Appendix A


Newport Harbour Regeneration

Analysis of Questionnaire
















June 2002

Wendy Perera, Senior Research Officer

I:\EXCHANGE\Jo\Newport Harbour Analysis Questinnaire.doc
Newport Harbour Regeneration – June 2002


Number of Questionnaires Returned:

A total of 90 questionnaires were returned completed or partially completed.


Questions in Numerical Order


1a)       82.22% of respondents indicated that they were aware of the variety of buildings on the Quay.


 b)       Table showing the buildings the respondents feel have a special character (in order of popularity).


            Building                                   Percentage of respondents (%)

            Quay Arts                                          80

            Jubilee Stores                                   74.44

            Bargeman’s Rest                                71.11

            Carpenters Quay                               51.11

            Quay House                                       50

            St Cross Cottages                             47.77

            Harbour Masters Office                 46.66

            Old Power Station                            41.11

            Vectis Building                                   28.89

            Timber Boat Sheds                           27.77

            Classic Boat Museum                         26.67

            Bus Museum Shed                              8.89


2          Table showing the various building styles which would inspire and/or influence any further development (in order of preference)


Building Style                                    Percentage of respondents (%)

Quay Arts Centre                             70

Jubilee Stores                                   48.89

Carpenters Quay                               34.44

Hillside Terrace Houses                   30

St Cross Cottages                             25.55

Riverside Centre                                21.11

Industrial Sheds                               6.66


Other building styles listed included:

Vectis Building

New Hotel

Old Power Station



3        Table showing the existing public places which work well and help make the harbour feel special (in order of popularity)


Public Place                            Percentage of Respondents (%)

Quay Arts Centre                             76.66

Bargeman’s Rest                                68.89

Seaclose Recreation                         53.33

Classic Boat Museum                         46.67

Odessa Marina                                  37.78

Jubilee Stores                                   36.67

Travel Inn & Pub                               31.11

Blackhouse Quay                               18.89


Other public places listed included:


Riverside Centre

Small Park

Carpenters Quay


Bus Museum

Bridal area


4a)      32.22% of respondents admitted that they have or do feel unsafe in at least

one of the following places:


Place                                       Percentage of Respondents (%)

The under pass                                  22.22

Under the road bridge                     18.89

The pontoons                                     13.33

Seaclose Recreation Ground                        4.44

Riverside Centre car park                2.22

Cemetry                                              0


5a)      50% of respondents admitted to having parked their car on the Quay.


b)               Table showing the various reasons for parking on the Quay (in order of



Reason for parking                           Percentage of Respondents (%)

Visit an attraction on the quay                   37.77

To shop in town centre                                 14.44

To go sailing                                                   12.22

While at work                                                            11.11


Other reasons listed included:

Maintenance/Working on boat in harbour

Boat and cycling

To go walking

Recreation ground access


Watch the river activity


6             Table showing appropriate ways of marking the quay (in order of popularity)


Method                                               Percentage of Respondents (%)

Attractive lighting                                        46.67

Well designed street furniture                   42.22

Distinctive Signage                                       38.89

Landmark building                                         24.44

Public Art                                                       17.77


Other suggestions for ways of marking the quay, included:

Cladding the road bridge in brick

A lock or sill

Maintain water level

Remove/reduce signage clutter

Level road surface

More pontoons

Waterside walk with seating


Traditional materials to be used

Display showing history of the harbour ‘You are here’

Historic ships at Quay Arts

More moorings and facilities

Better maintenance, weed clearing, rubbish removal

Paving stones

Return quay to a working harbour

Street entertainment

Floral entrance (flowers in boats etc)

Accessible pedestrian walkway/pedestrianised harbour area

7             Table showing reasons for using pedestrian, cycle or floating routes through

the harbour (in order of popularity)


Reason                                                            Percentage of Respondents (%)

For recreational use                                     77.77

Visit an attraction on the quay                   66.66

To go to town centre                                                47.78

To go to work                                                            18.89

To go to school                                              2.22

Not at all                                                    2.22


8a)      Table showing the percentage of respondents in agreement with the various

proposed developments


Site                                         Proposal                                  % of Respondents in                                                                                              Agreement

Marina                                    Support services for boats                          80

Seaclose Quay           Cultural/Tourism/Leisure                            76.66

Gas Works                 Car Parking                                                    72.22

Bottle Store              Car Parking                                                    71.11

Sea Street 1              Residential/Car Parking                               68.89

Little London 2          Employment with some residential              66.66

Little London 1           Residential with some employment              61.11

Blackhouse Quay       Employment with some residential              61.11

Sea Street 2              Office with Public Access                           61.11

New Quay                  Residential with some employment              51.11


b)               For each of the sites delegated for development, alternative proposals were

put forward. The table shows the results of those who voted for an alternative proposal.


Site                             Alternative proposed use          No. of              % in                                                                             votes            agreement

New Quay                  Residential                                         1                      2.22

                                    Other                                                  1                      2.22

                                    Health Care                                       1                      2.22

                                    Leisure/fitness                                 2                      4.44

                                    Antiques Centre                                2                      4.44

                                    Car Parking                                        2                      4.44

                                    Live Work Units                                3                      6.66

                                    Boat Storage                                     3                      6.66

                                    Craft Workshops                              4                      8.88

                                    Museums                                             4                      8.88

                                    Tourist Attractions                          5                      11.11

                                    Cycle and canoe hire                         5                      11.11

                                    Specialist retail                                 6                      13.33

                                    Open Space                                        6                      13.33


Little London 1           Leisure/fitness                                 1                      5.26

                                    Boat Storage                                     1                      5.26

                                    Craft Workshops                              1                      5.26

                                    Small business offices                      1                      5.26

                                    Health Centre                                    1                      5.26

                                    Residential                                         1                      5.26

                                    Museums                                             1                      5.26

                                    Open Space                                        2                      10.53

                                    Tourist Attractions                          2                      10.53

                                    Other                                                  2                      10.53

                                    Car Parking                                        2                      10.53

                                    Specialist Retail                                4                      21.05


Little London 2          Health Centre                                    1                       8.33

                                    Other                                                  1                       8.33

                                    Specialist Retail                                1                       8.33

                                    Car Parking                                        1                       8.33

                                    Boat Storage                                     1                       8.33

                                    Residential                                         1                       8.33

                                    Small business offices                      1                       8.33

                                    Tourist attractions                           2                       16.66

                                    Craft workshops                               3                      25


Seaclose Quay           Antiques Centre                                1                      6.25

                                    Live work units                                  1                      6.25

                                    Leisure/fitness                                 1                      6.25

                                    Specialist retail                                 1                      6.25

                                    Museums                                             1                      6.25

                                    Craft Workshops                              1                      6.25

                                    Boat Storage                                     2                      12.5

                                    Other                                                  2                      12.5

                                    Tourist Attractions                          2                      12.5

                                    Cycle & Canoe hire                            4                      25


Blackhouse Quay       Car Parking                                        1                      5.88

                                    Live work units                                  1                      5.88

                                    Cycle & Canoe hire                            1                      5.88

                                    Tourist attractions                           1                      5.88

                                    Museums                                             1                      5.88

                                    Residential                                         1                      5.88

                                    Boat Storage                                     2                      11.76

                                    Open Space                                        3                      17.65

                                    Other                                                  3                      17.65

                                    House boats                                       3                      17.65


Sea Street 1              Car Parking                                        5                      83.33

                                    Small business                                   1                      16.67


Sea Street 2              House boats                                       1                      5.88

                                    Tourist attractions                           1                      5.88

                                    Residential                                         1                      5.88

                                    Museums                                             2                      11.76

                                    Antiques Centre                                2                      11.76

                                    Open Space                                        2                      11.76

                                    Craft workshops                               2                      11.76

                                    Car Parking                                        3                      17.65

                                    Specialist Retail                                3                      17.65


Marina                                    Cycle & Canoe hire                            2                      50

                                    Boat Storage                                     2                      50


Gas Works                 Car Parking                                        1                      12.5

                                    Open Space                                        1                      12.5

                                    Museums                                             1                      12.5

                                    Boat Storage                                     1                      12.5

                                    Pub/restaurant                                 1                      12.5

                                    Other                                                  3                      37.5


Bottle Store              Open Space                                        1                      11.11

                                    Craft Workshops                              1                      11.11

                                    Small business                                   2                      22.22

                                    Residential                                         2                      22.22

                                    Car Parking                                        3                      33.33


8a)     Of the 90 questionnaires returned, 85 of them indicated the age category of the respondent.


Age Category             No. of people

0 – 15                          2

16 –35                         8

36 – 50                       20

51 – 64                        45

65+                              10


 b)                                           No. of Respondents

            Male                            52

            Female                                    38