[COMMENT1]                                                                                                                           PAPER C





Date :               14TH OCTOBER 2002


Title :                SPORTS ACTION ZONE TASK GROUP









To update the Committee on the latest developments regarding the Isle of Wight’s bid to become a Sport Action Zone.




The Select Committee established a Task Group a year ago to assist in the Island’s bid to become a Sport Action Zone.  The application to Sport England was formed in partnership with many other local organisations who have established a core management structure in readiness of the project gaining approval. 


The Isle of Wight application has been endorsed by all its partners and covers the entire County of the Isle of Wight.  The bid is for revenue support to develop an infrastructure of localised sports / community development initiatives.  The Isle of Wight bid aims to:


1.      To create a strategic partnership linking Sports Action Zone with key Island strategic policies.

2.      Develop communities through Sport & Physical activity.

3.      Create a structure of community workers to help deliver the needs of local communities.

4.      Develop local training and education opportunities.

5.      Monitor and track participants using best practice from around the Island to improve activity opportunities.


The Task Group have been involved through the Stage 1 bidding process, which was submitted to Sport England on the 3rd July this year.


In total nine Stage 1 applications were submitted to Sport England from around the South East Region for consideration by the Panel. Applications were received from; Milton Keynes, Southampton, Portsmouth, Reading, Hastings, South East combined, Medway & Gravesend, Dover, Thanet and Shepway and the Isle of Wight.


In a letter dated 24th September, Sport England notified the Isle of Wight Sports Partnership of its decision to give outline approval for its Stage 1 application, stating it had demonstrated sufficient potential to develop the bid through a Stage 2 process. The Isle of Wight were selected as one of 26 areas selected Nationally to progress Stage 2 applications.  The others areas selected from the South East Region include Hastings and the South East combined bids.


The Panel have made suggestions on how to improve the bid through Stage 2 which include:-


Ø       Clarifying the use of local facilities to support the programme

Ø       Expand further how the funding opportunities can contribute to the SAZ

Ø       Provide ideas on how the voluntary sector can be included

Ø       Clarify the role of the community workers highlighted in the bid


Stage 2 applications will need to be completed by 20th November 2002, with both Task Group and local Sports Partnerships Member’s making suggestions and contributions to the bid.



Sports Action Zone Task Group file


Contact Point : Charlie Hancock, ( 07881 528995 




                                                                               CHARLIE HANCOCK

                                                         Chairman of the Sports Action Zone Task Group

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