CATEGORY FOUR Net Expenditure LARGELY recharged from Other Directorates or Services within the Directorate including schools where payments are IRREGULAR and often at year end. "Individual Monthly Monitoring Statements provided to Service Managers" PAGE THREE
Education Services: Budget To Date Unspent Budget To Date Income Budget To Date Spending as Unspent
   2002-2003 31.05.2002 Budget  2002-2003 31.05.2002 Due  2002-2003 31.05.2002 a % of Budget
  £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Budget £
 - Schools Devolved S.E.N. with the largest part                    
   recharged at year end. 1,604,671 22,585 1,582,086 0 0 0   1,604,671 22,585 1.41 1,582,086
 - Speech Therapy - Health Service recharge 61,542 5,673 55,869 0 0 0 61,542 5,673 9.22 55,869
 - Home to School Transport - recharged costs 1,326,565 4,144 1,322,421 29,975 3,163 26,812 1,296,590 981 0.08 1,295,609
 - Home to College Transport 375,400 119,501 255,899 40,905 0 40,905 334,495 119,501 35.73 214,994
 - Non-Delegated school Insurance policies 5,963 0 5,963 0 0 0 5,963 0 0.00 5,963
NET EXPENDITURE TO 31.05.2002: 3,374,141 151,903 3,222,238 70,880 3,163 67,717 3,303,261 148,740   3,154,521
CATEGORY FIVE Expenditure showing SIGNIFICANT divergence from Target spending AS AT 31.05.2002 : Target % 17%    
 - County Advisory & Inspection Service 360,782 54,871 305,911 0 20,000 -20,000   360,782 34,871 9.67 325,911
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Fortuitous savings.  Vacancy to be filled September 2002 + Income in advance External Inspections.    Other departures post June 2002 may perpetuate a CASH saving beyond 30.09.2002
 - Education Psychological Service 188,813 18,984 169,829 0 0 0   188,813 18,984 10.05 169,829
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Fortuitous savings.  Vacancy not filled at 30th June 2002.
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