Appendix 13



Having established what tourism is, which organisations are involved and how it can benefit the Island, what strategic objectives should Isle of Wight Tourism be setting itself? These objectives should define IWT work programmes and ultimately how IWC subsidies (public money) are used to directly support Island businesses and create sustainable jobs through Isle of Wight Tourism.


The following IWT objectives were taken from the previous IWT Strategy 1998 and have been retained:


         i.            The right framework
IWT currently represents more than 800 Island business through the Island Tourist Industry Association but does not have control over the factors that interplay to enable tourism to flourish on the Isle of Wight.  However, we aim to ensure that the maintenance and development of tourism interests are strongly represented in the political and commercial environments and will use the government’s “Tomorrow’s Tourism” framework to guide our action.

        ii.            Sustainable Tourism
Isle of Wight Tourism will continue as an active partner on Agenda 21 issues to ensure that the tourism strategy is sustainable for the Island, with particular emphasis on green/eco tourism marketing, walking and cycling holidays and the environmental impact of Tourism business investment and development. Tourism must be developed in a sustainable way, protecting the environment and respecting the concerns of local communities.

      iii.            Access for All
Working with appropriate partner organisations we will widen access to tourism for the 40% of the population who do not currently take a holiday.

       iv.            Technology
Isle of Wight Tourism is committed to effective use of electronic media ( to supplement marketing of the Isle of Wight as a visitor destination.  IWT aims to significantly upgrade the IT upon which its services depend (principally Destination Management System) to achieve both internal efficiencies and improved service to its customers and members. Connectivity with accommodation providers to enable availability to be updated remotely and online accommodation bookings by the customer direct with the establishment

        v.            Improving Quality
 We will continue to work with Island partners to help raise the quality of training, product development, customer service and business management in the industry on the Isle of Wight. IWT will promote universal grading and inspection for all accommodation.  IWT is fully committed to delivering Best Value across its own range of services and its Review is planned for 2001.  A continuous improvement approach is becoming integrated into business as usual with the aim of identifying and building on internal synergies. 

       vi.            Training & Business Development
IWT will continue to work with existing training agencies to identify specific training shortfalls in the local industry and contribute to upgrading the levels and skills in evidence.  It will also continue its programme of direct collaboration with Island College and schools. Business should be encouraged improve quality of service, operational efficiency and take opportunities for sustainable growth where appropriate. Isle of Wight Tourism has achieved Investors in People accreditation and will seek re-assessment in 2001

     vii.            Regeneration
Isle of Wight Tourism will continue to encourage the regeneration of traditional local resorts with ongoing commitments to Cowes, Ventnor and Ryde. Sandown Bay is the priority and it is hoped that this work will also be of benefit to other communities such as Freshwater and Totland.

    viii.            Research
Reliable market research provides the basis for our planning.  We will continue to ensure that the Island product is audited and opportunities properly identified to encourage continual investment.


       ix.            Marketing

Awareness and ease of access represent perpetual challenges in respect of marketing the Island.  We will continue to work particularly closely with cross-Solent ferry operators to improve this situation.  The key Image Strategy is essential to this process.  IWT will consolidate its website presence and exploit PR and Press approach to ensure that maximum use is made of opportunities to supplement Marketing strategy.  It will develop its Hotline and Distribution service and information provision to supplement customer relationship strategy. IWT will continue to identify and promote key events designed to profile the Island as the UK's leading holiday destination. 

        x.            Premises

IWT premises need to be safe and adequately maintained.  We will work in partnership with Property Services to ensure best strategic use, care and maintenance of our premises.



The following objectives have been included for this 2001 revision:


      xi.            Inward investment

A more confident approach to inward investment must be developed. This will be strongly connected to regeneration and work undertaken by IWC (Planning) and IWP. Planning briefs for important tourism sites should be produced which understand the island product.


    xii.            Best Value

IWT started its fundamental service review (Best Value review) in April 2001. This process review how the IWC supports tourism services. Where services are still required it reviews how they could be best delivered for Island people and business.


   xiii.            New business support

IWT is concerned over access to and quality of support for new entrants to the leisure and tourism industry. This should cover effective management, training and marketing skills for a range of enterprises.


   xiv.            Tourism for Islanders

Undertaking an educational programme aimed at residents to improve image and understanding of the Island’s main industry. Wherever possible to ensure benefits to residents are a priority for all new initiatives.


    xv.            Beaches, parks, gardens and public conveniences

Important facilities enjoyed and used by visitors and Islanders alike are currently subject to cutbacks to maintenance, repair and renewal budgets. Often they appear to be a costly drain on resources rather than vital infrastructure that underpins hundreds of other businesses. The Island has no Blue Flag beaches (Tidy Britain Group Award for UK’s best beaches), which should be rectified. IWT will create a list of important improvements from the tourism perspective from esplanades to cycle ways. 


   xvi.            Events

Currently the effect of Cowes Week, by far the Island’s most famous event, is not felt around the Island, this is a situation that could be improved over time. In addition more high profile events are needed to boost off-peak tourism to benefit the whole Island. The IW Walking Festival is designed to meet this brief and IWT will seek to supplement this with other events that bring a strong lifestyle association.




Tim Addison

Head of Tourism Services

Isle of Wight Tourism



May 2001