Appendix 16a

Appendix 16b

Appendix 16c

Appendix 16d

Appendix 16e










Appendix 16f












Appendix 16g -               ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCIL




Present:          Cllr Shirley Smart, Cllr Harry Rees, Cllr Peggy Jarman, Cllr David Yates

                        Alan Kaye, Gareth Hughes, Tim Addison, Simon Dabell, Sandy Stritton,

                        Ron Teasdale, Chris Thie




Introductions were made.





Alan Kaye described the circumstances of the IWC’s initial restructuring following the departure of Bernard Quoroll in June 2001.  He acknowledged that it was not obvious what to do with IWT and whilst he agreed there was no synergy within Finance and IT, that it would be a similar situation in any other directorate. 

He outlined that future decisions over the organisational structure would be influenced by:

i.                     IWT Best Value Review

ii.                   Wight Leisure Best Value Review

Tim Addison summarised the current recommendations of the BV Review for IWT which were based upon the results of the service challenge day 03 July 2001, together with information put forward by the industry stakeholders, STB and IWT team discussions.





Simon Dabell underlined that communication lines between persons represented in the meeting were difficult as the situation had been rapidly changing over the previous 9 months and emphasised the importance of continuing positive dialogue.  He went on to make the following points:


  • Industry recognised and welcomed IWC support of tourism but had suggested ways in which this situation could improve and add value.


  • Need to understand and highlight the nature of change in the way tourism is perceived now.  More Islanders and Island businesses understand the value of tourism and are interested in its future.


  • National scene is also changing with increased competition and the IW may need to re-think both strategy and the organisation of resources to implement it.


  • The formation of Island First group – ITIA wanted to emphasise two main concerns:

i.                     the new group continued to take responsibility to promote tourism seriously with an obvious chain of command recognising that current structures could be improved,

ii.                   Tourism Partnership Ltd relevance has been eroded over the past 3 years by Modernising Agenda.  This should be addressed.


  • A meeting of ITIA was convened in November 2001 to consider strategic issues.  This resulted in 4 key policy recommendations:

i.                     The IWC should recognise that tourism is the focus of economic development and is the centrepiece of the Island economy.  A development plan is required to encourage inward investment across all sectors.


ii.                   A single agency for Economic Development, Tourism & Leisure would bring together interdependent services.  The IWC should consider a new directorate.


iii.                  ITIA is disappointed that it was not involved in the IW Partnership re-structure and that tourism is not now represented, given its impact on the whole economic development agenda.  A new joint board for the Tourism Partnership Ltd and new IW Economic Partnership should be considered.


iv.                 The IW should be recognised within the changing regional scene.  The IW must be recognised and strongly link with regional agendas in the future.


  • Commercial operations of IWT are clearly becoming increasingly difficult within a bureaucracy and particularly within an administrative directorate.





























Highlighted the improvement opportunity to be gained through increased business with only a relatively modest increase in resources and commitment.  Also underlined the need to recognised changes in the national marketplace which will require changes on the Island.


Re-emphasised his view that he welcomed the industry’s opinions on how a new organisational structure could deliver added value but suggested that if the IWC could “guarantee” funding over a period, perhaps alternative models outside of the Authority could be considered.  Asked also that the Economic Development department should not preoccupy discussions as it was modest in size.  He hoped that whilst the current structures could clearly be improved, that at least no damage was being done presently, even if section progress was inhibited.


Industry would seek to protect the financial support given by the IWC and re-emphasised its appreciation of the vital role undertaken by the authority.  Clearly, the Head of Service needs a clear chain of command within  a revised structure which delivered improved autonomy.


Re-stated the importance of clear decision-making and that improved autonomy would demonstrate added value to the industry although good links to interdependent services would have to be maintained.  New arrangements could utilise LSP to ensure a united strategic approach, however continuity of resources is essential to enable long-term financial planning.


Asked the question of whether the authority was in a position to grant a three year financial package to an arms-length service delivery organisation, which would not be affected by political change.


Confirmed the authority could enter into a legal contract should that be seen as appropriate.


Important that future actions are agreed and that the Tourism Partnership Limited is seen to lead on all organisational change.





Meeting ended in agreement that this had been a positive and constructive discussion which would be followed up by:


i.                     Results of Best Value April 2002

ii.                   Options for future structure to be subsequently tabled for the Tourism Partnership Limited in June 2002


Tim Addison

Head of Tourism Services / 12 March 2002

Appendix 16h

Appendix 16i