Present :


Mrs B D Clough (Vice Chairman in the Chair), Mr C R Hancock, Mr P D Joyce Mr R G Mazillius,  Mr A J Mellor, Mrs M J Miller (deputising for Mr J F Howe), Mr V J Morey, Mrs E Oulton, Mr R C Richards


Co-opted (voting) :


Mr A Wood


Portfolio Holder :


Mrs J L Wareham


Apologies :


                        Mr C M Gauntlett, Mr J F Howe, Archdeacon Dr T Reader


Also present (non voting):


                        Mr A C Bartlett, Mrs M A Jarman




54.              MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 22 March 2004 be confirmed.




There were no interests declared at this stage.




The Select Committee received the report of the Head of Community Development updateing members on progress on implementing the improvement plan associated with the Best value Review considered at the meeting on 21 July 2003. The Select Committee, whilst acknowledging that it was the Easter holiday period, expressed concern that only the Sports and Arts Development Officer was in attendance to answer questions. It had been anticipated that other relevant service managers would be available. The Portfolio Holder indicated that she would raise this matter with the Head of Community Development on his return from leave.


The Select Committee was reminded of the individual services within Community Development that came within the review. There was also a strong link between the review and the Cultural Strategy.


In scrutinising the actions, associated costs, target dates and outcomes for the individual performance improvement plans the following key points were raised :-

PIP 1 – Community Development Organisational Structure – Concern was expressed by members as to possible effects on service delivery caused by the amount of restructuring involving Community Development.  Members were assured by the Portfolio Holder that service delivery should not be affected. The work being undertaken connected with Wight Leisure being assimilated within Community Development was being monitored by the Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services Select Committee.


PIP8 – Community Development Marketing Plan – Marketing of all facilities operated under the umbrella of Community Development would be co-ordinated and budgets combined to ensure more effective utilisation.


PIP9 – Charging Policies – Noted that a review was being undertaken of charging policies for tourists and residents. Details of this exercise was requested.


PP10 – Island History Centre – No funding available but possibility of electronic delivery being investigated. Also no funds allocated for feasibility study into relocation of the County Record Office. There was still a concern that the Council would lose the licence to hold certain types of public records unless more adequate storage facilities were achieved. Clarification would be sought as to whether income was received for retention of such records.


PIP 11 – Library Service – Improvements being undertaken on a rolling basis. The Portfolio Holder indicated that a review was underway on opening times of libraries and the facilities offered at these. It was anticipated that options would be presented to the Select Committee later in the year prior to any decision being taken by the Executive.


PIP 12 – Ventnor Botanic Garden – Officers should look at marketing opportunities provided by the Garden and partner agencies in connection with Wight in Bloom. Use of facility for RHS examination courses welcome.


PIP 13 – Theatre Provision – Intention to move towards better service delivery at the same cost. Trading position for the period January to March 2004 up on previous years. Significant money required for works to ageing buildings. Officers should ensure that the new Manager at Ryde Theatre contacted a representative of the Ryde Organ Trust on future proposals.


PIP 19 – Arts – Although the bid had not been successful for additional administrative support funding had become available through the Creative Partnership to assist for a two year period.


PIP 21 – Community Use of Schools – New multi-use games areas were being provided at two schools with a further one planned. Separate budget for these facilities were maintained by schools and any surplus had to be utilised for their maintenance and enhancement and not for general school purposes.


The Select Committee was aware that the services provided by Community Development were not statutory. There were however important links with the Council’s Corporate objectives, the themes contained within the Community Strategy and also the Cultural Strategy.


In respect of the issues raised where written answers had to be supplied the Select Committee considered that these should also be supplied to the press. This was on the basis that the information would have been made publicly available at the meeting if the information had been provided.




(a)        THAT a written answer be provided by the Head of Community Development in respect :-


(i)         the charging policies for tourists and residents discounts that were being reviewed;

(ii)        whether the Council received any income in respect of the storage of public records;

(iii)       the number of those studying the RHS General examination who were successful.


(b)        THAT the Portfolio Holder brings to the attention of the Head of Community Development the concern of the Select Committee on the absence of a number of key service mangers.


(c)        THAT the Portfolio Holder and Head of Community Development give high priority to finding alternative premises for the storage of, and accessibility to, public records and report back on proposals within the next six months.


(d)        THAT the Portfolio Holder and Head of Community Development report to the Select Committee on options for library opening hours and service provision prior to consideration by the Executive.


(e)        THAT progress on action being taken under the Improvement Plan be considered later in the year when all the relevant Service Managers can be present.


57.              SEN TASK GROUP


The Select Committee was advised by Cllr P Joyce, as Chairman of the SEN Task Group, on progress made on reviewing the Council’s compliance with the SEN Code of Practice. The Task Group was initially concentrating on the statementing process. Evidence had been taken from a number of officers and representatives of partner agencies involved in the process. The Task Group would be submitting recommendations to the Select Committee at its June meeting. It would then investigate the funding mechanisms involved with SEN provision.




            THAT the report be noted.


58.              MEMBERS’ QUESTION TIME


Oral questions were put to the Chairman as follows :


Sports Action Zones – Mr C Hancock – official position relating to designation of the Island as a Sports Action Zones to be reported to the Select Committee when known.


Budget Setting by Schools – Mr A Mellor – Whether any schools had set a deficit budget.


PE in Schools – Mr P Joyce – Highlighted that not all schools were delivering the PE curriculum in full.


Newport Football Club – Mr M J Cunningham – Made aware that the Council had offered advice on the development of community activities.