Appendix 2        Isle of Wight Tourism – Suggested Structure Changes

An independent view on possible structure changes to accommodate the needs of Tourism and IWC were investigated within the Best Value Review Unit.   The following table was drawn up as a basis for further discussion within the Tourism Review Team.






IW Tourism remains a partnership company with ITIA as now – No change

Known entity.

Marketing team remains small and effective.


Uneasy partnership over future funding.

Future Sustainable Strategy on Tourism lacking.

Market Research function needs strengthening.

Links to other infrastructure departments and planning of the IW Council.

Staff & management working for two masters.

IW Tourism becomes and an arms – length Trust, whilst retaining the partnership with ITIA.

Known entity

Marketing team remains small and effective.

Borrowing based on ability to pay.

Lower costs due rates avoidance.

VAT savings as a trust.


Future Sustainable Strategy on Tourism lacking.

Market Research function needs strengthening.

Links to other infrastructure departments and planning of the IW Council.

Staff & management working for two masters.

Tourism Strategy and Research becomes the responsibility of  the  Economic Development Unit  within IWC.




IW Tourism remains responsible for year by year marketing of Tourism products, but working to an overall agreed strategy on sustainable tourism.  Partnership with ITIA remains within IW Tourism.


IW Tourism could become a Trust under this scenario, if deemed advantageous.

Future Sustainable Strategy and plan on Tourism Developed for the Island and IW Tourism.

Market Research resources applied.

Economic Developments for Tourism identified.

Economic Development & Tourism closer working.


Clearer guidance for IW Tourism and more support from IWC.

Partnership more focussed with clearer aims.

Staff & management clearer aims from year to year as a result of long term strategy and plan.

Marketing team remains small and effective.

Overall Tourism responsibility split.  Overcome by Director responsibility within IWC and organisational change with clear service level agreements between IWC and partnership.   Research , strategy and marketing need to feed into each other.