APPENDIX 21 IW Tourism Staff SWOT Analysis of IW Product






Close to ingress point for continental ferry

Safe, attractive environment

Safe, clean family beaches

Sunshine hours

Island status underlines feeling of “getting away”

Huge diversity of spectacular coastal and inland terrain

Relative underdevelopment

Pace of life

Major focus of yachting activity



Some high quality visitor attractions and places of interest

Historic buildings – Carisbrooke Castle, Osborne House, Roman Villa etc

Association with Royalty and historic figures

Wide range of accommodation and improving quality of accommodation



Wide range of food and drink

Towns for shopping etc



Resort regeneration



Planning constraints restrict new development



certain areas under subscribed by accommodation providers



Low hotel occupancy out of season



Lack of public transport in some areas

Roads and parking



Limited indoor attractions for wet weather



Lack of consistency in quality of attractions and places of interest



Some accommodation lacks quality



Lack of professionalism in leisure/tourism/hospitality



Lack of community planning



Lack of competition – “Island Standards” apply

Lack of definitive “ownership” over tourism strategy



Lack of complementary inter-regional strategy – do visitors to the South get encouragement to come to the Island?




Tourism is a growth industry



Reduced seasonal sensitivity in short break markets



Improved access to information and distribution – on a global basis



Improving skills base in tourism/hospitality



IW recognized as a

Rural Development Area

SRB6 – town regeneration programme



Tourism can demonstrate benefit to “quality of life”



E-commerce opportunities – industry very suitable for development



Potential for profitable partnerships






Macro-economic issues (recession)



Currency fluctuations



Competition – low cost and easy availability of overseas holidays



Loss of accommodation capacity to residential/other uses, particularly in resorts



IW could lose its “difference” and become more like the Mainland



Conservation will inhibit leisure developments in line with consumer expectations



Lack of investment in infrastructure



Lack of continuity in local Government planning and finance



Island residents don’t appreciate relevance of tourism