Project Team


The Project Team/Steering Group was made up of a cross-section of Service Managers, Line Managers from within Community Development and a facilitator from the Best Value Unit.  The Head of Community Development and Tourism chaired the meetings.


The Team met on a regular monthly basis to discuss work completed and to plan the future schedule for the team and Service Managers involved in the Best Value review.  Members of the team were:-


John Metcalfe                   Project Leader (Head of Community Development & Tourism)


Mary Scott-Jackson           Project Management (Community Development Officer)


Richard Smout                  County Archivist


Tim Blackmore                 Head of Libraries


Mike Lister                       Libraries Operational Manager


Adrian Niemiec                 Contract Services Manager


John Vosper                     Best Value Facilitator


Pat Ayles                         Best Value Unit


Member Appraisal Group


The Portfolio Holder for Education, Community Development and

Lifelong Learning and all members of the Education & Community

Development Select Committee were invited to join the Appraisal

Group together with staff members from across the different services. 


Membership of the group was:-


Cllr Jill Wareham

Cllr John Howe

Cllr Barbara Clough

Cllr Victor Morey

Cllr Tony Mundy

Allison Ellesbsury – Ventnor Botanic Garden

Darren Poplett – Sports Development

Gwyneth Mitchell – Libraries

Hilary Walden – Libraries

Jo Cooke – Libraries

Chris Slann – Arts Development

Mike Bishop – Museums

Estelle Thomas – Rural Community Council

Mark Chiverton – Unison Representative

Project Team – As before


The Appraisal Group met 5 times and Members also took part in service

specific comparison visits to other authorities.  Cllr. Heather Humby,

Chairman of IWC, although not part of the group, expressed an interest

in Libraries, Museums and Records and subsequently made visits to

Hounslow and Portsmouth.