Appendix 1
Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services Select Committee
Service Expenditure Income Net Variance  
  To Date Budget To Date Budget To Date Budget   Comments
  £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000  
Rights of Way 67.1 278.8 -0.5 -0.1 66.6 278.7 212.1 Budgets on target to date.
Planning App/Enforcement 216.2 875.5 -259.9 -519.3 -43.7 356.2 399.9 Budgets on target to date.
Planning Policy 266.8 932.5 -163.3 -266.7 103.5 665.8 562.3 Budgets on target to date.
Archaeology 49.8 136.6 -2.0 -10.6 47.8 126.0 78.2 Budgets on target to date.
Economic Development 35.0 333.0 -0.6 -61.9 34.4 271.1 236.7 Budget appears underspent due to the SLA to the Island Partnership not being paid over until July
Sport Recreation and Leisure Events 1156.8 3730.0 -757.9 -1,992.7 398.9 1737.3 1338.4 Budgets on target to date.
Public parks & open spaces 400.1 1375.7 -100.0 -161.5 300.1 1214.2 914.1 Budgets on target to date.
Countryside Management 91.2 467.2 55.8 -153.4 147.0 313.8 166.8 Positive income figure relates to accruals. Budgets on target to date.
Seasonal Facilities & other 26.1 154.6 -160.3 -320.4 -134.2 -165.8 -31.6 Budgets on target to date.
Events, Marketing & Tourism 673.9 2858.3 -708.4 -1,478.5 -34.5 1379.8 1414.3 Budgets on target to date.
Totals 2983 11142 -2,097 -4,965 886 6177 5291