Progress Report to Select Committee




The Head of Tourism started on 10th May 2004, and, as a priority, was tasked to produce a Tourism Development Plan (TDP) within six months. This report updates the Select Committee on the progress made so far on the construction of the Plan.


·        Value of Tourism


The TDP will identify the current value of tourism to the island and the associated economic, social and environmental benefits.


It will also identify the key concerns about issues within the industry at the moment and the negative impacts of tourism on the island.


·        Regional Context



It is important that the Plan fits into a regional hierarchy. The diagram above shows how it will relate to the Regional Economic Strategy and the recent Tourism South East Tourism Strategy (Tourism ExSellence). The latter has also identified the Isle of Wight as a discrete sub – region which has been re-enforced by the establishment of the Isle of Wight Tourist Board.


(The Board is made up of representatives from TSE, IWC and the private sector and is currently Chaired by Simon Dabell. It is envisaged that the Board replaces the Tourism Partnership – also see Co-ordination of  Delivery later in report)


TSE has also laid out Sub Regional Priorities for the island which are being used as  ‘umbrella’ criteria for the TDP.


It is proposed that the TDP has a long term vision to 2020 to be consistent with the wider Island Futures but will need to contain short term costed actions.


·        Related IOW Plans and Strategies – the plan will also take into account existing and emerging plans and strategies that will have a direct bearing on tourism. These include :-



2020 Vision of Tourism on the Island


The TDP will identify key objectives that tourism should seek to achieve by 2020 :-

o       A better employer – better paid, skilled and satisfied workforce

o       Radically less seasonal – longer, flatter patterns of business

o       Increased wealth creation – higher spend from visitors, more profitable businesses

o       Higher quality – across the whole spectrum of visitor experience

o       Higher levels of repeat business – more satisfied and motivated customers

o       More acceptable locally – tourism seen as a credible part of the economy and positive contributor to the quality of life on the island

o       Enhancing and protecting the environment – ensuring that key assets are not spoiled by over development or excessive use.


Framework for the TDP


It is proposed that the TDP has two key horizontal themes of Sustainability and Quality. However, the catalyst to help drive and implement effective change should be the public and private sectors working in a smarter way  :-













Co-ordination of Delivery


The long term success of the TDP will be dependent on the comprehensive ‘buy in’ and subsequent actions of key partners.


It will also need to be monitored, evaluated and updated on a regular basis in order to retain its validity.


The sub regional structure and IOW Tourist Board would appear to be the logical ‘umbrella’ under which this could most effectively take place. It links with the regional agencies  through TSE increasing the potential influence on matters such as project funding and support. However, the current structure of the Board is not fully representative of the agencies on the island that would be controlling change and development in the key areas identified under ‘Destination Management’.


The TDP will make recommendations as to what that representation should be and how the IOW Tourist Board could develop its role.  


Next Steps


The Head of Tourism is continuing on a round of presentations and discussions with public agencies and private sector bodies and individuals. TSE and the IOW Tourist Board has given its broad approval to the framework and a further meeting is planned for early November to review the specific Action Plans. Following approval a final draft will go forward to the IWC Executive with a public launch before Christmas to co-ordinate with the launch of new marketing initiatives for 2005.