Service Expenditure Income Net  
  Budget To Date Budget To Date Budget To Date Comments
  £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000  
Rights of Way 272.4 163.5 -0.1 -0.0 272.3 163.5 Budget on target at this stage of the financial year
Planning App/Enforcement 837.2 462.5 -555.3 -387.4 282.0 75.0 Budget on target at this stage of the financial year
Planning Policy 819.6 552.5 -109.8 -12.7 709.9 539.8 No significant variations to report at this stage.
Archaeology 123.7 76.3 -9.5 -8.6 114.2 67.7 Budget on target at this stage of the financial year
Economic Development 580.3 296.5 -37.3 -8.9 543.0 287.7 No significant variations to report at this stage.
Sport Recreation and Leisure Events 3770.2 3118.8 -2,041.5 -1,641.9 1728.7 1476.9 The effects of the pay award, loss of income for seasonal sites and emergency works undertaken are contributing to budget pressures of £60,000.
Public parks & open spaces 1440.4 753.7 -140.1 -129.4 1300.3 624.3 On target - the most significant expenditure budgets relate to the grounds maintenance contracts and seasonal recreational facilities operated by Wight Leisure
Countryside Management 360.3 239.0 -63.0 -17.8 297.4 221.2 Budget on target at this stage of the financial year
Seasonal Facilities & other 152.4 107.2 -331.5 -302.5 -179.2 -195.3 Seasonal income on target and continues to be closely monitored.
Events, Marketing & Tourism 2746.1 1631.2 -1,603.5 -1,406.6 1142.6 224.6 No significant variations to report at this stage.
Totals 11103 7401 -4,891 -3,916 6211 3485