Committee :     Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning Select Committee


Date :               12 August 2002


Title :               ANNUAL LIBRARY PLAN 2002-05







Members are invited to make comments on the Library Service for consideration in the Annual Library Plan 2002-2005.




The Council is required by Government to produce an Annual Library Plan (ALP).  The next plan is to be submitted to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) by 30th September 2002.


The plan must be produced in a format prescribed by the DCMS.  It will be assessed by the DCMS for its ability to deliver on all of the targets set out in it and especially for the Council’s progress in meeting the Public Library Standards (PLS).


In the past 3 years all of the Council’s ALP’s have been rated as “satisfactory” in terms of their overall quality as a planning tool and the Council’s approach to meeting the PLS.


The comments made by the DCMS advisers on the previous plan may well prove a suitable starting point for Members in considering the next plan.  These comments are summarised below :-


1.      The Library Service seems to be contributing, or intending, to most of the corporate policies, but more detail could usefully be provided to support this.


2.      The review process is well carried out and acknowledges achievements and shortfalls against standards and proposes action.


3.      Concern must be expressed about the low level of achievement of the previous Action Plan, and whether the new Action Plan is deliverable.  The authority has not yet committed to providing the resources to meet Public Library Standards 17 and 18. 


4.      A generally well presented Plan, which could be further developed in the areas indicated above.


For Information


(a)   Annex 1 summarises the Council’s current performance in meeting the PLS.


(b)   The action plan for the 2001-2003 ALP is attached at Annex 2.


(c)    The Council spent £10,540 per 1,000 population on the library service in 2001-02.


(d)   The average spend per 1,000 population of all Unitary Councils on their library services in 2001-02 was £12,720.


(e)   The estimated cost of achieving the PLS, based on the current pattern of service provision is £260,000 (£2,000 per 1,000 population).


(f)     The Library Service is currently undergoing a Best Value Review as part of the Community Development Best Value Review.  An interim report is due in the Autumn.


(g)      Public Library Standards 17 and 18 relate to the number of annual items added through purchase per 1,000 population and the number of years taken to replenish the lending stock on open access or available for loan).  Specific targets should be added to the Action Plan, so that success can be measured, especially when it is not self-evident

                                                                                    John Metcalfe

                                                          Head of Community Development and Tourism