CATEGORY TWO Expenditure incurred OR Income received at IRREGULAR Intervals - Start of a Financial year - End of a Financial Year - Pupil/Initiative Specific - Grant reimbursement at Year end etc Target % 100% PAGE TWO
Education Services: Budget To Date Unspent Budget To Date Income Budget To Date Spending as Unspent
  2002-2003 31.03.2003 Budget 2002-2003 31.03.2003 Due 2002-2003 31.03.2003 a % of Budget
  £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Budget £
 - School Premature Retirements Lump Sum                    
   payments 45,871 39,276 6,595 0 0 0 45,871 39,276 85.62 6,595
 - Standards Fund Non-Devolved costs 5,637,609 5,953,722 -316,113 3,617,955 3,934,006 -316,051 2,019,654 2,019,716 100.00 -62
 - Education Psychological Service 259,700 258,539 1,161 30,000 28,913 1,087 229,700 229,626 99.97 74
 - Support for pupils with Communication                    
   Disorders including Autism 64,269 64,273 -4 0 0 0 64,269 64,273 100.01 -4
 - Hearing Impaired Service 121,958 123,893 -1,935 0 0 0 121,958 123,893 101.59 -1,935
 - Tuition Centres 248,862 258,849 -9,987 19,217 18,000 1,217 229,645 240,849 104.88 -11,204
 - S.E.N. Mainland placements 1,271,011 1,281,016 -10,005 0 0 0 1,271,011 1,281,016 100.79 -10,005
 - Island Workshop 24,141 43,984 -19,843 0 20,000 -20,000 24,141 23,984 99.35 157
 - Education Welfare Service 222,267 218,475 3,792 14,335 14,545 -210 207,932 203,930 98.08 4,002
 - The Childrens Fund 408,568 408,568 0 408,568 408,568 0 0 0   0
 - Provision of Milk 16,258 15,769 489 22,058 21,745 313 -5,800 -5,976 103.03 176
 - L.E.A. Developments (Initiative Payments) 37,031 31,365 5,666 0 0 0 37,031 31,365 84.70 5,666
 - School Music Fund (Grant Aided) 532,496 536,647 -4,151 461,460 476,812 -15,352 71,036 59,835 84.23 11,201
 - Music Centre out of school provision 38,537 40,444 -1,907 16,190 18,054 -1,864 22,347 22,390 100.19 -43
 - Adult & Community Learning 323,175 458,916 -135,741 219,710 357,257 -137,547 103,465 101,659 98.25 1,806
CATEGORY TWO  (continued) Expenditure incurred OR Income received at IRREGULAR Intervals - Start of a Financial year - End of a Financial Year - Pupil/Initiative Specific - Grant reimbursement at Year end etc Target % 100% PAGE TWO (Continued)
Education Services: Budget To Date Unspent Budget To Date Income Budget To Date Spending as Unspent
  2002-2003 31.03.2003 Budget 2002-2003 31.03.2003 Due 2002-2003 31.03.2003 a % of Budget
  £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Budget £
 - West Wight Call-In Centre 9,266 9,513 -247 1,000 1,000 0 8,266 8,513 102.99 -247
 - Transforming Youth Work Development Fund 52,218 52,184 34 52,218 52,184 34 0 0   0
 - Student Awards - Grant Aided 182,900 159,020 23,880 182,870 159,020 23,850 30 0   30
 - Grant Aided Pupil support 53,996 52,394 1,602 53,996 52,394 1,602 0 0   0
 - Communication & Interaction - including                    
   Nodehill &Thompson House Outreach 129,083 11,056 118,027 121,046 0 121,046 8,037 11,056 137.56 -3,019
 - Branstone farm 91,979 90,897 1,082 40,443 45,374 -4,931 51,536 45,523 88.33 6,013
 - Llanbrynmair Outdoor activity centre 16,738 18,452 -1,714 6,030 5,686 344 10,708 12,766 119.22 -2,058
 - Early Years Service (Partly Grant Aided) 1,158,345 1,117,986 40,359 424,198 384,157 40,041 734,147 733,829 99.96 318
 - Thompson House 61,212 59,366 1,846 0 0 0 61,212 59,366 96.98 1,846
 - Property rentals and Way-leave payments 0 0 0 8,555 7,618 937 -8,555 -7,618 89.05 -937
NET EXPENDITURE TO 31.03.2003: 11,007,490 11,304,604 -297,114 5,699,849 6,005,333 -305,484 5,307,642 5,299,271   8,370
Page One
CATEGORY THREE RESERVED EXPENDITURE where costs only incurred in exceptional circumstances Target % 100%    
 - Health and safety contract payments 20,260 20,258 2 0 0 0   20,260 20,258 99.99 2
 - Inter-Authority Recoupment (Special Schools) 26,600 24,154 2,446 0 0 0   26,600 24,154 90.80 2,446
NET EXPENDITURE TO 31.03.2003: 46,860 44,412 2,448 0 0 0 46,860 44,412   2,448