APPENDIX 9 – Views of Southern Tourist Board  – Sept  2001


1.      Vision & Strategy

There is a need for both a vision and overall tourism strategy which is supported by council members and reflected in other strategies.

There is a need for balanced economic growth, tourism is not the only driver.

It is important to determine what the infrastructure requirements of the  IW are to support Tourism and the Tourism vision and strategy.    What parts do centres on the Island contribute to the Tourism Strategy, eg.  Cowes for sailing, Sandown, Shanklin, Ryde?


Long term sustainability of Tourism is at risk without an overall strategy and clearly defined outcomes – results.   Market trends suggest  customers are becoming more cash rich, time poor, therefore average stays are dropping and customers becoming more discerning where they spend their money.


Inward investment from European sources on the basis of deprivation criteria is unlikely and therefore other avenues need to be explored.  


STB used to giving support to other counties and Tourism organisations in this area.

Bournemouth quoted as an example of Tourism organisation with a vision and an effective strategy for Tourism.


2.      Relationship with STB

The STB is requested to fill gaps that need filling such as customer service training , business development and support.


STB would rather operate in co-operation/support of  IWT in a partnership type arrangement.   The present gap filling relationship probably means STB/IWT not as effective as it could be in these areas.


STB would like to improve their relationship with IWT, they recognise past history, they have skills in areas such as strategy development, customer service training, quality standards, TIC and their contribution to marketing.    They feel their work on the Island is rather piecemeal rather than partnership working, in particular they offer support on standards, backed by ETC for accommodation and attractions.


STB would like to work with IW Tourism, on the development of Tourism to make it cost/effective and meet customer needs.


A regional tourist board like the STB’ s purpose is to promote the region, and to enhance the economic value of tourism to the region.   STB feel that the IW is not tapping into these.






3.      TIC & Information

As an example of this the TIC which are part of a regional network,  should give impartial advice to customers.   STB feel information should be inclusive and  not  solely exclusive to members of the IWT partnership.    Exclusion of Tourism information from non  members is not ‘giving impartial information’ and is not fulfilling the network criteria for TIC.


STB say other Tourism organisations are inclusive, there are varying levels of services and charges between members and non members.   This results in impartial advice on booking and services whilst retaining advantages to members.


TIC are supported by ratepayers who are supporting  members of the partnership and giving biased advice rather than impartial advice.    There should be benefits offered to all who participate, rather than penalties for those who do not.   In this particular area IWT is seen as not supporting the whole tourism industry on the IW.


TIC are there to offer  a service for visitors when they arrive, during the visit, and post the visit for follow up  and handling the process of complaints.    TIC are a very good way of gathering market intelligence.


4.      Marketing & Market Information.

The current main Tourism Guide with its strong brand is seen as a good example.  There is a point over the evaluation of the Guide and how effective it actually is.   What mechanism is used for evaluation of the guide and its effectiveness?


The Tourism Guide is difficult to get hold of on the local mainland in the immediate area local to the IW.  STB have many requests for the guide, but find it difficult to get hold of copies.    Could IWT be losing customers because of this, what are the reasons for shortage of brochures locally.


The key market development would be to improve the numbers of people staying for holidays on the IW as they make the most economic contribution.   There are marketing tools that can be employed to spread the season peak, such as events, prices, and promotions, which could improve the utilisation of accommodation and improve the contribution to the economy.  


The market information for the IW is seen as very good as assembled by Anne Hahlo at Research and Marketing Solutions.  A useful building block for planning tourism strategy and business plans.









5.      Comparisons with other Tourism Organisations

A difficult area, there is no comparable Tourism organisation with the IW, its structure is unique.


What areas share the IW aspirations and have common ground with the IW?


If every area is functionally so different from the IW, how is the IW going to develop?   One way forward would be to look at the different Tourism core functions and compare with other Tourism organisations separately.   Another way would be to look at market segments such as sailing, beach holidays, rural holidays etc and look at the ways different areas deal with these segments.


STB have taken over the benchmarking process from the British Resorts Association.   The STB are going to sort out a programme of action and let the IW know what is going to happen on this front.   A copy was left of the IW latest information submission made in March 2001 to the BRA.