Isle of Wight Council Forward Plan – March 2004 to June 2004


The Forward Plan is a list of all matters that are due to be considered by the Executive over the next four months.  This will be updated each month.


Nature and Short Description of Decision to be Taken

Decision Maker

Consultees and when Consultation is to Take Place

Consultation Method

Background papers and Relevant Documents

Electoral Division

Lead Officer

Portfolio Holder

Relevant Select Committee

Reason for change from last Forward Plan

10 March 2004









Isle of Wight Economic Partnership - Quarterly Report (3)



Meetings and Correspondence

Service Level Agreement


Lesley Williams 823797

Mr H Rees
Economic Dev, UK & EU and Regional

Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

Slipped from 25 February in order to allow further consultation with Portfolio Holder


The Future Management of Newport Harbour


Local Members, Cowes Harbour Commissioners

Meetings and Correspondence

Medina Estuary Management Plan

Newport North
Mr J A M D Whittaker

Robin McInnes 857220

Mrs T M Butchers Sustainable Dev.Env and Planning

Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services



24 March 2004









Development of Young Persons Directorate

Executive and then Council












Employees, Unions, DfES, Dept. of Health


Green Paper, Climbe Inquiry Report


Mike Fisher 823102

Mrs J L Wareham, Mr G S Kendall

Social Services, Housing and Benefits

Text Box: PAPER DItem on previous Forward Plan as 'Children's Services – Restructuring’


24 March 2004









Fire Authority Integrated Risk Management Plan - Consultation Analysis and Amended Plan


Focus Group, Select Committee, Fire and Rescue Service Staff, FBU, Stakeholders, Articles in County Press and Wight Insight

Meetings and Correspondence

Draft Document


Richard Herds 823199

Mr D Knowles
Fire and Consumer Protection

Fire and Public Safety

Considered at Executive 11 February - decision postponed until budget process had been completed


21April 2004









Education Provision and the 14 - 19 Review Process - whether to consult on the key options of the 14 - 19 Review



Meetings and Correspondence

Executive Report 17/12/04, KPMG Report on 14 - 19 Education Provision on the Isle of Wight


David Pettitt 823400

Mrs J Wareham
Education and Com Dev

Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning

New Entry


Implementation of the Sandown Bay Regeneration Strategy


User Group, local community and Town and Parish Council

Meetings, dialogue and discussion groups

Sandown Bay Regeneration Plan

All Sandown, Lake and Shanklin

John Metcalfe 823825

Mr J H Fleming
Tourism and Leisure

Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services



Draft Cultural Strategy


Private and Voluntary Organisations

Meetings and Correspondence





DCMS, Previous Reports


John Metcalfe 823825

Mrs J Wareham
Education and Com Dev

Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning

Slipped from 10 March in order to allow further time for consultation


21 April 2004









Integrated Travel Plans


Staff, Unions, Members, Directors Group, Public Transport Providers, Health Authority

Meetings and Correspondence

Best Value Report - Highways & Transportation reinsertion 10/02, LTP 2001-6 and Annual Progress Reports, Local Agenda 21 Strategy


Steve Matthews 823788

Mr E Fox

Environment and Transport

Slipped from 25 February in order to allow further time for consultation


19 May 2004









Isle of Wight Economic Partnership - Quarterly Report (4)



Meetings and Correspondence

Service Level Agreement


Lesley Williams 823597

Mr H Rees
Economic Dev, UK & EU and Regional

Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services



Quarterly Performance Management Update (4)


Directors Group, Heads of Service, Portfolio Holders

Meetings and Correspondence

Performance Indicators, Action Plans, Best Value Statistics


Heidi Marshall 823250

Mr P Harris
Deputy Leader














Items removed from the last published version of the Forward Plan and reasons for removal



Anticipated date of the decision

Nature and Short Description of Decision to be Taken

Electoral Division

Lead Officer

Portfolio Holder

Relevant Select Committee

Reason for Deletion from Forward Plan

11 February 2004

Early Years Development and Childcare Plan 2004/5


Rose Ward 823420

Mrs J Wareham
Education and Com Dev

Education and Community Dev. and Social Services, Housing and Benefits

Recommendation to Full Council to be taken under the Portfolio Holders delegated powers

11 February 2004

Partnership Arrangements with Tourism South East


John Metcalfe 823825

Mr J H Fleming
Tourism and Leisure

Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

To be taken under the Portfolio Holders delegated powers

25 February 2004

Private Finance Initiative for Highway Asset Management


Steve Matthews 823788

Mr E Fox

Environment and Transport

Outline business case awaited

25 February 2004

Coordination of Community Transport


Steve Matthews 823788

Mr E Fox














Environment and Transport

No decision required at this stage. Further consultation required

Anticipated date of the decision

Nature and Short Description of Decision to be Taken

Electoral Division

Lead Officer

Portfolio Holder

Relevant Select Committee

Reason for Deletion from Forward Plan

10 March 2004

To confirm that the Isle of Wight Council will become a full member of the South East Fire and Rescue Services Regional Management


Richard Hards 823199

Mr D Knowles
Fire and Consumer Protection

Fire and Public Safety

Brought forward to Executive meeting on 25 February

10 March 2004

Adult & Community Learning Three Year Plan (Academic Years 2003-06


Jo Treagus 823823

Mrs J Wareham
Education and Com Dev

Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning

Recommendation to Full Council to be taken under Portfolio Holders delegated powers

28 July 2004

Best Value Performance Plan 2003/4


John Bentley 823346

Mr P Harris
Deputy Leader


Slipped from 19 May in order to accommodate financial performance indicators