Appendix 14a

Call Centre & Distribution

Isle of Wight Tourism

Departmental Business Plan




To facilitate the highest level of customer service possible to persons requesting tourist information, offering products and services for sale where appropriate to customer needs. Further to distribute publications on behalf of IWT to fulfil its customers needs.



To work with Membership Dept to increase awareness of booking/referral system

To increase participation amongst Members of the Accommodation Booking system (Wight Hotline)

Work with TIC Operations Officer to share staff between TIC’s and Call Centre.

Re-locate reception area into Call Centre

Improve appearance of the reception area

Work with ferry operators to re-locate personnel connected with Ferry Distribution


Team Structure



















Performance Indicators


CC1: Percentage of calls answered by an operator within office hours:        tbc

CC2: Respond to Email request within 3 working days

CC3: Respond/dispatch Mail order requests with 3 working days

CC4: Check that customers are satisfied with the service we have provided by asking them to complete a Customer Satisfaction Survey form

CC5:  Conduct research relating to guide/image campaign enquiries

Sales Targets

Due to untypical trading during 2001/2002 these have been based upon the previous year actuals 2000/2001


Accommodation Bookings (gross sales net of VAT)                        £315,000

Transport Bookings (gross sales net of VAT)                 £25,000

Mail Order Sales                                                                     £8,000

Direct Marketing                                                                   £5,000


Team Development Plans



Corporate Objectives

The following corporate objectives have been identified as most relevant to this department:


i.     The right framework

iii.   Access for All

iv.   Technology

v.    Improving Quality

viii.  Research

ix.   Marketing

x.    Premises

xii.  Best Value


Isle of Wight Tourism Strategy May 2001




Controllable budget allocated to Sally Richardson


T413 – Call Centre                                                      £

TE470 – Distribution Staff                                                 11526

34188 – Accommodation Booked                                320000

34189 – Ferries Booked                                                      40000

50001 – Salary Recharge                                                 22688

64109 – Commission                                                                      -27043

T8269 – Holiday Booking Income                                               -320000

T8290 – Ferry Booking Income                                        -40000

Total Net Budget                                                                 7171


T424 – Tourism Guides, Mainland Distribution

TE460 – Distribution General                                           500

T1200 – Summer Pocket Guide                                      -200

T1210 – Camping Guide                                                  -50

T1220 – IW Guide                                                               -150

T9267 – Pub Walks                                                              -50

T9268 – Golfing Guide                                                      -50

Total Net Budget                                                                 0


T435 – Holiday Insurance Scheme

T9270 – Holiday Insurance Income                                           -4000

Total Net Budget                                                                 -4000


T436 – Mail Order

T9250 – Publication Sales                                                 -10000

Total Net Budget                                                                 -10000


T448 – Direct Marketing

T9216 – Leaflet Drop Income                                         -2000

Total Net Budget                                                                 -2000


Various distribution budgets are included within individual publication budgets.

Appendix 14b


Isle of Wight Tourism

Departmental Business Plan




Develop effective marketing programmes to promote the Isle of Wight as one of the UK’s leading holiday destinations.



Produce quarterly research monitors within 4 weeks of the period end

Produce end of year report from quarterly monitors within 6-8 weeks of year end

Provide relevant stakeholders (build new database) with regular business bulletins

Ensure marketing strategy group meets regularly to direct operations

Establish a new working partnership with the BTA, ETC and RTB.

Improve IWTs understanding of the Island’s key market sectors


Team Structure











* Temporary arrangement pending agreed future role within IWT


Performance Indicators

M1:     Measure awareness pre & post marketing campaign against campaign objectives

M2:     Undertake business conversion surveys post campaign – 20% new business

M3:     Omnibus Surveys – pre and post campaign – Attitude survey

M4:     Qualitative Research via focus groups – 1 p/a

M5:     Measure

M6:     Marketing budget/Total IWT budget %share.


Team Development Plans


Corporate Objectives

The following corporate objectives have been identified as most relevant to this department:


i.    The right framework
ii.    Sustainable Tourism
iv.   Technology
v.    Improving Quality
viii.  Research
ix.   Marketing

xii.   Best Value

xiv. Tourism for Islanders

xvi.  Events




Controllable expenditure allocated to Hal Matthews


T406 – Research                                                      £

TE480 – Research                                                   20000

Total Net Budget                                                     20000


T434 – Image Campaign

TE400 – Promotion – Advertising                                   457524

50001 – Salary Recharge                                     8519

T9105 – Image Campaign Income                              -146000

Total Net Budget                                                    320043


T403 – Co-ordinated Advertising

TE499 – Expenditure                                               5000

T9079 – Income                                                        -5000

Total Net Budget                                                    0


T447 – Exhibitions

TE610 – Stand Space                                             30000

T9155 – Income                                                        -20000

Total Net Budget                                                    10000









T449 – Walking Festival

TE320 – Artwork/Repro                                                    300

TE340 – Printing                                                                   11700

TE400 – Advertising                                                                       3000

TE495 – Promotion                                                             1500

TE900 – Sundry Expenditure                                                        4500

34479 – Entertainment                                                    5600

34810 – Events                                                                    3400

62306 – Contributions from Outside Bodies               -15000

62750 – Contribution to Costs                                       -25000

Total Net Budget                                                                 -10000



T453 – Internet

25211 – Computer Hardware                                             600

28671 – Maintenance of Software                                      400

TE320 – Artwork/Repro                                                       5055

TE900 – Misc. Sundry                                                          120

31517 – Telephones – Data lines/Internet             2000

TE905 – Contractors Services                                            1825

T9266 – Internet Income                                                       -10000

Total Net Budget                                                                0




Appendix 14c

Press & Public Relations

Isle of Wight Tourism

Departmental Business Plan




Raise awareness and improve perception of the Isle of Wight as one of the UK’s leading holiday destinations through proactive communications management. Ensuring key messages and images are incorporated into positive media coverage. Develop awareness at a local level of the importance of tourism to the Island and to develop and maintain existing communications with all major stakeholders and partners.



Raise the Island’s profile in the trade press and secure positive media coverage.

Develop and implement a program to improve understanding and appreciation of tourism amongst Islanders (including business stakeholders).

Provide full media service to 5 Island events utilizing new portable media centre.

Maintain and develop IWT website media zone.

Review in-house media evaluation

Improve appearance and appeal of IWT media packs ad releases.


Team Structure














Performance Indicators

PR1:    Positive media coverage achieved – equivalent media value £3million p/a

PR2:    Positive TV and radio coverage achieved - equivalent media value TBC.

PR3:    Press releases per annum which have gained positive media coverage - 12

PR4:    Provide a thorough press cutting service within set budget – £2000 p/a

PR5:    Provide a comprehensive media database within set budget - £3000 p/a

PR6:    Tourism News satisfaction survey rating - minimum approval rating tbc

PR7:    Produce 4 issues per annum of Tourism News within set budget

PR8:    Number of media enquiries completed per person in department – 150p/a

PR9:    Provide full Media Service to strategic Island events: 5


Team Development Plans

Develop new teams through Personal Development Plan, appraisals, clarifying roles and responsibilities, and implementing a yearlong training schedule for Press & PR staff to improve quality and effectiveness of work produced within the department.





19 March


Press release surgery


20 March


Getting coverage in women’s magazines

1 May

Sue / Anna

Improve your press release

19 June

Sue / Anna

Getting coverage on local and national radio

3 July



Communications Strategy

24 July

Sue / Anna


Getting coverage in national newspapers

31 July


PR Strategy

11 September



Internal Communications

18 September

Sue / Anna

Make regional media work for you

2 October


Introduction to Project Management

27 Nov


Crisis Management






Corporate Objectives

The following corporate objectives have been identified as most relevant to this department:


i.   The right framework
ii.   Sustainable Tourism
iv.  Technology
v.   Improving Quality
vii.  Regeneration
ix.   Marketing

xii.   Best Value

xiv.  Tourism for Islanders

xvi.  Events




T402                                                                                           £

TE750 - Subsistence                                                           1000

TE600 - Transport                                                                100

TE830 - Computer Expenses                                           500

TE820 – Printing & Stationery                                          400

TE385 – Production – Photographs                               1000

TE410 – Promotion – Press & PR                                       3250

TE900 – Sundry Expenditure                                            1200

TE840 – Postage & Carriage                                           300

TE880 – Subs to Journals / Magazines                          1000

34242 – Press Cuttings Service Charge                       2000

34637 – Hospitality Allowance                                       3500

34661 – Exhibitions                                                             750

34100 – Contractors Services (Mediadisk)                 5000


Total Budget                                                                                    20000


Appendix 14d

Marketing Production

Isle of Wight Tourism

Departmental Business Plan




To produce Official Guides, Brochures, Leaflets and other material, as required, to the highest level of quality and accuracy – both on time and on budget. Provide up-to-date images and editorial for Isle of Wight Tourism promotion.



Develop and implement a mechanism for reviewing all contractors.



Team Structure
















Performance Indicators

MP1:   Percentage of brochures/guides delivered on schedule – tbc

MP2:   Percentage of brochures/guides on budget - tbc

MP3:   Percentage of complaints received - tbc

MP4:   Percentage of printed media on recycled paper – tbc


Team Development Plans



Corporate Objectives

The following corporate objectives have been identified as most relevant to this department:


i.   The right framework
ii.   Sustainable Tourism
iii.  Access for All
iv.  Technology
v.   Improving Quality
viii. Research
ix.   Marketing

x.    Premises

xii.   Best Value

xvi.  Events



Controllable expenditure allocated to Hal Matthews

T404 – Camping Guide

TE340 – Production – Printing                                         2075

TE440 – Distribution Postage                                          400

T2210 – Leaflet Income                                                    -5927

Total Net Budget                                                                 -3452


T417 – Teachers Guide

TE320 – Production Artwork/Repro                              1345

TE340 – Production Printing                                            12520

TE460 – Distribution General                                           7720

T1220 – Guide Revenue                                                   -21585

Total Net Budget                                                                 0


T400 – Isle of Wight Guide                                                    £

06920 – Temp Staff Gross Pay                                         9477

06942 – Temp Staff NI                                                       515

06952 – Temp Staff Pension                                            824

TE830 – Computer Expenses                                          1000

TE300 – Rate Card                                                             3576

TE310 – Design                                                                    500

TE320 – Artwork/Repro                                                    36322

TE340 – Printing                                                                   101842

TE385 – Photographs                                                        10000

TE400 – Advertising                                                           133632

TE390 – Sundry Cost                                                          1821

TE430 – Mailer                                                                     37107

TE450 – Distribution Storage                                           2100

TE460 – Distribution General                                           500

TE840 - Postage & Carriage                                            3600

TE440 – Distribution Postage                                          163000

TE415 – Promotion – Refunds                                          1000

T1230 – Accommodation Ads                                       -550000

T1225 – Attractions Ads                                                  -53000

Total Net Budget                                                                 -96184


T426 – Beach Guide

TE390 – Sundry Cost                                                          2000

T0220 – Income                                                                  -2000

Total Net Budget                                                                 0


T422 – Winter Pocket Guide

TE320 – Production Artwork/Repro                              2200

TE340 – Production Printing                                            16400

TE390 – Sundry Cost                                                          500

TE460 – Distribution General                                           7200

TE480 – Research                                                               2300

T0201 – Income                                                                  -40000

Total Net Budget                                                                 -11400


T421 – Summer Pocket Guide

TE310 – Design                                                                    2200

TE320 – Production – Artwork/Repro                           5000

TE340 – Production – Printing                                         101000

TE370 – Mapping                                                               1000

TE385 – Photographs                                                        3000

TE861 – Dispensers                                                             2500

TE900 – Sundry Expenditure                                            500

TE450 – Distribution Storage                                           5000

TE460 – Distribution General                                           12400

TE480 – Research                                                               2800

T2200 – Guide Income                                                     -11500

T1200 – Income                                                                  -163500

Total Net Budget                                                                 -39600


T451 – Eating Out Guide

TE320 – Artwork / Repro                                                  1400

TE340 – Printing                                                                   7000

TE861 - Dispensers                                                              300

TE460 – Distribution General                                           1220

T0264 – Income                                                                  -10270

Total Net Budget                                                                 -350


T454 – Town Maps                                     

TE310 – Design                                                                    15000

TE320 – Artwork/Repro                                                    20000

T1245 – Town Map Income                                                        -50000

Total Net Budget                                                                 -15000


T455 – Pub Walks

TE310 – Design                                                                    2000

T9267 – Income                                                                  -3000

Total Net Budget                                                                 -1000


T453 – Internet

25211 – Computer Hardware                                        600

28671 – Software Maintenance                                                400

TE320 – Artwork/Repro                                                    5055

TE900 – Sundry Expenditure                                                        120

31517 – Data Lines/Internet                                                       2000

TE905 – Contractors Services                                         1825

T9266 – Internet Income                                                 -10000

Total Net Budget                                                                 0


T456 – Golfing Leaflet

TE340 – Printing                                                                   3300

T9268 – Income                                                                  -3800

Total Net Budget                                                                 -500


T466 – Rural Tourism Editorial

TE320 – Artwork/Repro                                                    5500

TE340 – Printing                                                                   3500

TE440 – Distribution Postage                                                      1000

62750 – Contribution to Costs                                       -10000

Total Net Budget                                                                 0


T468 – Cycling Publication

TE310 – Design                                                                    1000

TE320 – Artwork/Repro                                                    2000

TE340 – Printing                                                                   8000

TE390– Production – Sundry Cost                                              1000

TE460 – Distribution General                                           1000

62750 – Contribution to Costs                                       -13000

Total Net Budget                                                                 0

Appendix 14e

Sales & Membership

Isle of Wight Tourism

Departmental Business Plan




Manage and develop the Island Tourist Industry Association membership scheme in conjunction with the ITIA Executive. Generate revenue to support a range of promotional initiatives.



Introduce an annual member satisfaction survey

Develop new sponsorship presentation for main publications and initiatives

Introduce new membership benefits for ITIA

Negotiate improved inspection deal for self-catering accommodation


Team Structure


Tim Addison



David Brooks

Sales & Membership Manager












Performance Indicators

S1: Maintain and achieve revenue targets on publication – 80%

S2: Develop sponsor support for IWT  - 2 sales

S3: Maintain effective support to ITIA membership.

S4: ITIA membership satisfaction survey - tbc.


Sales Targets

(see Production budgets)


Team Development Plans



Corporate Objectives

The following corporate objectives have been identified as most relevant to this department:


i.   The right framework
v.   Improving Quality
vi.  Training & Business Development
ix.   Marketing

xii.   Best Value

xiii.  New business support

xvi.  Events




T437 – Commercial Membership


TE830 – Computer Expenses                                          1800

TE400 – Promotion Advertising                          11715

TE900 – Misc. Sundry                                                          4700

TE478 – Branch Fee Expenditure                                   9790

50001 – Salary Recharge                                     22554

T0015 – Membership Fees                                                -117041


Total Net Budget                                                     -66482



Sales budgets have been included in individual project budgets under Production business plan.




Appendix 14f

Tourist Information Centres

Isle of Wight Tourism

Departmental Business Plan




Provide visitors and Islanders with high quality Isle of Wight information and a quality range of retail products and services.



Introduce 7 day per week opening and extend Winter opening hours.

Increase range of Island made products for sale

To enter 2 TICs in the England for Excellence Award


Team Structure















Performance Indicators

TIC1:  Percentage of Isle of Wight made retail stock sold – 2% (by value)

TIC2:  TIC days open vs maximum opportunity – 76%


Sales Targets

Accommodation Bookings (gross value)                               £250,000

Commission on Accommodation Bookings               £15,000

Gross takings of Agency Sales                                                   £150,000

Commission on Agency Sales                                                    £15,000

Gross takings (excluding above) - Retail                                £245,000

Cost of stock                                                                                   £147,000

Margin on Retail takings                                                             £98,000

Value of Stock held                                                           £50,000


Team Development Plans



Corporate Objectives

The following corporate objectives have been identified as most relevant to this department:


i.   The right framework
ii.   Sustainable Tourism
iii.  Access for All
iv.  Technology
v.   Improving Quality
vi.  Training & Business Development
viii. Research
ix.   Marketing

x.    Premises

xii.   Best Value

xiv.  Tourism for Islanders

xvi.            Events




S113 – Tourist Information Centres

05110 – Apt&c Gross Pay            (M)                                         172984

05120 – Apt&c Gross Pay (W)                                         59890

05141 – Apt&c General NI (M)                                      9877

05142 – Apt&c General NI (W)                                      2963

05151 – Aptt&c General Pension (M)                          13081

05152 – Apt&c General Pension (W)                            3218

18211 – Subsistence (op duties)                                                60

18720 – Pensions compensatory benefits                   1476

18972 – Medical fees                                                        50

39711 – App of employee insurance                           4714

21500 – Building Maintenance (not PS)                      1750

22751 – Cleaning Materials                                            1161

23700 – Rail boat & bus fares                                         154

23811 – Lump sum car allowances                               1410

23821 – Essential user mileage                                       800

25110 – General Equipment add/replace                 660

26110 - General Equipment – Mtce                             500

28411 – Materials general                                               3000

26210 – Computer equipment – mtce                       9405

31100 – Printing & Stationery                                          940

31113 – Photocopying                                                      1230

31210 – Advertising general                                           200

31342 – Access/Barclaycard charge                           3145

31410 – Postage                                                                 232

31510 – Telephones                                                           166

22890 – Premises Insurance                                             333

33200 – Insurances general                                            250

34000 – Misc. expenses                                                     314

34004 – Overs/shorts                                                         50

34182 – Hire of contract labour                                     437

34100 – Contractors services                                         96

34133 - Contractors security services                          4440

39823 – Payroll SLA                                                             1587

39338 – Data lines recharged                                        339

51811 – Agency Commission                                          -19100

34612 – Provision for Inflation                                         10466

62750 – Contribution to Costs                                       -80

63315 – Sales – Trading                                                     -58750

64007 – Bureau de Change                                            -150

Total Net Budget                                                                 233298


TC01 – Shanklin TIC

22240 – Electricity                                                              1820

22520 – Water                                                                     150

22311 – Rents – general                                                   15

22410 – Rates                                                                      1583

22773 – Contract cleaning services                             2269

23645 – Courier service recharged                               978

31510 – Telephones                                                           1324

Total Net Budget                                                                 8139


TC02 – Sandown TIC
22240 – Electricity                                                              1100

22520 – Water                                                                     210

22311 – Rents general                                                      6104

22410 – Rates                                                                      1923

22773 – Contract cleaning services                             2269

23645 – Courier service recharged                               978

31510 – Telephones                                                           934

Total Net Budget                                                                 13518




TC03 – Ventnor TIC

22240 – Electricity                                                              370

22520 – Water                                                                     60

22410 – Rates                                                                      927

23645 – Courier Service recharged                              581

31510 – Telephones                                                           946

Total Net Budget                                                                 2884


TC04 – Yarmouth TIC

22240 – Electricity                                                              600

22311 – Rents – general                                                   1600

22410 – Rates                                                                      633

23645 – Courier Service Recharged                             978

31510 – Telephones                                                           1086


Total Net Budget                                                                 4897


TC05 – Ryde TIC

22240 – Electricity                                                              700

22520 – Water                                                                     85

22311 – Rents general                                                      6150

22410 – Rates                                                                      1583

22773 – Contract cleaning services                             1367

23645 – Courier Service Recharged                             978

31510 – Telephones                                                           1062


Total Net Budget                                                                 11925


TC06 – Newport TIC

22773 – Contract Cleaning Services                           2126

23645 – Courier Service Recharged                             978

31510 – Telephones                                                           395


Total Net Budget                                                                 3499


TC07 – Cowes TIC

22240 – Electricity                                                              1000

22520 – Water                                                                     170

22311 – Rents                                                                      8613

22410 – Rates                                                                      1290

23645 – Courier Service Recharged                             794

22890 – Premises Insurance                                             916

Total Net Budget                                                                 12783


T144 – Accommodation System

64003 – Accommodation Booking Fees                     -15000


Total Net Budget                                                                 -15000

Appendix 14g

Overheads Budgets

Isle of Wight Tourism

Departmental Business Plan




Efficient operation of Isle of Wight Tourism HQ at Westridge and seven tourist information centres.



Ensure costs are contained within controllable expenditure


Performance Indicators


PI1)   IWT Staff & Overheads costs

IWT Net Budget


PI2)     Percentage of IWT projects completed on budget


PI3)     Actual Net Spend

            Net Controllable Budget


Team Development Plans

Recent promotion of both members of the Finance Team to posts within the Authority will delay development plans until posts have been filled.


Corporate Objectives

i.   The right framework
iv.  Technology
vi.  Training & Business Development
x.    Premises

xii.   Best Value












Controllable budgets allocated to Tim Addison


T600 – Overheads                                                                  £

06920 – Temp Staff Gross pay                                        4945

TE700 – Salaries                                                                   462230

TE701 – Modern Apprentice                                          16564

TE710 – Employers NI                                                         30881

TE720 – Employers Superannuation                             41274

11120 – Manual Workers Gross Pay                               6600

11142 – Manual Workers NI                                             342

11152 – Manual Workers Pension                                   608

TE753 – Training                                                                  4000

18510 – Conference Expenses                                       2000

18720 – Pensions – Compensatory Benefits                715

18974 – VDU Eye Tests                                                      375

39711 – App. of Employment Insurance                     10437

TE750 – Subsistence/Acc/Leased Car                         6750

TE754 – Recruitment                                                         1000

TE800 – Repairs and Maintenance                              1500

TE790 – Cleaning                                                               1020

TE600 – Transport                                                               5230

TE740 – Mileage Allowance                                           13580

TE830 – Computer Expenses                                          18492

TE815 – Uniforms                                                                 2930

TE820 – Printing and Stationery                                     16075

TE845 – Advertising                                                           125

TE860 – Office Equipment                                               5500

TE900 – Misc. Sundries                                                       500

TE870 – Bank Charges                                                      4960

TE840 – Postage and Carriage                                      39248

TE850 – Telephones                                                           16242

TE890 – Cost of Meetings                                                            1538

TE605 – Insurance (Direct Cost)                                                640

TE607 – Sundry (Direct Cost)                                          900

TE880 – Subs to journals/magazines                             2200

33801 – STB Subscription                                                  7588

34637 – Hospitality Allowance                                       1000

TE905 – Contractors Services                                         1000

39818 – Legal Services SLA                                              1171

39823 – Payroll SLA                                                             2623

39824 – Creditors SLA                                                       5452

22910 – Allocated from County Properties                20367

39338 – Data lines recharged                                        2080

39339 – Telephones recharged                                     6932

51115 – Salaries Recharged                                            -68761

59920 – Savings identified not yet utilised                  745

34612 – Provision for inflation                                          27923


Total Net Budget                                                                 727521



T408 – Corporate Identity

TE310 – Design                                                                    1500

Total Net Budget                                                                 1500



T418 – Tourism Development Plan

TE480 – Research                                                               5000


Total Net Budget                                                                 5000


T452- Events

TE700 – Salaries                                                                   1685

TE710 – Employers NI                                                         76

TE720 – Employers Superannuation                             152


Total Net Budget                                                                 1913


T459 – Events 2002 Support

50001 – Salaries Recharged                                            15000

62750 – Contribution to Costs                                       -15000


Total Net Budget                                                                 0


T510 – Best Value

TE900 – Misc. Sundries                                                       300

TE880 – Subs to journals/magazines                             200


Total Net Budget                                                                 500



Isle of Wight Tourism Net Budgets



T600 – Overheads                                                              727521

T400 – Isle of Wight Guide                                               -96184

T402 – Public Relations                                                     20000

T403 – Co-ordinated Advertising                                  0

T404 – Camping Guide                                                    -3452

T406 – Research                                                                 20000

T408 – Corporate Identity                                               1500

T413 – Call Centre                                                             7171

T417 – Teachers Marketing                                             0

T418 – Tourism Development Plan                                5000

T421 – Summer Pocket Guide                                        -39600

T422 – Winter Pocket Guide                                           -11400

T424 – Tourism Guides mainland distribution             0

T426 – Beach Guide                                                          0

T434 – Image Campaign                                                            320043

T435 – Holiday Insurance                                                 -4000

T436 – Mail Order                                                               -10000

T437 – Commercial Membership                                   -66482

T447 – Exhibitions                                                               10000

T448 – Direct Marketing                                                   -2000

T449 – Walking Festival                                                     -10000

T451 – Eating Out Guide                                                 -350

T452 – Events                                                                      1913

T453 – Internet                                                                   0

T454 – Town Maps                                                             -15000

T455 – Pub Walks                                                                -1000

T456 – Golfing Leaflet                                                       -500

T459 – Events Support                                                      0

T466 – Rural Tourism Editorial                                          0

T468 – Cycling Publication                                              0

T510 – Best Value                                                               500


Total Westridge Net Budget                                             853680









S113 – Tourist Information Centres                               233298

TC01 – Shanklin TIC                                                           8139

TC02 – Sandown TIC                                                        13518

TC03 – Ventnor TIC                                                           2884

TC04 – Yarmouth TIC                                                       4897

TC05 – Ryde TIC                                                                 11925

TC06 – Newport TIC                                                          3499

TC07 – Cowes TIC                                                              12783

T144 – Accommodation System                                   -15000


Total Net TIC Budget                                                          275943



TOTAL NET CONTROLLABLE BUDGET 2002/03                                                                                                            £1,129,623