Comment PAPER B




Date :              WEDNESDAY, 24 APRIL 2002






To consider the attached report prepared by the Council’s consultants, RTA Associates Ltd. which outline the feasibility of Decriminalised Parking Enforcement on the Isle of Wight.


In July 1999, members of the Roads & Transport Committee considered a report on Decriminalised Parking Enforcement (DPE).

Officers were subsequently instructed to carry out preliminary work required for an application for DPE for the Isle of Wight, and a moratorium was placed upon new or revised waiting restrictions across the Island.

Officers subsequently visited Portsmouth City Council who had recently introduced DPE, to better understand the processes involved and upon their recommendation RTA Associates were engaged to advise the Council as they have a wealth of experience and have advised a number of local authorities who have already considered the options.

A presentation was made to members of this Select Committee by the consultants in November 2000 and at that time it was resolved to carry out appropriate consultation before making a recommendation to Executive, however for a number of reasons that has not been progressed.

The need for consultation falls into two mains areas; there is a need for formal consultation as an aspect of the preparation of the formal application, and there is need for less formal consultation with interest groups and the public at large over the introduction of the measures. The former requirement has to be completed in time for the submission of the application, and should include the Police and other emergency services who may be considered to have an interest in the possible change in enforcement.

Secondly, the consultation with other organisations such as residents groups, Chamber of Commerce, Town & Parish Councils etc. will be a matter for individual authorities. In several cases, authorities have proceeded with little or no consultation at this level, whilst others have gone to considerable lengths to inform and involve the community. The general experience is that DPE on its own is not a subject that engenders a lot of public interest.

There is however a need to inform people more generally about what the implementation of DPE means to them, and to warn them about what is going to happen and when.

In terms of progressing this matter, I feel that rather than carrying out separate consultation prior to making a recommendation to Executive, that both formal and informal consultations be undertaken as one process if Executive agree to seek powers to adopt Decriminalised Parking Enforcement.



A detailed financial statement has been prepared as a part of the attached report (See Section 5). In summary this suggests that such a scheme would provide an operating surplus after 3 years based on an assumed Penalty Charge Notice fee of £60. A bid of £350,000 has been included in the Local Transport Plan submission to cover the capital set up costs.

Any surpluses have to be dispersed in accordance with Section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and relates to off street parking provision, support for public transport services or carrying out highway improvement schemes.

Members may wish to consider the wider financial implications of DPE upon the Island’’s economy. At present, fines from fixed penalty notices issued by the police and traffic wardens are paid direct to the exchequer, however income from penalty charge notices would largely remain within the local economy. The Police retain their budget and can deploy it within their own priorities.


1.        To carry out appropriate consultation and subsequently make recommendations to Executive as to whether the Council should formally apply to the DTLR for a Designation Order that would decriminalise parking enforcement across the whole Isle of Wight.

2.        To refer the matter directly to Executive for consideration.



That Option 2 above is adopted.



Minutes & Agenda for Roads & Transportation Committee July 1999

Minutes & Agenda of Environment & Transport Select Committee November 2000



Contact Point : Peter Taylor, Highways and Transportation ☎ 823777



Strategic Director of Corporate and Environment Services