Capital Monitor for Economic Development, Planning, Aug-02
Tourism and Leisure Services Select Committee
Spend + Budget
Commitment Budget Remaining
8NC1 Refurbishment of TICs                        0 20000 20000
0 20000 20000
Sports & Recreation
8GJH Medina - Replace Heat Pumps / Air Handling   0 22400 22400
8GR9 Heights - New Filter System for Spa Pool     0 2000 2000
8GT1 Browns - Floodlighting                       4000 4000 0
8GT2 Shanklin Esplanade - Floodlighting           0 4500 4500
8GT5 Heights - Health & Safety Works              4276 6815 2539
8GU1 Heights - Chemical Store                     0 15000 15000
8GU2 Medina Pool - Heating                        0 25000 25000
8GU4 Waterside Pool - Tiling                      0 30000 30000
8GU6 Waterside Pool - Pump                        4999 5000 1
8GU7 Waterside Pool - Hoist                       0 8000 8000
8GUA Westridge - Tone Zone                        0 90000 90000
13275 212715 199440
Other Amenities
8GK5 Public Shelters - Improvements               0 12734 12734
8GU3 Ryde Harbour - Dredging                      164657 162050 -2607
8GU5 Shanklin Lift - Health & Safety 2002-03      0 31285 31285
8GU8 Northwood House - Access                     0 12000 12000
8GU9 Northwood House - Catering                   0 8000 8000
164657 226069 61412
Committee Total 177932 458784 280852
Report Total 177932 458784 280852
Narrative on Exceptional Items
1 None