1.            The Youth Service Staff Structure has been reorganised into new geographical and thematic clusters.


2.            The Area Youth Officer posts have been redirected to Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance.


3.            All Youth Centres have internet access, and training has been completed to adopt the National Youth Agency Management Information System ‘FirstBase’.


4.            The Youth Empowerment Worker, with Electoral and Committee Services, organised the first e-elections for the Isle of Wight Youth Council.


5.            The Foundation Course for part time youth worker training is now being accredited through Eastleigh College, in partnership with Hampshire and Southampton Youth Services.


6.            Discussions continue with the Isle of Wight Youth Trust to develop the ‘One Stop Shop’.


7.            The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award’s Management Information System ‘DEAMS’ is now on-line, and the Sports Unit has become a Duke of Edinburgh’s Award ‘Access’ organisation.


8.            The Joint Working Agreement with Connexions has been signed, and the first ‘Opening Doors’ Seminar with the Youth Service and Connexions staff took place in July 2003.


9.            The age of paid youth workers has been reduced from 21 to 18 years.


10.        Two part time youth workers have been appointed to work with young people with special needs.


11.        ‘Year 11 Leavers with No Destination’ Week at Llanbrynmair, the Youth Service Outdoor Education Centre took place as did a residential under the banner ‘Positive Action with Young People’.


12.        The summer programme for Streets Ahead and Mobile Youth Initiatives was a great success.


13.        The Youth Service purchased a third minibus.


14.        Work continues with High Schools and St George’s School on the Car Project.


15.        The Youth Service continues to support a part time youth worker to gain a national qualification at Brighton University.


16.        Personal achievements of Youth Service staff:


§         The Youth Service Business Administration Manager achieved the International Diploma in Administration Management.


§         The Mobile Youth Initiatives Project Worker achieved a National Qualification in Youth and Community Work.


§         Currently 5 full time staff are undertaking the Connexions Diploma for Personal Advisors.


§         Three part time staff achieved a Certificate in Part Time Youth Work.


17.        In May 2003, HRH Earl of Wessex presented 3 Adult Recognition Certificates to staff involved with the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, and the Operating Licence to the Isle of Wight Council.  Bronze and Silver Award achievers were also presented to HRH.


18.        The Youth Service continues to support Challenge and Adventure (C&A), Mobile Youth Initiatives (MY-I), Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE), Island Youth Water Activities Centre (IYWAC), plus the uniformed voluntary sector with training grants and other services.


19.        International Youth Exchanges continue to take place with Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland and Denmark, both here and in Finland, Germany and Lithuania.


Outstanding Objectives


1.            Review staff job descriptions and salary gradings.  A national consultation is currently taking place.


2.            Establish a Members Task Group which involves young people to keep the Improvement Plan under review.


3.            Consult with young people – this will take place during the Youth Work Week from 3 to 7 November 2003.


4.            Review the operation and constitutions of Youth Centre Management Committees.


5.            Produce a document outlining the responsibilities of the Operating Authority and Awards Groups.