ADDITIONAL COSTS 2003-2004 Primary Middle High Special TOTAL
REF: Details   % £   % £   % £   % £   % £
A  - ISB Current Year 2002 - 2003     15,908,280     14,038,965     17,921,523     2,409,835     50,278,603
Forecast Pay & Price Increases 2003-04                              
B  - FYE Pay and Price Increases 2002-2003   0.53 83,551   0.55 77,220   0.40 71,070   1.22 29,449   0.52 261,290
C  - Teachers pay Award 2003-2004 (+3.5%)   2.55 405,912   2.63 369,400   2.67 478,150   2.31 55,698   2.60 1,309,160
D  - Provision for Price Increases (+3%)   0.52 83,133   0.41 57,540   0.47 83,465   0.27 6,462   0.46 230,600
E  - LG Pensions Increase (+1.5%)   0.11 16,720   0.10 14,650   0.08 14,940   0.22 5,340   0.10 51,650
F  - Teachers pension Increase (+5.15%)   2.70 429,976   2.89 405,900   2.87 515,130   2.38 57,324   2.80 1,408,330
G  - National Insurance Increase (+1%)   0.60 94,907   0.64 90,420   0.62 111,490   0.59 14,123   0.62 310,940
Pupil Numbers & Pay Increments                              
H  - Full Year Effect of Number Changes September 2002   -0.16 -25,080   0.12 16,620   0.46 82,040   0.00 0   0.15 73,580
I  - Part Year Effect Number Changes September 2003   0.01 1,200   0.16 23,120   0.16 27,960   0.00 0   0.10 52,280
J  - Pay Increments teaching Staff   0.65 103,987   0.59 83,060   0.29 52,810   0.49 11,783   0.50 251,640
K  - Pay Increments Non-Teaching Staff   0.05 7,878   0.06 8,830   0.03 5,700   0.10 2,392   0.05 24,800
Absorption of Costs previously Grant Aided                              
L  - Key Stage 1 Class Size Grants Primary schools   2.01 319,100   0.00 0   0.00 0   0.00 0   0.63 319,100
M Aggregate 'Additional' Costs 2003-04   9.56 1,521,284.00   8.17 1,146,760.00   8.05 1,442,755.00   7.58 182,571.00   8.54 4,293,370.00
N STANDSTILL BUDGET 2003-04     17,429,564     15,185,725     19,364,278     2,592,406     54,571,973
LSC Sixth Form Funding                              
O  - Sixth Form Funding INCLUDED in A above                 -5,008,799     -263,000     -5,271,799
P  - Increased costs attributable to Sixth forms included in                              
     B to K above                 -176,833     -10,000     -186,833
Q School Budget IWC funded :     17,429,564     15,185,725     14,178,646     2,319,406     49,113,341