Community Development Best Value Review


Relevant Corporate Reference Documents




1.       “Island Futures” – Community Strategy

          Isle of Wight Strategic Partnership (Island Futures Partnership)  July 2002


2.       Isle of Wight Council Corporate Plan 2002-2005.


3.       Isle of Wight Council Social Inclusion Strategy 2001-2005.


4.       Isle of Wight Council CPA Improvement Plan.


5.       Isle of Wight Council Best Value Performance Plan.


6.       Isle of Wight Council Annual Action Statement 2003-4

          Other Reference Documents


7.       Isle of Wight Council People Management Strategy 2003-2006.


8.       Isle of Wight Economic Partnership – Regeneration Plan – Area Investment Framework and Market Towns Initiative Actions.


9.       Directorate of Education and Community Development Strategic Plan 2001-2004


10.     Isle of Wight Council - Wight Leisure Best Value Review 2002.


11.     Isle of Wight Council - Tourism Best Value Review 2001.


12.     Audit Commission – Wight Leisure Best Value Review Audit


13.     IdeA Best Value Report – March 2003.


14.     Isle of Wight Council – Youth and Community Best Value Review 2002


15.     Community Development and Tourism Service Plan 2003/04