiltman, Fleming




Dave Jeffery/Dick Sedgeley


Island Community Renewable Energy Strategy




Cllrs Adams, Butchers, Cunningham, Fleming, Oulton, Wareham, Howe





Angela Mawle/Dick Sedgeley


Car Parking



Cllrs Butchers, Adams, Howe, Effemey, Taylor, Fleming, Cunningham










SCHEDULE OF PLANNED BUSINESS (as at 19 August 2002)                                                                              



Officers are reminded that copies of reports for Select Committees should be sent in electronic format to

Committee Services 10 working days before the planned meeting date. Agendas will normally be dispatched 7 working

days before the meeting.










29 July 2002



Budget Update


Highways Best Value Improvement Programme


ARP Local Transport Plan


Waste Management and Recycling Task Group


Car Parking Review – Establishment of a Task Group


Renewable Energy Strategy Task Group


Stuart Fraser


Steve Matthews




Paul Thistlewood


Paul Thistlewood


Angela Mawle



28 August 2002







28 August 2002 cont.


Budget Update

To monitor capital and revenue budgets


Service Plans/Performance Indicators

Consider section 11 of the service plans and recommend changes, priorities areas for further scrutiny and monitor


delivery of previous service improvement targets



To consider and approve the Select Committee’s workplan



Stuart Fraser



Service Heads






Select Committee Support


26 September 2002


Budget Update

To monitor capital and revenue budgets


Public Conveniences Task Group

To receive feedback from the Task Group and make recommendations to the Executive



To consider the management of traffic flow in and around Newport.


Capital Programme

To consider full details of the progress being made with the Capital Programme


Community Renewable Energy Strategy

To consider the draft Strategy and make recommendations


Local Agenda 21 Strategy

To monitor the Local Agenda 21 Strategy



Stuart Fraser



Dick Sedgeley/Dave Jeffery




Steve Matthews




Phil Hayward




Angela Mawle/Dick Sedgeley



Angela Mawle


30 October 2002



30 October 2002 cont.







Budget Update

To monitor the capital and revenue budgets


Car Parking Task Group

To receive feedback from the Task Group and make recommendations to the Executive


Major Scheme Bid for Ryde Interchange

To consider the details of the bid and make recommendations

Referred to at the Select Committee on 29 July 2002



Stuart Fraser



Steve Matthews




Steve Matthews


27 November 2002







Budget 2003

To consider the new concise format service plans in the light of budget strategy options and make recommendations to the Executive


Traffic Management


Quiet Lanes Initiative

To review existing policies and consider the issue of speed through villages


Highways Best Value Review

To consider feedback from the Inspection of the Best Value Review



Service Heads







Quality Transport Partnership/Parish Councils



Steve Matthews



19 December 2002






19 December 2002 cont.




Budget Update

To monitor the capital and revenue budgets


Traffic Management

Speed Limits


To review existing policies


Preparing for the Impacts of Climate Change

To consider the implications for the Island of the Nottingham Protocol



Stuart Fraser



QTP/Parish and Town Councils





Robin McInnes/Angela Mawle



? January 2003


Budget 2003

To consider Executive budget proposals/options



Heads of Service


Member Visits


Croydon Tramlink (date t.b.c)


Quiet Lanes – to visit an area to review their experiences with the Quiet Lanes Initiative t.b.c (Oct)