Present :


Mr C R Hancock, Mr J R Adams, Mr A C Bartlett, Mr J A Bowker, Mr M J Cunningham (deputising for Mr D G Williams), Mr J F Howe, Mrs B Lawson, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr A J Mellor (deputising for Mr J Whittaker), Mr A J Mundy, Mr R C Richards


Portfolio Holder :


                        Mrs T M Butchers


Also Present (non voting) :


                        Mr B Buckle, Mr R G Mazillius, Mrs M J Miller


Apologies :


                        Mr J Fleming, Mr H Rees, Mr J Whittaker, Mr D G Williams








THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 6 February 2004 be confirmed.


69              PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


The Select Committee received a petition supporting the restoration and upkeep of Yaverland Boating Lake and Pump. The Chairman would present the Petition to the Portfolio Holder for Tourism and Leisure.




The Select Committee received the report of the Head of Corporate Policy and Communications which set out Performance for the areas within the Select Committees remit for the period of 1 October 2003 to 31 December 2003.This was the first time the Quarterly Performance Management Report (QPMR) information had been submitted to the Select Committee and had previously been presented to the Executive on a quarterly basis.


Questions were raised regarding the Public Service Agreement to address unemployment via the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership. The programme had recorded no jobs created in the previous three quarters. Members were advised that a report from the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership addressing this issue would be considered by the Executive at its meeting on 10 March 2004 and by the Select Committee at its next meeting on 1 April 2004.


Concern was raised that there were no specific key achievements reported in Tourism and Leisure. The Head of Community Development explained that quarterly key achievements had been submitted but none had directly related to Tourism and Leisure. In future the responsibilities within the Select Committees remit would be taken into consideration when submitting key achievements to ensure a balanced view.


Members were assured that the increase shown in planning applications was not a trend. The figures referred to a backlog of applications which had effected performance. It was thought that the next QPMR would show improved figures which would allow the Select Committee to assess current performance. The Head of Planning Services explained that they would be trailing a team of staff to deal with smaller application schemes which would provide other members of staff with the opportunity to focus on larger applications.


The Select Committee asked questions relating to the low yield of affordable housing and changes in Planning Policy being undertaken to address this issue. The Head of Planning Services explained that many housing schemes were under the threshold for enforcing affordable housing. This was a major issue and was being addressed by the development of Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG). Members were advised that unless the threshold was reduced the affordable housing yield would always be less that envisaged by the Councils Unitary Development Plan (UDP).


Questions were asked regarding existing staffing levels and experience. It was noted that the Planning Service had three graduate trainees that had replaced existing staff. Members were advised that the target of registering all applications within 3 days was now being achieved, this had been addressed largely by increasing staffing from 3 to 4.


The Select Committee expressed concern that the relocation of Ventnor Tourist Information Centre (TIC) from the High Street to the Coastal Visitor Centre had reduced visits by 66%. The Head of Community Development explained that there had been some initial issues about adequate signage to the TIC however, the reduction in visits related largely to its current poor location. It was confirmed that alternative accommodation for the Centre was being investigated and the situation was under review. Questions were asked in relation to call centres. It was noted that a Call Centre currently operated at Isle of Wight Tourism on a commission basis, it was hoped to extend this through to the Destination Management System when it was fully implemented.


Concern was raised that enough efforts were being made to promote healthy living. With regard to obesity the Head of Community Development confirmed that this was a national area of concern and steps were being taken to produce new performance indicators and targets. Some of this work was being undertaken alongside the Cultural Strategy.




(a)                          THAT the Select Committee requested Officers to write to external partners and agencies that provide external funds to deliver national and local objectives, to provide their funds quickly and efficiently to reduce bureaucratic burden upon the Council.


(b)             THAT the Promoting Healthy Living priority is reflected in more meaningful Key Performance Indicators in the Quarterly Performance Management Report in the next six months.


(c)             THAT the Head of Corporate Policy and Communications incorporated the suggestions and amendments raised by members of the Select Committee in the next Quarterly Performance Management Report.




Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Planning Services which set out procedures which had been put in place to ensure implementation and monitoring of the Best Value Improvement Plan. It was highlighted that the broad vision of the Improvement Plan was to meet all Government Targets relating to applications and the development of the Local Development Framework (LDF) to replace the Unitary Development Plan (UDP) by 2006.


The Select Committee were advised that a Best Value Inspection was being undertaken in May 2004 which would assess service performance and its ability to improve. The outcome of this inspection would have an effect on issues relating to the Comprehensive Performance Assessment and opportunities relating to Planning Grants.


Key areas of improvement included the development of the Planning Services website. In addition all Planning Applications could be viewed on the website from 2 April 2004. It was also hoped that by June 2004 planning agents would be able to submit planning applications via email. Members were advised that some changes to the Improvement Plan had been made to reflect changes in budget.


During questioning concern was expressed that stringent Government Guidelines sometimes prevented local areas developing to suit local needs. The Select Committee were assured that the implementation of a new Bill in June 2004, through the development of the Local Development Framework, would allow greater expression of local need still within the bounds of National Guidelines.


Concern was expressed regarding the enforcement of Tree Preservation Orders (TPO). It was noted that a member of staff was currently updating existing TPO’s, however some difficulty had been encountered when determining which trees related to the Orders. The Select Committee wished to consider this matter further.


The enforcement of 106 agreements was being progressed and dedicated Officer time was being allocated to this task for a period of six weeks. The Service hoped to work towards ensuring all appropriate applications were submitted with completed 106 agreements. The Head of Planning Services emphasised the importance of ensuring that all 106 agreements were reasonable in terms of the scale of the scheme. Consultation would be undertaken to ascertain local views on the areas needs, although expectations would need to be realistic.


The Select Committee questioned how the Greater Access to Greater Services (GAGS) would effect the Planning Service. It was noted that the impact of the GAGS agenda was not yet known and the Service was currently carrying out its existing Service Plan prior to any possible change.




(a)                          THAT the appropriate Portfolio Holder advise the Executive that a review was required into current arrangements of TPO’s and conservation areas to ensure the environment was preserved and maintained.


(b)                          THAT the Select Committee ask the Head of Planning Services to report on the impact of the GAGS agenda and reengineering of the front line planning service over the next six months.


