APPENDIX 22 - Developing and Promoting a Sustainable Approach to Tourism


Response to the Government consultation paper – Tourism – Towards Sustainability, suggested action was needed on 6 fronts:-


1.                  Establish an effective policy framework, - adoption of sustainable development principles (agenda 21) in a local Tourism Strategy.

2.                  Maximise tourism’s potential to benefit local community, regeneration where traditional industries in decline, (eg farming, fishing etc), preservation of historic buildings, protection of local environment.   Tourism partnerships, use of local goods – beer, farming goods, fish etc.  to encourage business and tourists to protect the local environment.

3.                  Manage visitor flows. – Effects of large numbers of visitors on an area, positive management can improve capacity, protect environment and offer rewarding experiences to guests and local residents, whilst minimising negative impacts.

4.                  Address transport issues associated with tourism.   Transport has a major affect on the environment.  White paper sets out Govt policy on this difficult issue.   Transport vital to develop tourism, however, environmental impact.

5.                  Address planning issues associated with tourism.   Marked increases in visitors will require existing infrastructure, such as hotels, shops, restaurants and transport links to be replaced and augmented.

6.                  Build partnerships between public, private and voluntary sectors. – Sustainable tourism will be most easily achieved when consumers demand more sustainable products and businesses understand the  benefits of providing such products.