Present :


Mr C R Hancock (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr A C Bartlett, Mr J A Bowker, Mr J F Howe (deputising for Mrs M J Lloyd), Miss H L Humby, Mrs E Oulton, Mr R C Richards, Mr D G Williams


Portfolio Holders :


                        Mrs T M Butchers, Mr J H Fleming


Also Present (non voting) :


                        Mr R Barry, Mrs M A Jarman, Mrs B Lawson, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr V J Morey, Mrs S A Smart, Mr R A Sutton, Mr A Taylor, Mr D T Yates


Apologies :


                        Mrs M J Lloyd




1.                  MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 1 April 2004 be confirmed.


2.                  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST


There were no declarations at this stage.


3.                  MEMBERS’ QUESTION TIME


A Question was put to the Chairman as follows :


Miss H Humby asked a question relating to beach maintenance (MQ17/04).


A copy of the question and reply given are contained in the Members’ Questions Register.




The Chairman welcomed Ms Jane Dann, Director of Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design and Robert Green, Associate of Alan Baxter and Associates, consulting Engineers to the meeting.


Following the Select Committees meeting in July 2003 Members received a detailing the progress on the Masterplan for Pan. The Head of Planning Services explained that since their appointment as consultants, Tibbalds, together with Council Officers had been progressing the Plan through a series of stakeholder workshops, discussion with individual agencies, survey work and information gathering to inform the preparation of the Masterplan.

The Masterplan aimed to set the context for the consideration of more detailed design and future planning applications. To give the Plan appropriate weight the plan would become Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) to the Unitary Development Plan (UDP). To achieve SPG status a further round of public consultation was required prior to new planning legislation taking effect in July 2004 which would remove the Council’s ability to adopt as SPG.


The Select Committee received a presentation from Tibbalds Consultants which included the following areas :


·                     Key aims.

·                     Key issues raised by Stakeholders.

·                     Opportunities and Constraints.

·                     The Design.

·                     Sustainability.

·                     Land use, density and mix.

·                     Vehicular movement – concept of a naturally traffic calmed spine road.


The next steps of the Masterpan were to finalise the draft SPG, to undertake public consultation, adopt the SPG and work towards planning applications.


            Members raised a number of key issues during discussion, these included :


·                     A relief route to bypass Newport Town Centre – this had been part of the original development and Members considered that its viability should be considered.

·                     Transport Impact Assessment should be undertaken and should include an assessment of the need for a strategic relief route.

·                     The Impact of additional Housing on schools, including a safe routes to school scheme.

·                     Ensuring the right mix of Housing tenures.

·                     To ensure that Green Areas had a specified use.

·                     That houses were built with adequate car parking provision.

·                     That a Health Centre be included in the development.

·                     That there be adequate public transport.

·                     Ensure integration of the old and new sites by means of a Community Centre.


In particular discussion ensued regarding the need for a relief route around Newport Town Centre in order to remove traffic pressures from Coppine Bridge. Members recalled that this had been part of the original scheme and were concerned that it had now been omitted. It was suggested that this may be due inpart, to the costs involved.  A representative from the Highways Department advised the Select Committee that a Transport Impact Assessment (TIA) would need to be undertaken to indicate the impact of the traffic generated by this development. There was also some discussion regarding the naturally traffic calmed spine road as outlined in the Plan and how this might be effected by a relief route.


The additional number of people living in the development was estimated to be 2000, Members then questioned what impact this would have on the environment and local services eg the impact of additional housing on schools, capacity to accommodate extra students, although the possible extension of one school was being considered and safe routes to school scheme was being considered. It was noted that not all residents in the area would be new to the Island. In addition the need to provide adequate parking with new builds was emphasised.


Due to the time constraints of adopting SPG prior to July 2004, it was agreed that formal public consultation would commence. However it was noted that the need to undertake a TIA was essential to the development. It was agreed that in order to progress the scheme within the specified timetable Officers would consult with the Chairman of this Committee, Vice Chairman of this Committee, Portfolio Holder and the local member on matters relating to concerns raised at this meeting.




(a)             THAT the Select Committee recommend that a Transport Impact Assessment be conducted to help formulate options on how to address the impact of this development on the transport infrastructure of Newport.


(b)             THAT the Select Committee recommend that ‘Green Areas’ be designated how they would be specifically used, maintained and protected as part of the Masterplan


(c)             THAT the Committee recommend that further work be done with the Primary Care Trust to explore opportunities of sustaining our ‘care in the community policies’


(d)             THAT the Select Committee recommend that further work be done to ensure adequate parking provision was made in the Masterplan before it was made Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) to the Unitary Development Plan (UDP).












