Isle of Wight Council Forward Plan August to November 2002

   Anticipated    Nature and Short       Decision        Consultees and      Consultation Method       Background           Electoral        Lead Officer Portfolio Holder

   date of the       Description of           Maker                 when                                                      papers and             Division

     decision         Decision to be                             Consultation is to                                              Relevant

                                 Taken                                        Take Place                                                 Documents

  13 August 2002

13/08/2002      Access to                  Executive       Officer and                 correspondence             Executive 16            Pan                     Tony Flower       Mr R Barry

                      Delevelpment land                            Members                                                      October 2002           Mr A Coburn                                 Resources

                      at Pan, Newport

13/08/2002      Instrument of              Executive       Governors of              correspondence             School Standards     All                       John                  Mrs Wareham

                      Government for                                Medina House                                                and Framework                                  Gardner             Education and

                      Schools                                          School                                                          Act 1998                                                                    Com Dev

13/08/2002      Replacement              Executive       Members and            Correspondence            not yet                    Seaview and         Tony Flower       Mr R Barry

                      Pavillion at                                       Officers                                                         determined              Nettlestone                                   Resources

                      Seagrove Football                                                                                                                              Mr R Barry

                      Club, Seagrove

                      Recreation Ground

   Anticipated    Nature and Short       Decision        Consultees and      Consultation Method       Background           Electoral        Lead Officer Portfolio Holder

   date of the       Description of           Maker                 when                                                      papers and             Division

     decision         Decision to be                             Consultation is to                                              Relevant

                                 Taken                                        Take Place                                                 Documents

13/08/2002      Prestwood Grange      Executive       Officers and               correspondence             Background             St Johns East      Tony Flower       Mr R Barry

                      Farm                                               Members                                                      papers are                                                                  Resources

                                                                                                                                                exempt                    Mr D Knowles

                                                                                                                                                Executive report 2

                                                                                                                                                 July 2002

13/08/2002      Sale of freehold           Executive       Council Officers         Correspondence            None                       Mountjoy             Tony Flower       Mr R Barry

                      reversion - Depot,                             and Members                                                                              Mrs S Smart                                 Resources

                      21 Whitcombe

                      Road, Newport

  27 August 2002

27/08/2002      Works to stabilise       Executive       Not known raised       not known                     Reports to the          Ventnor West       Steve                 Mr E Fox

                      Undercliff Drive                                 by portfolio holder                                          Executive                Mr B Bartlett        Matthews           Transport

   Anticipated    Nature and Short       Decision        Consultees and      Consultation Method       Background           Electoral        Lead Officer Portfolio Holder

   date of the       Description of           Maker                 when                                                      papers and             Division

     decision         Decision to be                             Consultation is to                                              Relevant

                                 Taken                                        Take Place                                                 Documents

27/08/2002      Military Road              Executive       Awaiting results of      Awaiting results of         Reports to               Brighstone           Steve                 Mr E Fox

                      Works Afton Down                           ground                      ground investigation       Executive                and                     Matthews           Transport

                      and Shepherds                                investigation              report.                                                         Freshwater

                      Chine - stablisation                          report.

                       of failing road.

27/08/2002      Acquisition of              Executive       Lake Parish               Letters and meetings     Executive Papers     Lake Area            John Metcalf      Mrs M Jarman

                      Sandown Fairway                             Council, Sport                                                                                                                                 Leisure

                      Park - Request by                            England, Isle of                                                                                                                               Services

                      Lake Parish                                     Wight Football

                      Council for Legal                              Association


27/08/2002      Proposed Local           Executive       Members and            correspondence             none                       Northwood           Tony Flower       Mr R Barry

                      Cycle Way Llink,                             Officers                                                                                       Mr R Mazillius                              Resources

                      Medam, Cowes

   Anticipated    Nature and Short       Decision        Consultees and      Consultation Method       Background           Electoral        Lead Officer Portfolio Holder

   date of the       Description of           Maker                 when                                                      papers and             Division

     decision         Decision to be                             Consultation is to                                              Relevant

                                 Taken                                        Take Place                                                 Documents

27/08/2002      Replacement              Executive       Project Board            Meetings and                Project Brief             All                       Mike Fisher        Mr R Barry

                      Computer System                            Meetings                   discussions with                                                                                             Resources

                      for Local Land                                                                  users


27/08/2002      Externalisation of        Executive       Economic                  Letters                          Various Files           All                       John Metcalf      Mrs M Jarman

                      Wight Leisure             and then         Development,                                                                                                                                  Leisure

                                                       Council          Planning, Tourism                                                                                                                          Services

                                                                            and Leisure

                                                                            Services Select

                                                                            Committee and


27/08/2002      Newport                     Executive       Have consulted          Public meetings,            Report to                 All Newport          Steve                 Mr E Fox

                      Pedestrianisation                             widely - now              press, distribution of       Environment and      area                    Matthews           Transport

                                                                            consulting with           questionnaires and         Transport Select

                                                                            residents and             exhibitions.                   Committee, Local

                                                                            businesses in                                                 Transport Plan

                                                                            Pyle Street,                                                   Annual Progress

                                                                            Crocker Street and                                         Report 2001

                                                                             Trafalgar Road.

  10 September 2002

   Anticipated    Nature and Short       Decision        Consultees and      Consultation Method       Background           Electoral        Lead Officer Portfolio Holder

   date of the       Description of           Maker                 when                                                      papers and             Division

     decision         Decision to be                             Consultation is to                                              Relevant

                                 Taken                                        Take Place                                                 Documents

10/09/2002      Lease of Proposed      Executive       yet to be                   yet to be determined      Executive 2 July       Ryde North          Tony Flower       Mr R Barry

                       Health and Fitness                          determined                                                    2002                       West                                           Resources

                       Area Westridge,                                                                                                                                Mr A Taylor


10/09/2002      Adoption of Healthy     Executive       Resources Select      Report                          As in report to the    All                       Max Burton        Mr R Barry

                       Work Force                                    Committee - 13                                              Select Committee                                                       Resources

                      Strategy                                          March 2002

10/09/2002      Statement of               Executive       Service Managers      Memo and meetings.     Budget 2001-02        All                       John                  Mr R Barry

                      Accounts for               and then                                                                                                                                     Pulsford             Resources

                      2001-02.                     Council

   Anticipated    Nature and Short       Decision        Consultees and      Consultation Method       Background           Electoral        Lead Officer Portfolio Holder

   date of the       Description of           Maker                 when                                                      papers and             Division

     decision         Decision to be                             Consultation is to                                              Relevant

                                 Taken                                        Take Place                                                 Documents

10/09/2002      To approve the            Executive       Stakeholders,            Meetings and                Annual Library          All                       Tim                   Mrs Wareham

                      Annual Library Plan     and then         Education,                 Reports                         Plan 2002                                          Blackmore         Education and

                                                       Council          Community                                                                                                                                     Com Dev

                                                                            Development and

                                                                            Lifelong Learning

                                                                            Select Committee

10/09/2002      Results of                   Executive       Yet to be                   Yet to be determined      Yet to be                 Ventnor East        Robin                Mrs B Lawson

                      Bonchurch Ground                           determined                                                    determined              Mrs B Lawson      McInnes            Agenda 21 &

                      Investigations                                                                                                                                                                                        Countryside

10/09/2002      Review of the Isle        Executive       Yet to be                   Yet to be determined.     Yet to be                 All                       Annie Horne       Mrs M Jarman

  of Wight Festival                              determined.                                                   determined.                                                                Leisure                     Services

   Anticipated    Nature and Short       Decision        Consultees and      Consultation Method       Background           Electoral        Lead Officer Portfolio Holder

   date of the       Description of           Maker                 when                                                      papers and             Division

     decision         Decision to be                             Consultation is to                                              Relevant

                                 Taken                                        Take Place                                                 Documents

10/09/2002      Best Value Review      Executive       Resources Select      Meeting                        Resources Select     All                       Max Burton        Mr R Barry

                      - Personnel and                               Committee                                                    Committee - 10                                                          Resources

                      Training                                                                                                               April 2002

10/09/2002      The use of                  Executive       Staff, Print Unit,         Yet to be determined.     Government             All                       Angela               Mrs B Lawson

                      Recycled Paper                               Purchasing                                                    Guidance                                           Mawle               Agenda 21 &

                      within the Council                                                                                                Agenda 21                                                                  Countryside

10/09/2002      Criteria for Highway     Executive       Internal report            None                            None                       All                       Steve                 Mr E Fox

                       Scheme                                                                                                                                                                      Matthews           Transport

                      Prioritisation - so

                      that highway

                      schemes are in

                      order of need.

   Anticipated    Nature and Short       Decision        Consultees and      Consultation Method       Background           Electoral        Lead Officer Portfolio Holder

   date of the       Description of           Maker                 when                                                      papers and             Division

     decision         Decision to be                             Consultation is to                                              Relevant

                                 Taken                                        Take Place                                                 Documents

10/09/2002      Park and Ride             Executive       BAE systems and      Meetings and                Report to the            All                       Steve                 Mr E Fox

                      Schemes for                                    other Departments     correspondence             Executive in                                       Matthews           Transport

                      Cowes and                                       of the Council                                               February re

                      Newport (and                                                                                                       Capital

                      possibly Ryde)                                                                                                    Programme

10/09/2002      Decriminalisation        Executive       None                         None                            Environment,            All                       Steve                 Mr E Fox

                      of car parking                                                                                                      Transport and                                     Matthews           Transport

                                                                                                                                                Planning Select


10/09/2002      To agree a                  Executive       General Public,          Workshops and             Analysis of              All                       Angela               Mrs B Lawson

                      Renewable Energy                           businesses and         Community                   potential                                             Mawle               Agenda 21 &

                      Strategy for the                                Environment              Meetings.                      Renewable                                                                  Countryside

                      Island                                              Groups since April                                         Resources on the

                                                                            2001.                                                            Island and

                                                                                                                                                various Gov. and

                                                                                                                                                Reg. guidance

                                                                                                                                                and surveys.

   Anticipated    Nature and Short       Decision        Consultees and      Consultation Method       Background           Electoral        Lead Officer Portfolio Holder

   date of the       Description of           Maker                 when                                                      papers and             Division

     decision         Decision to be                             Consultation is to                                              Relevant

                                 Taken                                        Take Place                                                 Documents

10/09/2002      Changes in                 Executive       Education,                 Meetings                       N/A                         All                       Kim                   Mrs Wareham

                      Admission Policy in                         Community                                                                                                            Johnson             Education and

                       Special Schools                              Development and                                                                                                                            Com Dev

                                                                            Lifelong Learning

                                                                            Select Committee

  24 September 2002

24/09/2002      Public Service             Executive       Local Strategic          Meetings                       Report to the            All                       Charles              Mr P Harris

                      Agreement                                      Partnership                                                   Executive - in April                              Waddicor           Deputy Leader

                                                                                                                                                 and May

24/09/2002      To approve the            Executive       All stakeholder -         Letters, tenants focus    Last years               All                       Chris Binnie       Mr R Mazillius

                      overall Housing                                mainly the Island         groups and direct          Housing Strategy.                                                       Social Services

                      Strategy to include                           Housing                    meetings.                                                                                                       and Housing

                      bed and breakfast                            Associations.



                      action plans.

   Anticipated    Nature and Short       Decision        Consultees and      Consultation Method       Background           Electoral        Lead Officer Portfolio Holder

   date of the       Description of           Maker                 when                                                      papers and             Division

     decision         Decision to be                             Consultation is to                                              Relevant

                                 Taken                                        Take Place                                                 Documents

24/09/2002      Beaulieu Respite         Executive       Current Parents of      on-going                        Executive 18/1/01     All                       Jimmy Doyle      Mr R Mazillius

                      Home for Children                            Beaulieu, Parents                                          and 23/4/02,                                                               Social

                                                                            Groups, Users of                                           Select Committee                                                       Services

                                                                            service, NHS                                                  12/00                                                                         and Housing


                                                                            Trust,Primary Care

                                                                             Trust, St Mary's

                                                                            Hospital, Social

                                                                            Services and


24/09/2002      New South East          Executive       Yet to be                   Yet to be determined.     Yet to be                 All                       John Metcalf      Mr H Rees &

                      Regional Tourist                               determined.                                                   determined.                                                                Mrs M Jarman

                      Board and

                      implications for the

                      Isle of Wight

24/09/2002      Financial                    Executive       Grants Panel on 3      Meetings                       Executive 26            Freshwater           Mike Bishop       Mr R Barry

                      Assistance to Julia                           July 2002 and                                                March 2002             Afton                                            Resources

                      Margaret Cameron                           Resources Select                                                                        Mr C Lillywhite

                      Trust                                               Committee

   Anticipated    Nature and Short       Decision        Consultees and      Consultation Method       Background           Electoral        Lead Officer Portfolio Holder

   date of the       Description of           Maker                 when                                                      papers and             Division

     decision         Decision to be                             Consultation is to                                              Relevant

                                 Taken                                        Take Place                                                 Documents

24/09/2002      Closer Working           Executive       NHS Trust,                Letter and meetings.      Health Care Act       All                       Charles              Mr R Mazillius

                      Relations with the                            Community Health                                         1999, Social Care                               Waddicor           Social

                      Primary Health                                  Council, Rural                                                and Health Act                                                           Services

                      Trust (Lead                                      Community                                                   2001, Executive 2                                                        and Housing

                      Commissioning                                Council, User                                                July 2002

                      Proposals)                                       Groups and Care



  08 October 2002

08/10/2002      Fire and Rescue         Executive       Fire and Public          Meetings                       Fire and Public         All                       Richard              Mr D Knowles

                      Service Premises                             Safety Select                                                Safety Select                                     Hards                Fire and

                      Strategy                                          Committee                                                    Committee 18                                                             Consumer

                                                                                                                                                March 2002                                                                Protection

08/10/2002      To regulairse               Executive       Yet to be                   Yet to be determined.     Select Committee    All                       Steve                 Mr E Fox

                      Resident Parking                             determined.                                                   Work Plan.                                        Matthews           Transport

                      Schemes for Island


   Anticipated    Nature and Short       Decision        Consultees and      Consultation Method       Background           Electoral        Lead Officer Portfolio Holder

   date of the       Description of           Maker                 when                                                      papers and             Division

     decision         Decision to be                             Consultation is to                                              Relevant

                                 Taken                                        Take Place                                                 Documents

08/10/2002      To regularise the         Executive       Yet to be                   Yet to be determined.     Previous reports       All                       Steve                 Mr E Fox

                      County Parking                                determined.                                                   to the Executive                                  Matthews           Transport

                      (Places) Order                                                                                                     on the Car

                                                                                                                                                Parking Order

08/10/2002      Partnership                 Executive       None                         None                            Presentation from     All                       Steve                 Mr E Fox

                      Arrangements for                                                                                                  Warwick                                           Matthews           Transport

                      the Provision of                                                                                                    Business School

                      Highway Services

08/10/2002      Approving as               Executive       Building Industry        Letter and public            Economic                All                       Wendy              Mrs B Lawson

                      Planning guidance                            and Developers          advertisement.               Development,                                     Perera               Agenda 21 &

                      the Urban Land                                and similar                                                    Planning and                                                               Countryside

                      Capacity Study -                              stakeholders and                                           Tourism Select

                      estimating                                       members of the                                             Committee and

                      potential "brown                               public.                                                          Executive papers.

                      field" sites for


   Anticipated    Nature and Short       Decision        Consultees and      Consultation Method       Background           Electoral        Lead Officer Portfolio Holder

   date of the       Description of           Maker                 when                                                      papers and             Division

     decision         Decision to be                             Consultation is to                                              Relevant

                                 Taken                                        Take Place                                                 Documents

08/10/2002      Vision for Newport -     Executive       Stakeholders and       Meeting                        Resources Select     All Newport          Alistair Drain      Mr R Barry

                       Key Priorities for                             Resources Select                                           Committee - 24       area                                             Resources

                      the Development of                           Committee                                                    January 2002


08/10/2002      Acquisition of New      Executive       School and School     Correspondence and      Personnel and          Parkhurst             Tony Flower       Mr R Barry

                      School Playing                                 Governors,                 meetings with               Sourcing:                 Mr G Price                                   Resources

                      Field, Kitbridge                                Strategic Director       consultees.                   19/1/2000

                      Middle School                                  of Education and                                            16/12/99,

                                                                            Community                                                   19/11/98 and

                                                                            Development.                                                16/7/97

                                                                            Adjoining land


08/10/2002      Ventnor Harbour          Executive       Yet to be                   Yet to be determined.     Yet to be                 All Ventnor           Tony Flower       Mrs B Lawson

                      and Esplanade                                 determined.                                                   determined.                                                                Agenda 21 &

                      Site                                                                                                                                                                                                     Countryside

   Anticipated    Nature and Short       Decision        Consultees and      Consultation Method       Background           Electoral        Lead Officer Portfolio Holder

   date of the       Description of           Maker                 when                                                      papers and             Division

     decision         Decision to be                             Consultation is to                                              Relevant

                                 Taken                                        Take Place                                                 Documents

08/10/2002      Three monthly             Executive       Yet to be                   Yet to be determined      Best Value              All                       John Vosper       Mr P Harris

                      Review of Best                                 determined                                                    statistics                                                                    Deputy Leader


  22 October 2002

22/10/2002      Budget Monitoring       Executive       All budget holders      Meetings and                Budget reports         All                       Paul                  Mr R Barry

                      Report                                                                             memos                                                                                  Wilkinson          Resources

22/10/2002      Tourist Information       Executive       Internal Staff and        Interviews and                Tourism Project        All                       David Price        Mrs M Jarman

                      ICT project                                       Tourism Industry        questionnaire                 files                                                                            Leisure Services

   Anticipated    Nature and Short       Decision        Consultees and      Consultation Method       Background           Electoral        Lead Officer Portfolio Holder

   date of the       Description of           Maker                 when                                                      papers and             Division

     decision         Decision to be                             Consultation is to                                              Relevant

                                 Taken                                        Take Place                                                 Documents

22/10/2002      Six month review of     Executive       Yet to be                   Yet to be determined.     Existing Contract     All                       Bob Streets       Mr R Barry

                       Contract Standing                           determined.                                                   Standing Orders                                                          Resources


22/10/2002      Land and Property       Executive       Internal staff               Interviews                      ICT Strategy            All                       David Price        Mr R Barry

                      asset auditing ICT                                                                                                                                                                                 Resources


22/10/2002      New policies and         Executive       Yet to be                   Yet to be determined.     Homelessness         All                       Chris Binnie       Mr R Mazillius

                      procedures                                      determined.                                                   Act 2002 and                                                              Social  

                      required under the                                                                                                code of guidance.                                                        Services

                      Homelessness Act                                                                                                                                                                                and Housing


  05 November 2002

   Anticipated    Nature and Short       Decision        Consultees and      Consultation Method       Background           Electoral        Lead Officer Portfolio Holder

   date of the       Description of           Maker                 when                                                      papers and             Division

     decision         Decision to be                             Consultation is to                                              Relevant

                                 Taken                                        Take Place                                                 Documents

05/11/2002      Approval to make        Executive       FBU                          Meetings                       Fire and Public         All                       Richard              Mr D Knowles

                      an application                                                                                                      Safety Select                                     Hards                Fire and

                      under Section 19 of                                                                                              Committee                                                                  Consumer

                       the Fire Services                                                                                                 November 2001                                                           Protection

                      Act for previously




05/11/2002      To agree an                Executive       To be determined       To be determined           To be determined     All                       Angela               Mrs B Lawson

                      Environment                                                                                                                                                                 Mawle               Agenda 21 &

                      Management Policy                                                                                                                                                                              Countryside