Present :


Mr C R Hancock (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr A C Bartlett, Mr M J Cunningham (deputising for Mr J Whittaker), Mr J F Howe, Mrs B Lawson, Mr R G Mazillius (deputising for Mr J A Bowker), Mr A J Mundy, Mr R C Richards, Mr D G Williams


Portfolio Holder :


Mr J H Fleming, Mr H Rees, Mrs S A Smart


Also present (non-voting) :


                        Mrs M A Jarman


Apologies :


                        Mr J A Bowker, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr J Whittaker




56.              MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 16 December 2003 be confirmed.




Mr R C Richards declared a personal interest in the agriculture and rural development section of the Brussels Office report in minute 58.




The Chairman welcomed Daniella Terruso, European Liaison Officer based at the Brussels Office who represented the interests of the Isle of Wight, Hampshire and West Sussex Councils.  Her report referred to activities undertaken since the last report in June 2003.


Members were made aware of work to strengthen the activities and links of the three authorities.  This would assist in the flow of information and help to avoid duplication where possible.


Miss Terruso outlined current and future major activities within the key areas of the reform of EU regional policy, Environment, Governance and regionalisation, Health and social care and Agriculture and rural development.  The Select Committee was made aware of the involvement of both the Leader of the Council and the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, UK and EU Regional Issues in European issues.  The Chairman referred to the weekly Euroflash that he received which he found of interest.  The circulation of this could be extended to all interested members.  Members noted that Hampshire and West Sussex County Council’s received regular reports from the Brussels Office.  A different approach to this was undertaken by each Authority and it appeared that their Scrutiny Committees were not involved in the process.


The Select Committee was given an outline of funding obtained through EU initiatives.  Members believed there was a need to emphasise the direct benefits that the Island received.  The Portfolio Holder indicated that based on the most recent information the Island attracted grant aid of £28.00 per head of population compared with £3.00 for other parts of the region.




(a)        THAT the list of benefits for the Island arising as a direct consequence of the activities of the Brussels Office be sent to all members, and such details be included in future reports.


(b)        THAT officers ascertain what monitoring activities are undertaken by Select Committees in Hampshire and West Sussex of the Brussels Office.


(c)               THAT the weekly “Euroflash” be forwarded to all members of the Select Committee.


59.              TOURISM


The Chairman explained that the reports of the Head of Community Development and Tourism relating to :


(i)                  Tourism Development Plan Update


(ii)                Partnership Arrangements with Tourism South East


(iii)               New Policies for Tourism


were interlinked and he proposed to deal with the three issues as one item.  He welcomed four Key Stakeholders who had been invited to comment on the three papers.  Those were :


Mr S Dabell – Chairman of the interim sub-regional committee of TSE and Tourism Champion for the LSP.


Mr D Groocock – Chairman of the Island Tourist Industry Association, Isle of Wight.


Mr H Boynton – The interim Isle of Wight sub-regional Director of TSE


Mr D Shirley – TSE representative on the interim sub-regional committee of TSE and also Chairman of the Isle of Wight Visitor Attractions and Accommodation Association


The Head of Community Development and Tourism, in introducing the three reports, referred to consideration being given by the Local Strategic Partnership on the development of tourism.  A number of key priorities had been identified and these would be valuable in the production of a revised Tourism Development Plan.


In respect of Partnership arrangements with Tourism South Ease the Select Committee had requested to be updated prior to the matter being considered by the Executive.  The Head of Community Development and Tourism referred to the restructuring of the Southern and South East Tourist Boards into one new Board which would trade as Tourist South East (TSE).  The Island had been identified as one of its six sub regions.  An outline was given of the arrangements for a permanent Committee for the Isle of Wight which would replace existing structures.


The Stakeholders were then invited to advise the Select Committee on their views relating to reports.  Mr Dabell welcomed the proposals and indicated that there were still a number of important issues to resolve.  He explained that it was the intention of the Island Tourist Industry Association (ITIA) to merge with the Chamber of Commerce to provide a stronger partnership of Island businesses.


Mr Boynton referred to the importance for the Island to have its own sub group under TSE.  He advised however that the responsibility of the TSE was for the whole region and a decision taken by it may not be in the best interests of the Island.


Mr Groocock stressed the need to move forward with a Tourism Development Plan which incorporated sustainable tourism and recognising that quality was an important issue to address.


Mr Shirley welcomed the clarity being brought to a range of tourism issues.  He questioned the basis of discounts given by Isle of Wight Tourism for services provided, a separate package based on the display of leaflets at Tourist Information Centres and the controversial matters relating to service provision.


The Head of Community Development and Tourism indicated the basis upon which the proposed service packages were designed.  Negotiations were still ongoing on the range to be offered and any discounts made available for members of particular groups.  It was noted that space at a number of TIC’s was limited and this necessitated supplies of leaflets to be distributed centrally from Westridge. The ability of a group of independent businesses to undertake separate marketing initiatives would be retained.  The Select Committee considered that it was not appropriate for it to become involved in operational details and this should be left to officers and representatives of the industry to discuss.


The Head of Community Development and Tourism outlined the timescale for the appointment of a new Head of Tourism.  It was intended to hold interviews for the shortlisted candidates on 26 and 27 January 2004.  Once in post the postholder would be expected to complete the revised Tourism Development Plan within a six month period.  Discussion took place on the e-Destination Management System which was due to go live on 1 April 2004.  This would also provide internet listing, web page listing and hyperlinks to businesses own web sites.


Members raised the importance of transport in tourism.  There appeared no formal links between the Tourist Industry and the Quality Transport Partnership.  With regard to the provision of appropriate training courses for those involved in the tourist industry it was noted that this was improving, particularly with the independent providers and geared to the requirements of businesses.  The Stakeholders believed that general business training should be seen as a standard requirement for all concerned, irrespective of size or nature.


The Stakeholders recognised the difficulties faced by the Council in setting its precept and the support provided for tourism particularly as it was not a statutory requirement.  It was a key industry worth approximately £312m  which was a vital aspect of the Island’s economy.


The Chairman thanked the Stakeholders for attending the meeting and making a valuable contribution to the debate.




(a)               THAT the delivery of a Tourism Development Plan, which includes tangible and measurable targets, be supported.


(b)               THAT the aim of achieving a single membership organisation representing all spectrums of the Island’s tourism industry be supported.


(c)               THAT the stakeholders be invited back to the Select Committee in 12 months time to evaluate the effectiveness of the new DMS system, progress on the Tourism Development Plan and the new structural arrangements for tourism.




Consideration was given to the Forward Plan for the period January 2004 to April 2004.




THAT the contents be noted.


61.              MEMBERS’ QUESTION TIME


A question was asked on behalf of Miss H L Humby in relation to the funding of decorative lighting in Sandown.  The Head of Community Development and Tourism indicated that he would provide a written reply direct to Miss Humby.