APPENDIX 6a                             TOURISM


3rd July 2001




Challenge:   1. What bits (if any) need to be done ‘Island-wide’, for the general benefit of tourism?


2. What bits need to be done by individual businesses or smaller groups?


                        3. What part should the Council play in the ‘Island-wide’ bits?


The 30 delegates were divided into four groups with varying backgrounds in the tourist industry and asked to comment and give their views on the above three questions.


Group 1:



            - The requirement of Accommodation/ attraction guides

            - PR and marketing of the Island

            - Booking and TIC information (better use of Council ICT)

            - Attract major all weather facility to increase tourism season




            - Raising the standards through training and upgrading

            - Support IW Tourism/Island Tourist organisations

            - Place more emphasis on quality

            - Commitment from ferry operators to fund advertising




            - Funding committed budget to reflect 1 in 3 jobs Tourism based

- Co-ordinate relevant agencies now done on a strategic level - filter down to specific departments

- Co-ordinating department to events, beaches & parks, tourism promotion, Island infrastructure, toilets, car parks, footpath/sigh maintenance, coast & countryside.

- Land fee/tourism tax to fund improvements/promotion ( suggest £1 per adult - hidden if required)







Group 2:



            - Sustainable tourism issues

            - Overall marketing (off Island)

            - Marketing for business

            - Quality Grading - across the board

            - Anticipating trends, market intelligence

            - Central point of information (call centre)




- Tourist Information Centres (TIC)? - Businesses have varying rates of ‘membership’ - just in TIC’s, or just in brochures, not TIC’s

            - Distribution

            - Commission sales - eg: call centre, TIC’s

            - Some of smaller publications




            - Promoting value of tourism to everyone

- Joined up thinking - having an understanding of how everything affects tourism and vice versa (digging up roads in July)

- Marketing the Island as a product (off Island) and as an Island not a series of resorts.

            - Producing information and brochures - even if via a marketing agency

            - Press and PR - but could be part of a central PR department


Group 3:



            - Overall marketing and information

            - Links to integrated strategy for IW

            - Collaborative vision

            - Roads, policing, overall appearance (improve)

            - IW Tourism holds thing together and promotes the Island as a whole




            - Adopt a professional approach

            - Promote themselves

            - Business plan




            - Funding/resources for marketing information

            - Tourist information centre (for unbiased advice)

- IW Tourism Services are required to prevent a downturn in tourist numbers with potential loss of income to the Island economy through job loss

Group 4:


            - Strategy - IWC lead and stakeholders

            - Provision of information

            - Marketing management

            - Product development

            - Training - organisations responsibility

            - Representing the Isle of Wight (off Island)



            - Distribution and delivery of information - IWC

            - Call centre/web - private sector

            - Marketing delivery - private sector

            - Product development & delivery

            - Specialist training delivery

            - Business advice - BL Wessex

            - Delivery of events



            - Strategy

            - Setting performance indicators

            - Identify skill base

            - PR lead?

            - Beaches/leisure footpaths

            - Research/statistics - IWC

            - Events strategy - tourism

            - Planning

            - Sustainability




- Strategy – Island-wide strategy, sustainable tourism, collaborative vision,

            - Provision of information to the public, TIC          

            - Marketing, PR, Booking facilities, Research, Management, Product dev

            - Quality, Grading, Training


            Individuals - Variable + specific - quality

            - TIC’s

            - Marketing

            - Information

            - Call Centre



            - Marketing - funding

            - Information - funding

            - Strategy - how things fit together & economy

-         Wider issues - beaches, roads

Appendix 6b                               TOURISM


3rd July 2001




The 30 delegates were divided into four groups and asked to comment and give their views on what they thought Isle of Wight Tourism ‘did well’ and where Isle of Wight Tourism ‘could improve’?



Group 1

 What do tourism do well – Marketing & Sales


Tourism have a website which was very useful for distribution of information about foot and mouth and footpath closures.


Branding of the Isle of Wight “no island comes close” was well perceived, and thought that it had worked well.   It also wasn’t as cringe-worthy as some previous campaigns such as “captain sunshine”.   Its worth keeping with a good brand and we hoped the temptation to change it would be resisted for a while yet.


Because the organisation was partly non- commercial, there were opportunities to produce the “Walking and Countryside” guides.


These two guides were seen as good examples of longer term promotion of sustainable tourism.


Tourism markets for the IW are multi-faceted and diverse with a diverse range of products.  It is potentially quite a challenge to market all of these in a balanced way because different markets need different publicity.  One of the strengths of IWT was that it addressed peak prestigious events like Cowes week as well as non-peak winter coach tours in November for elderly people.   The flip side of the coin is that its easy to market to everyone without targeting, however this does not appear to be what happens.


What could Tourism improve – Marketing & Sales


The Tourism website was not felt to be the greatest website, there was room for improvement.


There is a danger that a solely commercially driven organisation would not prioritise publications such as the “Walking and Countryside” guides.   This is a structure issue for IWT and how it deals with this and sustainable tourism, disabled access etc.


There was a feeling that IWT should ensure a balance between the effort it needed to put into peak season and off-peak season marketing.   Peak season marketing is important in terms of competition for markets, whilst off-peak is important but can be done at the expense of peak.


Marketing should look at the expense and effectiveness of mailshot and brochure costs versus website services.   What objectives do the two achieve, do they work together, what roles for advertising, press, tv, radio.



Group 2

What do tourism do well – TIC


We need them proved that face to face information service required.


IWT members have their information provided for free.


Can book accommodation through TIC, although it takes time and ICT needs updating.


What could Tourism improve – TIC


Could they be developed into information centres – for the Isle of Wight, how many in number, what about the idea of kiosks within shopping centres, travel centres etc.


Service limited to members at moment, what about information about everything, not just members.   Membership versus Public Service.   Determine raison d’etere of TIC, how do they fit with IWT and its activities.


Possibility of graded attractions, would this be useful for the tourists as accommodation is graded.


Upgrade of ICT, should this improve bookings capability, should booking be done over hotlink with call centre at Westridge?


TIC look shabby, lack of investment by IWC, possible rethink on number and position, kiosk.   Redevelopment opportunities for re-siting TIC, Ryde at transport interchange, Cowes at Red Funnel development.   Possible “you build it – we man it arrangements” with transport operators.   Possible co-location as successful Museum/TIC at Guildhall.     Possible commercial sponsorship of TIC?


Trend information from TIC exit surveys useful feedback on Tourism trends.   TIC feedback could be information flow inwards to IWT, say complaints, comments, video boxes for views.


TIC should be open all year round and 24 hour opening, relationship between website and brochures etc which provide information round the clock and call centre opening hours.


It was felt staff should have foreign language capabilities, training opportunities.


Branding of TIC needed  “Wight Information” ?


Group 3

What do tourism do well – Call & Distribution Centre


Manage a high volume of distribution – brochures, mail shots, guides, 3.5 million bits of information.


Good use of staff resources, to cover peak times staff inter changeability, volunteers, TIC staff


Calls dealt with at peak times expeditiously , queue management (average 2 inquires waiting, down from 10 in the peak).


One distribution centre for everything.


Future proofing of ICT equipment


What could Tourism improve – Call & Distribution Centre


Extra capacity for storage of publications.  At the moment there are 22 publications.


Staff numbers at peak times improved (use of students/part time workers)


Need for benchmarking with similar call and distribution centres.   How do other call centres work?


Need for integrated ICT systems, including on-line booking facility (paper to committee shortly). Website and telephone booking facility.


Reduce turn round time for publications.


Offset service costs by improving income system.   Higher income from improved use of booking service and perhaps higher commission as a result.  Hoteliers willing to pay for results.



Group 4

What do tourism do well – Press & PR


Good coverage in regional press


Good quality of member support provided for new initiatives and launches


Good PR on specific events eg Walking Festival



What could Tourism improve – Press & PR


PR plan of campaign and co-ordinated campaign


Higher quality of media targeting, national press to be persuaded IW a good story to tell.   Undertake a more pro-active attitude to Press & PR coverage.


Target overseas market through media and internet


Improve PR on IW – raise the profile of tourism with residents.


Improve perception of Tourism value to IW economy.


Improve interagency PR co-ordination (Council, Partnership, Tourism, etc) one department.


Improvements through being better resourced.





 What do tourism do well – Marketing & Sales


IWC web site

Branding – ‘No Island’

Long term investment (as opposed to commercial short term)

Wide range of markets


What could Tourism improve – Marketing & Sales


Brochures v. web

Off season/balance seasons

Commercial publications first



What do tourism do well – TIC


Need TIC’s

Free unbiased membership and information (could be conflict here)

‘Breath in/breath out’ – future proof


What could Tourism improve – TIC


Language training

One focus/appropriate mix

Merge/co location


Grade attractions

Act as eyes/ears for other bits of IWT

12m x 24 x 7 (?)       

Kiosk v. top notch

Waterloo station not IW activities

Timely/speedy information to TIC’s eg: lack of F & M information


What do tourism do well – Call and Distribution Centre


Handle the volume of information

Multi skilled adaptable staff

‘Lowish’ queues = Avg 2

One single distribution centre  


What could Tourism improve – Call and Distribution Centre


Lack of storage space for publications – costly

Balance cost/staff/service

ITC – online booking for people ie: Hotels direct

Brochure to the public quickly (Cost) - Commission

Growth of market

Pay v. results


What do Tourism do well – Press & PR


Support for Members

Special activities ie: coverage of walk


What could Tourism improve – Press & PR


Co-ordinate plan – national target media

Proactive – chase, involve, wine & dine

Raise tourism profile with residents and the value it brings

Co-ordinate agencies – PR (one PR Department) to promote the Island






Where is product development responsibility?

Balance – industry lead v. future big spends


Quality of whole experience – IWT connections

Small businesses - IWT first contact, 6 out of 10 fail?, is marketing to blame, professionalism v. hobby

Training/support (STB)         a) incoming business via estate agents

                                                b) for frontline staff

Vision (all agencies/commitment/co-ordinate)


Tim Addison - IWT

Classic dilemma for IWT, there could be an over dependence on commercial activity to maximise revenue to the cost of longer term issues, such as sustainable tourism and the development of tourism.


Co-location of TIC has to be thought through carefully, good example of museum and TIC in Newport, but this may not be the answer in Cowes , Ryde etc.


It is important that the value of Tourism to the Island is expressed and understood.   TIC are a direction post for Island businesses.


There was a common IT theme amongst the issues and IWT would benefit from an investment in ICT.


John Bentley – IW Partnership

There was an issue over IWT and their aim at the market, was it the traditional bucket and spade market or should it be more up market.   An issue over understanding that market and its trends and analysing the future demands that would be of benefit.  Where is market research done and by whom?


An issue over quality of customer care, quality of food, have we a reputation for quantity on the Island at the expense of quality.    What is the answer to the question, “where are the good restaurants”?


Product development is something IWT don’t do, who does do it, where is it?   Where should it sit – Economic Development – IWC?


Small businesses link to IWT seem a failure – 6 out of 10 reported to go bust after 3 years.   Issue of professionalism versus amateur hobby.   Small businesses not good at marketing themselves they need training.


Roger Mazillius – IWC Councillor

Improvements vital to IWT as we are competing in a domestic and international market place for tourists.


We need to convince members of the changes afoot as the review develops (Appraisal Group meetings).


We need to seize the initiative and grab members attention, the meeting is an excellent idea.


Steve Baker – Tourism & Hospitality PBA

The responsibility for the product lies outside IWT and we need some form of support/co-ordination from IWC.

We need to make new people in tourism product aware of the professionalism that exists to assist them.

Training is an important issue for an incoming business.


Annie Horne – Wight Leisure

 We are missing a vision of what “Tourism” should look like, what its priorities are and how does it fit into the overall island picture.  No overall Island tourism strategy.


David James - NFU

Training of front line services staff is very important for the development of Tourism, for too long we have had the “take it or leave it” attitude.   I am not sure whether there is a link between IWT and Cowes week?


Tim Addison - IWT

IWT does not have a remit to promote  Cowes week, remit is to sell partners products, IWT often the calling place for people with ferry, beach, road, parking problems, which are problems IWT not responsible for.   There is very much a divergence of reporting within IWC on items related to Tourism.


Mark Chiverton – Unison

We ought to use our intelligence to solve the problems, all councillors should apply themselves to the issues.

There is not a lot of integration of IWC services.   On the question of possible IWT externalised, it was a problem of focussing on what this would achieve and the affect on staff.