Main Activities / Functions

Volume / Size / Scale of Service


Parks, Gardens and Beaches

·         Maintenance of 250+ separate parks, gardens & open spaces covering 180 Ha

·         Management of 64 miles of coastline containing 130 emergency equipment points

·         Cleaning of 11 miles of beach producing 600+ tonnes of rubbish pa

·         Management of 170 trading concessions

·         Management of 35 playgrounds, 1100 public seats and 87 shelters

·         13 Seaside awards pa

·         All of the Island’s residents

·         Island visitors

·         National and International researchers

·         Island and visiting schools

·         Tourist related businesses

Library Service

·         11 static and 2 mobile libraries

·         Schools and children’s service

·         Prison library service

·         Loans of 1.35 M items a year (books, videos, CD’s. DVD’s, story tapes)

·         Provision of information services – reference, local history, business

·         82,000 registered library members

·         All of the Island’s residents

·         Some services available to visitors and temporary workers

·         Island schools

·         Home Office (Prisons Service)



Main Activities / Functions

Volume / Size / Scale of Service


Museums Service

·         4 public museums (including Dinosaur Isle) attracting 120,000 visitors a year

·         care of 500,000 geological, archaeological and local history items

·         Visits from 5,500 school children and other interested groups

·         Provision of advice to 25 Island based museum related organisations

·         All of the Island’s residents

·         Island visitors

·         National and International researchers

·         Island and visiting schools

·         Island organisations and individuals involved in museum provision and protection of the Island’s heritage

·         Tourist related businesses

County Record Office

·         Acquisition and care of historic documents relating to the Island.

v      260 cu m of documents stored over 5 sites

v      100 accessions received annually

·         Official place of deposit for Public Records

·         Making stored material available for public use (4,600 documents produced to 3,700 users per annum)

·         All of the Island’s residents

·         Island visitors

·         National and International researchers

·         Isle of Wight Council departments

·         Parish and Town Councils

·         Depositors including churches, solicitors, private individuals, government departments, charities and societies



Main Activities / Functions

Volume / Size / Scale of Service


Ventnor Botanic Garden

·         Provision, interpretation and care of a plant collection for education and leisure purposes

v      22 acres containing 8000 species and varieties

v      Visitor Centre including library, exhibitions, and lecture rooms

v      250,000 visitors per annum

·         Production of plants to support the site (50,000 a year plus 20,000 for resale)

·         All of the Island’s residents

·         Island visitors

·         National and International researchers

·         Island and visiting schools

·         Tourist related businesses

Sports and Recreation Development

·         Delivery of ‘Active Sport’ to 400 children a year

·         Training and development of teachers and volunteer coaches (200 and 60 a year respectively)

·         Provision of advice to all Island based sports organisations especially in relation to lottery applications

·         Provision of dual use of school sports facilities to the whole community (550,000 users across 4 sites per annum)

·         Development of school sport across all phases (19,000 children)

·         Use and promote the use of sport to deliver social and economic regeneration (Ryde SRB – 35,000 potential users)

·         All of the Island’s residents

·         Island visitors

·         Island schools

·         Island organisations and individuals involved in sports provision

·         Tourist related businesses






Main Activities / Functions

Volume / Size / Scale of Service


Arts Development and Theatres

·         Develop arts and cultural opportunities across the Island

·         Provision of advice to all Island based arts organisations especially in relation to lottery applications

·         Direct and indirect provision of arts venues for the artistic benefit of the community (100,000 visits per annum)

·         Delivery of Arts led learning opportunities from basic skills to advanced level

·         Use and promote the use of arts to deliver social and economic regeneration (Ryde SRB – 35,000 potential users)

·         All of the Island’s residents

·         Island visitors

·         Island schools

·         Island organisations and individuals involved in arts provision

·         Tourist related businesses

·         Island Artists

Schools’ Music Service

·         Provide instrumental tuition to 2100 pupils a week across 68 schools

·         Manage the Isle of Wight Music Centre (380 students a week) as a means of developing excellence in youth music

·         Introduce new activities to broaden pupils experiences of music (Solent Music Project)

·         Provision of curriculum support, advice and training for teachers

·         Island schools

·         All of the Island’s residents under 21 years