Present :

Mr M G Barton (Chairman), Mr C P Boswell, Mrs A E Hewitt, Mrs M A Jarman, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs L E Rogerson (as deputy for Mr D J Knowles) Mrs C T G Webb

Also Present (Non-Voting) :

Mr J Effemey, Mr P G Harris, Mr V J Morey, Mr G A Nichols, Mrs S A Smart. Mrs J L Wareham

Apologies :

Mrs D Gardiner, Mr D Knowles


THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 5 March 2001 be confirmed.


The Chairman agreed to consideration of three items of urgent business as a decision was required prior to the next meeting with two and it was necessary to advise members of the latest position with another. The Chairman proposed to consider the items regarding the installation of IT in Tourist Information Centres on the Island and the funding of costs related to the foot and mouth crisis at the end of the meeting.
Reversal of European Ombudsman Decision
The Chairman reported on the decision of the European Ombudsman to withdraw his support for the Council's challenge to be considered eligible for European structural funding. The initial Ombudsman's inquiry had concluded that the Commission had not taken all relevant factors into account. The Ombudsman now conceded that, in confirming the Commissions decision, all the issues had been considered. The Islands MEP and the Council refuted this and indicated that the latest justification for ignoring the Island's case was flawed. A meeting between European and government representatives was to be established, in order to examine the situation and plan how best to take the matter forward.
THAT the report be noted.


The Chairman welcomed to the meeting all the guest speakers and members of the Education, Community Development and Life Long Learning Select Committee.
Representatives of the Isle of Wight Partnership (IWP) presented the draft of the Island Regeneration Strategy, 2001 - 2005 which had been produced following extensive, widespread consultation with key stakeholders and partners. The document had been approved by the Partnership Board, at their recent meeting, subject to a few minor amendments. The Strategy aimed to provide a clear framework for the IWP's activities to contribute to the economic and social prosperity of the Island, through to 2005. Realisation of the document's aim would require simultaneous action in a number of areas and necessitated close working arrangements with the many partner agencies. Arising from the consultation process a number of key themes had been identified, underpinned by the working principle of 'sustainability'. The programme for action followed a demanding and ambitious plan:
� To build competitive businesses
� To create a culture of innovation
� To develop the Island as one of the top UK tourist and leisure destinations
� To improve skills and employability
� To regenerate our most deprived neighbourhoods
� To regenerate the Islands' rural communities
Mr D Fisher, the Managing Director of Yokogawa Marex Limited and a Council Member of Local Learning and Skills Council provided a brief outline on how Yokogawa Marex Limited was established on the Island. Due to the lack of necessary skills available on the Island the Company had to attract its employees from worldwide. Communications links and accessibility to the Island, appeared to cause no problem for the company in the competitive global market. Mr Fisher stressed the need and importance of the provision of high quality training in order to attract further businesses to the Island and improve the local prospect of employment opportunities.
Members were made aware of the newly established Learning and Skills Council (LSC) for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Ms H Chadwick, the Regional Manager and Mr P Higgins, the Area Manager addressed the Select Committee on the role and key objectives of the LSC. The LSC aimed to improve the standard of college education provision, sixth form education, work based training, adult and community learning, workforce development and provide Education Business Link activity.
The Chairman introduced Dr J Parnham, the Principal and Chief Executive of the Isle of Wight College to the meeting. Dr Parnham explained that the Learning Skills Council provided funding for 60% of the activities provided by the College to service the educational needs and training provision of those aged 16/18 years and 19 years and over. Details of other funding sources and activity were also outlined. Dr Parnham described the work of the college in its aim to respond to the demand for specific skills required by local businesses.
Discussion ensued on various aspects of the Regeneration Strategy. Particular mention was made of the costs and difficulties of travel, specifically with regard to the perceived problems caused through severance by sea. The Economic Development Manager referred to investigative work he was currently undertaking with regard to the economic effect on Islanders due to the Solent and agreed to present a report to a future meeting of the Select Committee, once the work was completed.
Members welcomed the aims for the regeneration of the rural community. A detailed Rural Action Plan, developed in close liaison with the Local Strategic Partnership would address the specific issues facing the Island. A series of Rural Action Zones would be established to bring a concerted focus to addressing the issues of rural regeneration. Members were of the view that there appeared to be no inherent link between tourism and rural communities and questioned how that could be facilitated. It was considered that further consideration was required of the UDP and how it related to the rural economy.
The Chairman, on behalf of the Select Committee, expressed his thanks and appreciation to all the guest speakers.
(i) THAT Mr Bentley and Mr Main, of the Isle of Wight Partnership, Mr D Fisher, Managing Director, Yokogawa Marex Limited, Mr P Higgins and Ms H Chadwick, of the Local Learning Skills Council and Dr J Parnham, Principal and Chief Executive of the Isle of Wight College be thanked for their informative presentations;
(ii) THAT consideration of the 'Solent Barrier' be considered at future meeting of the Select Committee;
(iii) THAT further consideration be given at a future meeting of the Select Committee on the Unitary Development Plan and how it relates to the rural economy.


Members were reminded of the urgent need to install within all the Island's Tourist Information Centres, basic IT equipment, which had been highlighted at the last meeting of the Select Committee. This would enable staff to provide a more efficient service and Internet access for visitors. The IT Manager confirmed that IW Tourism, within their delegated budget provision, would be able to install PC's in the TICs. Approximate costs of the possible options were outlined. Members, however, were minded that in view of the downturn in Tourism, arising from the foot and mouth crisis and the subsequent loss of economy to the Island, that the costs of the equipment and installation should be funded centrally.
THAT the Executive be recommended to approve the financial costs of PCs to be installed in all the Island Tourist Information Centres at an approximate cost of �1,000 each.


The Chairman referred to the costs incurred by the Council relating to the foot and mouth crisis. It was reported that these were to be met from the IW Tourism contingency fund. The meeting of the Tourism Partnership on 2 April 2001 had expressed their concern as to the implications on the Tourism budget and had supported for the Council to approached for the costs to be funded centrally.
THAT the report be noted.


During discussion on the following item of business Mr T Mundy declared a non pecuniary interest.
The Managing Director of Wight Leisure referred to her report which provided further detailed information on the proposal, for the current year, to site a maximum of 15 - 20 units along Cowes Parade between the Royal London Yacht Club flagpole to HM Customs Office. Consideration was given to the proposal for two of the units to be shared by four charities, free of charge, with the remainder allocated at a cost of �2,900 for existing sponsors/exhibitors or �5,800 to new hirers. The units would be let on the basis that hirers could not directly sell goods but could be used for product sampling, name awareness, promoting and exhibiting. Any net profit achieved from the hiring of the units would be used to offset other Cowes Week expenditure or fund new initiatives.
A Member highlighted an area of concern to some small businesses in the area, with regard to the layout of the units. The Managing Director confirmed that amendments had been made to the proposals detailed on the plan.
Members agreed to establish a working party comprising of all members of the Select Committee to consider the issues regarding the Americas Cup Jubilee particularly the plans for the parade and the revised spectator layout.
(i) THAT two units be made available to charitable organisations free of charge;
(ii) THAT the remaining units be allocated at a cost of �2,900 for existing hirers and �5,900 to all new hirers;
(iii) THAT a working party be established, comprising of all members of the Select Committee, to consider issues relating to the Americas Cup Jubilee.


Members asked a number of questions to which appropriate replies were provided.