Present :


Mr J F Howe (Chairman), Mrs B D Clough, Mr C M Gauntlett, Mr C R Hancock, Mrs M A Jarman (deputising for Mr V J Morey), Mr P D Joyce, Mr R G Mazillius  Mr A J Mellor, Mrs E Oulton, Mr K Pearson, Mr R C Richards


Co-opted (voting) :


Sister Patricia, Mr T Wood


Also present (non-voting) :


                        Mr A C Bartlett, Mr R A Sutton


Apologies :


                        Mr V J Morey




38.              MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 17 November 2003 be confirmed.




Interests were no declarations made at this stage.


40.              PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Written questions were put to the Chairman by Mrs M Swan and Mr M Swan in relation to SEN and AS levels.


Copies of the questions and replies given are contained in the Public Question Register.


41.              SPORTS DEVELOPMENT


The Chairman welcomed a number of stakeholders who had been invited to provide an input into a review of Sports Development on the Island. The following representatives were present :- Mr T Blunden, Isle of Wight Sports and Recreation Council; Mrs G Foster, IW County Netball Association; Mr D Fothergill, Ryde Lawn Tennis Club; Mr D Killpack, IW Cricket Academy, Mr G Stroud, IW Athletics Club.


Members considered the report of the Head of Community Development and Tourism on the progress made on the Sports Development Action Plan which was contained within the Community Development Best Value Review submitted to the Select Committee on 21 July 2003. A range of key achievements involving the Sports Unit were also outlined.


Members were advised that a decision was still awaited from the Department of Culture, Media and Sport on the success of the Council’s bid to be designated as a Sports Action Zone. The Council had however been successful in securing grant from the New Opportunities Fund to provide new playground facilities at primary schools. Final approval was also awaited for grant aid to provide a multi use games area at both Ventnor Middle School and Sandown High School. Works had been completed to improve drainage at Seaclose Park, Newport and additional playing fields at Haylands Farm, Ryde. It was also intended to resurface the athletics track at the Fairway, Sandown during the summer of 2004. A range of initiatives that  the Unit had been involved in were also outlined. The Head of Community Development reported on work being done to establish a new strategic body for Island sport. It was anticipated that this could be achieved by the summer of 2004.


Stakeholders raised issues relating to the lack of availability of indoor facilities. Many Sports Centres were fully booked at peak times on a regular basis. This meant that small clubs, or minority sports, found it difficult to obtain accommodation for training sessions. The Head of Community Development referred to the need for Leisure Centres to maximise income. The dual use of school facilities had been raised previously by the Select Committee. Whilst it was noted that there were a range of resource issues to overcome members believed that these had not been fully identified or costed. Whilst it was also noted that School Governing Bodies were responsible for the letting of individual school premises the Select Committee considered that there was a need to debate the subject further.


The pressures on the school curriculum were mentioned and this made the inclusion of sport a problem. A number of schools operated after school activities but this relied greatly on the goodwill of those staff involved. Coaches were welcomed into schools but this often necessitated the transport of equipment to schools by those involved. The sustainability of such coaching was another area where there were pressures.


The cost of transport was a major impediment. Whilst the Council had a grant scheme for talented athletes this was limited to £200 per person. The cross Solent operators did offer special discounted fares to many of the Island teams competing on the mainland. The stakeholders indicated that schools had difficulties in the costs of transport for inter school competitions and training sessions. There were problems with parents being able to offer transport to children due to child protection issues. Mention was made of the Youth Mover Plus Leisure Access scheme being trialled by Wight Leisure in conjunction with Southern Vectis and Island Line. This was aimed at encouraging greater use of public transport and leisure facilities outside school hours.




(a)        THAT officers investigate the ability to seek a discount for the use of Wight Bus to transport children to and from school, or training centres, for specific sporting activities and report back in six months time.


(b)        THAT a report be considered in 12 months time on progress made by the Sports Development Unit on activities and key objectives.


(c)        THAT the appreciation of the work undertaken by the Sports Development Unit be recorded in the minutes.


42.              EDUCATION FINANCE 2004-05


The Select Committee considered the report of the Strategic Director of Education and Community Development on the schools budget for 2004/05. The Chairman welcomed Mr J Lucas, Chairman of the Schools Forum.


Members were reminded of the funding arrangements approved by the Council in respect of the current financial year.  The Strategic Director explained the changes to the Government’s funding arrangements for 2004/05 and the effect that this would have on expenditure on the Schools Block and LEA Block. The major problem area related to the amount allowed for inflation for LEA central services. This would be insufficient to maintain the delivery of existing levels of service.


Mr J Lucas referred to the good working relationship between schools and the LEA. Schools were aware of the complexities of the financial situation faced by the Council. The Forum was concerned about the Government funding for central services under the Schools Block and the LEA Block. The inflation figures allowed, particularly for school transport and mainland SEN placements, in the settlement would have a serious impact on the ability of the Council to meet such costs. Mr Lucas advised the Select Committee of the importance of resources being allocated for a dedicated Health and Safety Officer dealing with education. On the matter of the Standards Fund the Forum indicated the need for matched funding to be forthcoming from the Council as this formed an integral part of service delivery.  Schools, in recognition of the overall funding difficulties faced by the Council were utilising balances but these were now at a very low level and such action could not be sustained.


The Select Committee was made aware that the estimated shortfall in funding was £304,988 for the Schools Block and £362,861 for the LEA Block. Authorities were expected to passport the increase in the Schools Formula Spending Share but special permission would be required from the Secretary of State if the element relating to ‘central services’ was planned to increase at a greater rate than that delegated to schools.


Members discussed the costs of mainland placements for pupils with SEN. It was noted that in some instances funding was also provided by Social Services and or Health. Concern was expressed as to the level of increase being sought by the mainland facilities and no attempt appeared to be made by these to contain costs. Due to the range of different type of placements required it had not been cost effective for the Council to make its own provision on the Island.




(a)        THAT the recommendations of the Schools Forum be noted.


(b)        THAT the Executive be recommended to passport the Schools Budget.


(c)        THAT the Executive be recommended to note the shortfall in the ‘central services’ element of the Schools Budget and the shortfall in the LEA Budget and makes good as much as possible the shortfalls within the context of the overall Council Budget.


43.              SEN TASK GROUP UPDATE


The Select Committee was advised by Cllr P Joyce, as the Lead Member, on the range of issues considered by the Task Group in its review of the SEN statementing process.  He highlighted three issues that required immediate attention. The Select Committee noted that the Task Group was due to meet immediately following this meeting and indicated that it should consider these prior to any recommendations being made. This would also enable appropriate advice to be obtained as to the procedures involved in the statementing process.




            THAT the report be noted.