Present :


Mrs T M Butchers (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr A C Bartlett, Mr C B W Chapman, Mrs B D Clough, Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J H Fleming, Mrs M J Miller, Mr A J Mundy (deputising for Mr J Effemey), Mrs E Oulton, Mr A F Tiltman, Mrs J L Wareham

Also Present (non voting) :


Mr B C Buckle, Mr E Fox, Mr D J Knowles, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr V J Morey, Mr I R Stephens, Mr D G Williams

Apologies :


Mr J Effemey


26.      MINUTES



THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 30 January 2002 be confirmed.



Members considered the revised report of the Strategic Director of Corporate and Environment Services relating to the representations received to the Isle of Wight Council Parking Places Order No 1 2002.

The Select Committee was reminded that it had been advised of the proposed changes to the Order at its meeting on 21 January 2002. The proposals were in response to a comprehensive Islandwide parking study undertaken by the Council’s Consultants, Mott MacDonald. A formal public consultation process had been completed and 217 letters, together with a petition containing approximately 3,900 signatures submitted by the Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce and Industry, had been received. The Head of Highways and Transport outlined the main areas of objection to the proposals contained in the draft Order for 2002. Based on the consultation process the Select Committee considered a number of amendments to the advertised proposals. The Portfolio Holder also spoke on the results of the consultation process and the need to reflect the Council’s parking strategies, contained in the Local Transport Plan, in the Order.

In discussing car parking in Newport the Select Committee believed that there was a need to look at the provision of further long stay facilities in the town. It was believed that the possibility of allocating part of the Council’s Sea Street car park for public use should be looked at. Members also felt that the long stay section of the Chapel Street, Newport car park was still required and should not be converted to short stay. With regard to short stay, not only in Newport, the Select Committee were made aware of an apparent demand for a longer period of parking to cater for those in part time employment. The Head of Highways and Transport indicated that he would need to look at an appropriate charge for this to accord with the strategy recommended by the Council’s Consultants.

A large number of representations centred on the proposed extension of on street parking with charges in Newport, Ryde, Sandown and Shanklin. The Portfolio Holder explained that discussions could be held with the Chamber of Commerce and Business Associations on the utilisation of pre paid scratch cards for such areas.

A large number of representations had been received in respect of the proposed charges for permits. Officers put forward a revised rate but the Select Committee considered that the increases should be on a more staged basis.

The intention to charge for parking at Appley had also attracted a large volume of objections. The Head of Highways and Transport considered that it would not be equitable to introduce changes at this site until a review had been undertaken of the other free car parks that the Authority were responsible for.

The draft proposals included charging all the year round and commencing at a standard time of 8.00am. Concern had been expressed as to the impact of this, particularly on the tourist industry. As a result of this the Select Committee was advised that the existing periods that charges were in operation should be retained. It was recommended that the revised charges should however be implemented. In respect of those parking places on seafronts representations had been received for the retention of the four to eight hour charging band at the existing level of charge. The Select Committee considered that there was also a need to review the charging bands for the parking places at Yaverland and Browns/Dinosaur Museum at Sandown to avoid any conflict between these.

The Portfolio Holder indicated that the proposed changes that had been advertised were estimated to result in additional income of £200,000. The amendments being debated by the Select Committee would reduce this figure. Members were reminded of a number of infrastructure issues relating to car parks that had been highlighted by Mott MacDonald in their report. It was considered that income generated from car parking should be ring fenced to enable specific infrastructure schemes to be undertaken.

Although not part of the consultation exercise the Select Committee discussed the need to review the policy regarding residents parking schemes as had been highlighted by Mott MacDonald. Any proposed changes to the operation of these, including the scale of charges for permits, would be the subject of further investigations by officers.



           (a)       THAT the Executive be advised of the following amendments recommended by the Select Committee in relation to the proposals contained in the Parking Places Order :


                      (i)        No action be taken to introduce on street parking with charges in Crocker Street, Newport; Upper St James Street, Newport; High Street, Ryde; Union Street, Ryde; Regent Street, Shanklin and High Street, Sandown.


                      (ii)       The potential for an experimental pilot scheme utilising pre-paid scratch cards for on street parking be investigated with the Chamber of Commerce/and or Business Associations for a town centre charging zone in Ryde, Sandown, Shanklin or any other additional areas.


                      (iii)       The 12 month annual parking permit be reintroduced and that the costs of permits be :


                                               1 month          -          £36.00

                                               3 Month          -          £72.00

                                               6 month          -          £126.00

                                               12 month        -          £240.00


                      (iv)      That no action be taken to introduce charges in Appley Park, but the justification for retaining free car parks at certain locations as part of an Islandwide parking strategy be reviewed.


                      (v)       That the existing charging periods be retained but with the revised charges as advertised subject to the retention of the charging band of £4.00 for 4 - 8 hours for the parking places at Lane End, Bembridge; The Parade, Cowes; Canoe Lake Road, Ryde; Esplanade, Ryde; North Walk, Ryde; Culver Parade, Sandown; Esplanade, Sandown; Yaverland, Sandown; Esplanade, Shanklin; Esplanade, Ventnor; Eastern Esplanade, Ventnor and The Common, Yarmouth.


                      (vi)      That the long stay section of the Chapel Street, Newport car park be retained.


                      (vii)      That the merits of a charging band for up to 5 hours at short stay car parks be investigated.


                      (viii)     That the charging policy in respect of the parking places at Yaverland, Sandown and Browns/Dinosaur Museum be considered further to avoid any anomalies.


                      (ix)      That income from car parking be ring fenced and utilised for transportation purposes.


           (b)       That the Executive consider the provision of additional public long term parking in Newport by allowing public use of all or part of the newly extended parking area in Sea Street, Newport to the rear of County Hall.


           (c)       That the development of policies relating to residents parking schemes and zones be considered further by the Select Committee.




A question was put to the Chairman by Mrs B Clough with regard to ragwort (MQ15/02). A copy of the question and reply is contained in the Members Question Register.