CATEGORY FOUR Net Expenditure LARGELY recharged from Other Directorates or Services within the Directorate including schools where payments are IRREGULAR and often at year end. Target % 100% PAGE THREE
Education Services: Budget To Date Unspent Budget To Date Income Budget To Date Spending as Unspent
  2002-2003 31.03.2003 Budget 2002-2003 31.03.2003 Due 2002-2003 31.03.2003 a % of Budget
  £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Budget £
 - Schools Devolved S.E.N. with the largest part                    
   recharged at year end. 1,561,463 1,515,039 46,424 0 0 0   1,561,463 1,515,039 97.03 46,424
 - Speech Therapy - Health Service recharge 71,730 71,741 -11 0 0 0 71,730 71,741 100.02 -11
 - Home to School Transport - recharged costs 1,466,406 1,449,777 16,629 29,975 28,923 1,052 1,436,431 1,420,854 98.92 15,577
 - Home to College Transport 375,542 375,460 82 40,905 42,790 -1,885 334,637 332,670 99.41 1,967
 - Non-Delegated school Insurance policies 352,529 353,930 -1,401 340,846 340,846 0 11,683 13,084 111.99 -1,401
NET EXPENDITURE TO 31.03.2003: 3,827,670 3,765,947 61,723 411,726 412,559 -833 3,415,944 3,353,388   62,556
CATEGORY FIVE Expenditure showing SIGNIFICANT divergence from Target spending AS AT 31.03.2003 : Target % 100%    
 - County Advisory & Inspection Service 384,027 369,022 15,005 0 8,050 -8,050   384,027 360,972 94.00 23,055
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Fortuitous savings.  Vacancy to be filled September 2002 + Income in advance External Inspections. Two further vacancies to be filled January 2003.
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