Appendix 1
REVENUE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY as at end of August 2003
  Expenditure and Income Net Budget Variance      
Service Commitments                
  Budget To Date Committed % Budget To Date % Budget To Date   Comments
  £000 £000 £000   £000 £000   £000 £000 £000      
Management and                   Expenditure budget is net of
Supervision inc                   design and supervision fees
Policy and Strategy    1,803.4    851.0          35.1    49.1 -     170.1 -     81.9    48.1   1,633.3       804.2       829.1 recharged to capital  
Coast Protection,                   Budget linked to Environmental
Harbours and                   Initiatives - expenditure budget is
Seafronts      662.7    328.0          27.9    53.7 -     199.6 -   107.9    54.1      463.1       248.0       215.1 net of design and supervision
                      fees for capital projects
Waste Management                   Significant commitments relate
and                   to the waste management
Recycling    6,573.5  1,461.9     3,712.3    78.7 -         7.1 -     15.7  221.1   6,566.4     5,158.5     1,407.9 contract - budget also includes
                      landfill tax, rates etc  
Public Conveniences                    Commitment relates to cleansing
and First Time                   contract - budget also includes
Sewerage      411.5    141.6        126.2    65.1 -         1.8 -      0.4    22.2      409.7       267.4       142.3 rates, water, electricity and
                      premises insurance  
                    Primary function of the section is
                    enforcement of building
Building Control      402.8    170.8            3.3    43.2 -     372.8 -   261.0    70.0        30.0 -       86.9       116.9 regulations - income from fees
                      and inspections  
                    Commitment relates to street
Street and Beach                   cleansing contract - beach
Cleansing    1,368.5    395.9        902.3    94.9 -         0.3 -      0.7  233.3   1,368.2     1,297.5         70.7 cleansing accounts for £140,000
                      of the total budget  
                    Requirement to monitor budget
Highway                   closely as a result of budget
Maintenance    1,369.8    515.7        482.4    72.9 -       16.5 -      4.4    26.7   1,353.3       993.7       359.6 reduction of £248k (budget in
                      excess of FSS)  
Appendix 1
REVENUE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY as at end of August 2003 (continued)
  Expenditure and Income Net Budget Variance      
Service Commitments                
  Budget To Date Committed % Budget To Date % Budget To Date   Comments  
  £000 £000 £000   £000 £000   £000 £000 £000      
Traffic Management                   Budget includes safety
and                   maintenance, safety camera
Road Safety      400.4    143.1          65.1    52.0 -       53.3 -      8.2    15.4      347.1       200.0       147.1 partnership and road safety
                    Main contractual commitments
                    include energy, maintenance
Street Lighting      621.2    200.0        280.8    77.4 -       10.0 -     11.9  119.0      611.2       468.9       142.3 contracts and reactive
                    Budgets shown net of recharges
                    to users, recharges take place
Central Transport      438.8    191.9          91.9    64.7 -     300.7 -   103.4    34.4      138.1       180.4 -       42.3 quarterly, termly for Wightbus
                      school lift charges  
Public Transport                   Budget includes subsidised bus
including Cowes                   services, concessionary fares,
Floating Bridge    1,740.5    634.9            2.2    36.6 -     626.3 -   263.4    42.1   1,114.2       373.7       740.5 rural bus services (funded by
                      grant), and Cowes Ferry
                    Significant income budget
                    requires close monitoring to
Car Parking      593.0    274.9          72.3    58.5 -   2,638.7 -1,584.6    60.1 - 2,045.7 -   1,237.4 -     808.3 ensure income streams are
                      maintained; currently on target
Environmental                   Budget includes the Coastal
Initiatives including                   Visitors Centre and associated
Local Agenda 21      162.7      69.9            1.8    44.1 -       93.5 -      5.1      5.5        69.2         66.6           2.6 projects as well as Agenda 21.
                    Income low at present
Committee Total  16,548.8  5,379.6     5,803.6    67.6 -   4,490.7 -2,448.6    54.5  12,058.1     8,734.6     3,323.5