CATEGORY TWO Expenditure incurred OR Income received at IRREGULAR Intervals - Start of a Financial year - End of a Financial Year - Pupil/Initiative Specific - Grant reimbursement at Year end etc "Individual Monthly Monitoring Statements provided to Service Managers" PAGE TWO
Education Services: Budget To Date Unspent Budget To Date Income Budget To Date Spending as Unspent
   2003-2004 30.9.2003 Budget  2003-2004 30.9.2003 Due  2003-2004 30.9.2003 a % of Budget
  £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Budget £
 - School Premature Retirements Lump Sum                    
   payments 45,962 37,660 8,302 0 0 0 45,962 37,660 81.94 8,302
 - Standards Fund Non-Devolved costs 4,297,344 2,507,690 1,789,654 2,477,791 46,778 2,431,013 1,819,553 2,460,912 135.25 -641,359
 - Support for pupils with Communication                    
   Disorders including Autism 88,115 21,382 66,733 0 0 0 88,115 21,382 24.27 66,733
 - Speech Therapy - Health Service recharge 72,577 15,926 56,651 0 0 0 72,577 15,926 21.94 56,651
 - Hearing Impaired Service 129,431 58,421 71,010 10,000 10,000 0 119,431 48,421 40.54 71,010
 - Tuition Centres 372,862 144,176 228,686 41,000 41,000 0 331,862 103,176 31.09 228,686
 - S.E.N. Parent partnership 34,526 14,336 20,190 0 12 -12 34,526 14,324 41.49 20,202
 - Behaviour Support Service 196,615 77,228 119,387 0 0 0 196,615 77,228 39.28 119,387
 - S.E.N. Mainland placements 1,329,237 800,875 528,362 0 0 0 1,329,237 800,875 60.25 528,362
 - Island Workshop 54,405 14,416 39,989 28,875 37,218 -8,343 25,530 -22,802 -89.31 48,332
 - Education Welfare Service 278,613 115,625 162,988 15,800 2,733 13,067 262,813 112,892 42.96 149,921
 - The Childrens Fund 566,250 223,598 342,652 566,250 278,359 287,891 0 -54,761   54,761
 - Identification Referral & Tracking 100,000 20,744 79,256 100,000 50,000 50,000 0 -29,256   29,256
 - Provision of Milk 16,385 5,547 10,838 22,074 9,665 12,409 -5,689 -4,118 72.39 -1,571
 - L.E.A. Developments (Initiative Payments) 662,037 -21,835 683,872 0 0 0 662,037 -21,835 -3.30 683,872
 - Youth & Community Service 893,734 408,268 485,466 77,244 51,406 25,838 816,490 356,862 43.71 459,628
 - Education Directorate Support Services 1,746,318 644,821 1,101,497 52,685 -259 52,944 1,693,633 645,080 38.09 1,048,553
 - County Advisory & Inspection Service 469,596 200,510 269,086 0 51,964 -51,964   469,596 148,546 31.63 321,050
 - School Music Fund (Grant Aided) 562,507 253,684 308,823 461,660 43,743 417,917 100,847 209,941 208.18 -109,094
 - Music Centre out of school provision 40,537 7,564 32,973 18,000 608 17,392 22,537 6,956 30.86 15,581
 - Adult & Community Learning 290,822 65,044 225,778 193,050 219,446 -26,396 97,772 -154,402 -157.92 252,174
CATEGORY TWO  (continued) Expenditure incurred OR Income received at IRREGULAR Intervals - Start of a Financial year - End of a Financial Year - Pupil/Initiative Specific - Grant reimbursement at Year end etc "Individual Monthly Monitoring Statements provided to Service Managers" PAGE TWO (Continued)
Education Services: Budget To Date Unspent Budget To Date Income Budget To Date Spending as Unspent
   2003-2004 30.9.2003 Budget  2003-2004 30.9.2003 Due  2003-2004 30.9.2003 a % of Budget
  £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Budget £
 - West Wight Call-In Centre 9,357 2,986 6,371 1,000 0 1,000 8,357 2,986 35.73 5,371
 - Transforming Youth Work Development Fund 39,280 16,668 22,612 39,280 10,772 28,508 0 5,896   -5,896
 - Student Awards - Grant Aided 153,830 59,975 93,855 153,800 0 153,800 30 59,975   -59,945
 - Grant Aided Pupil support 53,996 15,990 38,006 53,996 18,940 35,056 0 -2,950   2,950
 - Communication & Interaction - including                    
   Nodehill &Thompson House Outreach 205,700 44,568 161,132 127,080 127,080 0 78,620 -82,512 -104.95 161,132
 - Branstone farm 98,185 47,112 51,073 40,515 26,248 14,267 57,670 20,864 36.18 36,806
 - Llanbrynmair Outdoor activity centre 15,738 482 15,256 5,030 2,863 2,167 10,708 -2,381 -22.24 13,089
 - Early Years Service (Partly Grant Aided) 2,169,295 827,880 1,341,415 332,765 221,482 111,283 1,836,530 606,398 33.02 1,230,132
 - School Crossing Patrols 88,128 37,344 50,784 0 0 0 88,128 37,344 42.37 50,784
 - Property rentals and Way-leave payments 0 0 0 8,568 5,319 3,249 -8,568 -5,319 62.08 -3,249
NET EXPENDITURE TO 30.09.2003: 15,081,382 6,668,685 8,412,697 4,826,463 1,255,377 3,571,086 10,254,919 5,413,308   4,841,611
Page One
CATEGORY THREE RESERVED EXPENDITURE where costs only incurred in exceptional circumstances "Individual Monthly Monitoring Statements provided to Service Managers"    
 - Health and safety contract payments 20,261 5,247 15,014 0 0 0   20,261 5,247 25.90 15,014
 - Inter-Authority Recoupment (Special Schools) 26,600 -20,921 47,521 0 0 0   26,600 -20,921 -78.65 47,521
NET EXPENDITURE TO 30.09.2003: 46,861 -15,674 62,535 0 0 0 46,861 -15,674   62,535