At the previous meeting of this Select Committee, Members requested a paper on the steps taken in awarding a contract for the management of tourism services to a tourism consultant.




To note the report on the steps taken and the rationale behind the appointment of a tourism consultant, under contract, to undertake the role of Acting Head of Tourism for a fixed period of six months.




At its meeting of 21 May 2002 the Executive was advised that the Head of Tourism had secured another post and considered options in respect of the future management of the service.  It resolved to relocate the service into the directorate of Education and Community Development under the responsibility of the Head of Community Development.  It also resolved that:-


“the Head of Paid Services and the Head of Community Development determine temporary arrangements to ensure the continued good management of Tourism Services until the future organisational arrangements are in place, the costs of which will not exceed the salary costs of the departing Head of Tourism.”


In order that any temporary arrangements were made on a sound basis, the Head of Community Development then undertook to become involved with the day to day management of the service with a view to being able to produce an appropriate job description and person specification within 3 months, to ensure that as wide a pool of prospective applicants would be available.


It was also hoped to be able to have a clear view as to what the future organisational arrangements of tourism services might be to inform the recruitment process.  It did however become clear that this view would be difficult to come to in the time available and it was therefore felt prudent to seek to recruit a manager to both manage and seek to externalise the service.


A job description, person specification and job evaluation were all prepared on this basis and were shared with the Executive of the Island Tourist Industry Association (ITIA) at its meeting of 9 October 2003.  The ITIA Executive were not supportive of the proposals being made and sought a meeting with the Leader and other Members of the Council having an interest in tourism and also the Head of Paid Service and Head of Community Development.


This meeting took place on 29 October 2002 at the Westridge Centre.  At the meeting representatives from ITIA  set out that they did not feel it would be appropriate to seek to recruit a new service manager until such time as the future organisational externalisation arrangements had been finalised.  ITIA was seriously considering making proposals to take over the management of the service and felt that, if this was to happen, it would want to

recruit its “own person” to manage the service on its behalf. ITIA felt that the person of its choosing would be significantly different to that which the Council might choose at this time.


The Council representatives at the meeting understood and accepted this suggestion but made it very clear that if this was to be the case, then temporary arrangements for the day to day management of the service would need to be put in place.  The Head of Community Development set out that the approach to this would be to recruit a suitably experienced tourism consultant to both manage the service and undertake some specific projects in relation to the development of the service overall.  He further reinforced this as being the preferred solution at a meeting to which all of the members of Isle of Wight Tourism/ITIA were invited on 20 November 2002.


The Head of Community Development approached two specialist leisure and tourism companies known to him and also the regional tourist board to ascertain if they would be willing to quote for the work or knew of any suitably experienced person who would.  Two suggestions were received and the CV’s of these consultants were received.


Having reviewed the CV’s, meetings were arranged with both consultants in order to consider their suitability and to brief them on the work that was required to be done.  Following the interviews/briefing, both were asked to submit a project proposal for how they would complete the required works and at what cost.


An evaluation of the project proposals, range and quality of the tourism experience of the consultant, availability and price was made and the consultant that offered the greatest potential to move the service forward was awarded the contract.


Mrs. Rita Williams was awarded the six month contract and began working on it in the middle of January.  She has significant experience as a tourism consultant, having worked for Pannell, Kerr, Forster and L & R Leisure, as well as in an independent capacity for a number of years.  She has also worked for the English Tourist Board.  Two of her more notable projects include an evaluation of Zimbabwe Tourism Development Plan and the production of such a plan for the island of Madeira.


The specific projects which she is to complete (although these are subject to review after 4 weeks) as part of the contract are as follows:-


·         To manage and review the staff and operations of Isle of Wight Tourism in accordance with Council Policy.

·         To contribute to the creation, review and delivery of the Tourism Development Plan for the Island.

·         To advise on the opportunities to externalise all or some of the services provided by Isle of Wight Tourism.

·         To review the Council’s current arrangements and relationships with the Island’s tourist industry to improve understanding and ensure greater transparency and clarity over the respective roles of each.

·         To work for the Island to become a sub region within the new Regional Tourist Board


The consultancy contract provides for Mrs. Williams to work for between 20 and 23 hours a week on a minimum of 3 days.  The contract is being funded by the savings being made by the Council from the vacant head of service position.  No new money is being used to finance this contract.


It is hoped that within the 6 month timescale of this contract.  Some of the decisions in relation to the organisation of tourism services will have been reached, thereby allowing recruitment of the permanent head of service.  This should ideally follow immediately from the end of the contract, ensuring that there is a continuation in the management of the service.




1.      To note the background to and rationale behind the appointment of a consultant, under contract, to manage tourism services in the interim.


2.      To further review the award of the management contract.




The development of tourism is one of the seven key themes of the Community Strategy. Many of the associated actions flow from the creation of a Tourism Development Plan, due by


Tourism is also a central feature in the Council’s own Corporate Plan, contributing significantly to the objective of “Encouraging job creation and economic prosperity”.






Contact Point :            John Metcalfe, Head of Community Development and Tourism

                                    ( 823825



Strategic Director of Education and Community Development