CATEGORY FOUR Net Expenditure LARGELY recharged from Other Directorates or Services within the Directorate including schools where payments are IRREGULAR and often at year end. "Individual Monthly Monitoring Statements provided to Service Managers" PAGE THREE
Education Services: Budget To Date Unspent Budget To Date Income Budget To Date Spending as Unspent
   2003-2004 30.06.2003 Budget  2003-2004 30.06.2003 Due  2003-2004 30.06.2003 a % of Budget
  £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Budget £
 - Schools Devolved S.E.N. with the largest part                    
   recharged at year end. 1,691,684 726,609 965,075 0 0 0   1,691,684 726,609 42.95 965,075
 - Speech Therapy - Health Service recharge 72,577 6,095 66,482 0 0 0 72,577 6,095 8.40 66,482
 - Home to School Transport - recharged costs 1,506,128 272,059 1,234,069 29,975 3,383 26,592 1,476,153 268,676 18.20 1,207,477
 - Home to College Transport 380,207 124,461 255,746 40,905 28 40,877 339,302 124,433 36.67 214,869
 - Non-Delegated school Insurance policies 11,440 0 11,440 0 0 0 11,440 0 0.00 11,440
NET EXPENDITURE TO 30.06.2003: 3,662,036 1,129,224 2,532,812 70,880 3,411 67,469 3,591,156 1,125,813   2,465,343
CATEGORY FIVE Expenditure showing SIGNIFICANT divergence from Target spending AS AT 30.06.2003 : Target % 25%    
 - County Advisory & Inspection Service 469,596 78,113 391,483 0 44,169 -44,169   469,596 33,944 7.23 435,652
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Fortuitous savings.  Vacancy to be filled September 2003 + Income in advance External Inspections.
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