Appendix 10










Good planning is an important component for any successful business. Tourism on the Isle of Wight is certainly no exception. The organisation that acts to promote and develop tourism, Isle of Wight Tourism (IWT) requires a sound planning process.  This falls mainly into three areas:















This documents attempts to explain the strategic planning behind the organisation. For context, it explains what tourism is and why it is important to the Isle of Wight. It also tries to explain how tourism on IW is organised, the agencies involved, what they contribute and where we need to prioritise action. It provides a framework for business, corporate and personal development plans.


This strategic plan will be reviewed annually and looks forward to the next three years 2001 to 2003 and attempts to identify important issues, prioritise action to maximise opportunities and develop solutions to challenges that are presented. It looks at the following:


à         Explains why tourism is important to the Island and what role tourism can play

à         Discusses the challenges and opportunities tourism brings

à         Identifies strategic objectives for IWT


However this will leave a gap. Whilst it is important to set out a programme for IWT, this may not be enough to shape the way the Island manages itself to take full advantage of economic, environmental and community opportunities. A policy statement needs to be produced to inform important stakeholders from planners and transport agencies to community groups and business. This document should be produced in conjunction with the tourism industry and could be called a Tourism Development Plan.


Being an island undoubtedly presents advantages and opportunities for tourism and has given the Isle of Wight some very distinctive characteristics, both positive and negative.  Peripherallity (being cut off from mainland UK) has led to relative under-development - this has preserved a superior environment but can also inhibit economic activity. In the same way, being an attractive retirement destination has resulted in a higher than average aged population. The latter is exaggerated by a failure to make the Isle of Wight attractive for young people to live and work in comparison to many other parts of the UK. 


There is clearly a need to stimulate a stronger mixed economy whilst retaining the Island’s unique bio-diversity and quality of life. “Wise tourism” development should also aim to ensure economic benefits are not made at a cost to the social fabric or the environment. Wherever possible it should deliver real benefits to all. A SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats) analysis has been included which maps many of the issues facing the Island’s tourism industry.



Isle of Wight Tourism is a partnership between the Isle of Wight Council and the Island Tourist Industry Association (ITIA) that represents more than 850 Island businesses. In addition IWT works with a number of key organisations both on and off-Island, these include:


Sustainable Tourism Forum                             Southern Tourist Board                      English Tourism Council

British Tourist Authority                                      Isle of Wight Partnership

British Resorts Association                                              South East England Development Agency






MISSION STATEMENT - “To Improve Island Life”

IWC’s Tourism Services department has been placed within the Executive Services directorate. Its headquarters are at the Westridge Centre, Ryde with seven tourist information centres based in Cowes, Newport, Ryde, Sandown, Shanklin, Ventnor and Yarmouth.




MISSION STATEMENT - Supporting Isle of Wight Tourism to promote the Island as a leading, quality tourist destination in partnership with the Isle of Wight Council.

An independent business association originally created from a number of smaller independent associations to work with the IWC. The ITIA executive consists of the individual association chairmen, it also nominates representatives to serve as board directors to the Tourism Partnership Limited (TPL).




MISSION STATEMENT - As part of the Isle of Wight Council and working in partnership with the Island’s tourism industry, Isle of Wight Tourism aims to promote the Isle of Wight as one of the UK’s leading, quality tourist destinations.

The umbrella brand under which IWC Tourism Services works with ITIA to present a cohesive and easily recognised local tourist board to support business on the Isle of Wight. This arrangement is subject to a formal agreement which is reviewed yearly and renewed every three years by the Head of Tourism Services and Chairman of ITIA.




A key priority for the coming year will be to re-energise the Tourism Partnership Limited. This board of 12 directors consists equally of persons nominated by Isle of Wight Council and ITIA and  was originally formed to oversee the externalised tourism service that existed in the early 1990s. Since services were amalgamated under the control of IWC in 1997 the TPL has seen its terms of reference change. Now that the IWC’s modernised agenda and new council model has been established it is perhaps the right time to examine this Board as the bridge between the tourism industry, the IWC and other important agencies.




Tourism has been a part of Island life for more than 200 years, since the late 1700s. “ Resorts began to be developed in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and, in the main, flourished well into the twentieth century. They were able to capitalise on changes in society, such as the growing amount of leisure time, increasing discretionary income and greater mobility, provided first by the railways and then the car.  In the 1970’s , however, the situation began to change.  Packaged holidays to overseas destinations with a more reliable climate, followed by cheaper air travel and a growth in the number of domestic destinations meant that resorts faced increasing competition both at home and abroad.” – English Tourism Council “Sea Changes” February 2001


The definition of tourism is quite broad and embraces all visitors to the Isle of Wight, whether they are from the mainland or overseas.  It includes anyone who is staying overnight, on holiday, for business purposes or visiting friends and relatives.  It also includes people visiting the Island on day trips, primarily for leisure purposes as opposed to education and work.


Which businesses are in the tourism industry? This question is still being debated but there is a consensus now that accepts that business sectors such as retail are often as dependent on visitor income as a hotel. On the IW, the links are reasonably clear to most residents but the economists often stick with more traditional methods, listing retail as a distribution business. The recent Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) crisis (February to June 2001) did much to demonstrate the interdependence of tourism and other business in rural economies.


Sustainable tourism also requires a definition. As tourism effects the environment and the people who live in destinations the industry should be managed in a responsible way. IWT is committed to the principles of sustainability and all of its programmes consider impacts beyond economic benefits. Sustainable Tourism has been defined as “tourism which meets the needs of  Islanders and visitors while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future”.  It is about finding the right relationship between visitor, place and community.




“Tourism is a powerhouse, worth around £64 billion to the of the UK economy  each year, 6% of the gross domestic product. It employs 7% of the UK workforce (nearly 2 million people) and creates up to one in four of all new jobs.”   England’s Regional Tourist Boards “Agenda for Tourism” May 2001



Tourism is recognised to benefit the Isle of Wight in the following ways:


·          Boosting the economy
Tourism works like an export industry attracting additional money into the local economy.  Tourism can also play a useful role in diversifying the economy of rural areas and regenerating towns.

·          Generating employment
Visitor spending, supports and creates jobs spread throughout the economy. One in four of all jobs on the Island depend on tourism.

·          Creating a positive image
Tourism is always associated with positive images.  Tourism can help raise the awareness of places, change perceptions, create interest and encourage inward investment and civic pride.  A place that people want to visit is usually a good place in which to live and work.

·          Sustaining local facilities
Visitors can help support facilities which local people use, resulting in greater variety and a higher quality of provision.  This can apply to theatres, galleries, restaurants, shops, museums, visitor attractions and public transport.  A thriving tourism industry can help improve the quality of life for a local area.

·          Supporting a better environment
Tourism thrives in attractive environments.  Visitor related issues can provide new life for historic buildings and tourism developments have provided the catalyst for regeneration often highlighting the importance of local biodiversity (animals, plants, insects…).



The Isle of Wight has one of the highest rates of unemployment in the south east of England. Traditional manufacturing and agriculture have declined across the UK and the Island has not been immune. It has also failed to replace these industries as well as in other parts of the country.


During February 2001, 6.3% of the Island’s working population was out of work making the IW second only to Thanet in the league of areas of highest unemployment in the SE England. Unemployment Headlines February 2001 - IWPartnership


Tourism has subsequently become increasingly important with 1:4 Island jobs wholly and partly dependent on visitor income. This constitutes between 30-40% of our economy measured as Gross Domestic Product (GDP). However these figures vary considerably and there is a clear need to better understand the financial impact which tourism in the 21st century has on the Isle of Wight.


IWT undertakes a quarterly survey of tourism activity. The following information is taken from the 1999/2000 full year survey:


Across the whole year there were 2.7 million visits to IW


Tourism occurs throughout the year with an average of 34,000 per week  at the lowest point to 1000,000 per week during the peak season


1.5 million were staying visits requiring 6.7 million bednights



Key points in the year include:


Holiday/leisure stays reached 890,000 in the year. Short stay holidays (1-4 nights) were more common than longer stay holidays (5+nights): 526,000 versus 364,000. The majority of holiday trips were described as an ‘other holiday or leisure stay’ showing that the Island is succeeding in attracting short breaks and additional holidays. Only 104,000 holidays were described as a ‘main holiday’.


There were 348,000 staying visits to see friend/relatives and around 182,000 day visits to see friend/relatives, a total of over half a million trips.


Business visits were most likely to be day trips (417,000 visits). Staying business visits (including business combined with leisure trips) reached 155,000 visits. Approximately a quarter of all business visits arose from tourism, retailing and catering business.


Annual bed occupancy in catered accommodation was 47% but ranged from 15% in January to 82% in August;

Annual room occupancy in catered accommodation was 56%; this ranged from 18% in January to 88% in August;

Average length of stay across all domestic visits was 4.4 nights but this ranged from 2.9 in Q2 to 6.1 in Q4.



The Island is a distinctive destination that combines rural countryside, diverse coastline with traditional seaside resorts, towns and villages. Its very diversity makes the tourism product difficult to categorise. Once known as “Little England”, the Isle of Wight must re-establish relevant brand values for today’s market place building on strengths: world reputation of Cowes Week regatta, quality environment highly suitable for walking, cycling and sailing, peace and tranquillity, ease of access, quality accommodation and of course Island status. Here some of these issues are explored further:



The Solent, a three-mile stretch of water that separates the Island from the mainland, has positive implications for tourism – it makes our destination distinctive. The ferry crossing creates a sense of “getting away”, and underlines all that is special about visiting an island.  However, concerns over journey times, ease of travel connections and cost have certainly curtailed growth in short break markets. In fact cross-Solent operators provide three car ferry routes (Portsmouth to Fishbourne, Southampton to Cowes, and Lymington to Yarmouth), passenger-only high-speed services between Southampton and Cowes, Portsmouth and Ryde with the world’s last scheduled passenger hovercraft between Ryde and Southsea (Portsmouth).


The Island is easy to reach via the M3, A3 and M27.  Portsmouth and Southampton are the key ports of entry and in addition to accessibility by road, are served by key rail routes.  The continental ferry port at Portsmouth serves as a gateway to Europe and many overseas visitors pass through.  Heathrow and Gatwick, along with the less active but closer Bournemouth, Southampton and Eastleigh airports, are within easy reach.


Overall rather being less convenient for shorter breaks the Island is much closer to markets in London, south east and midlands than many of its rival UK destinations (Cornwall, Devon, Channel Islands, Cotswolds…)


Main towns and resorts

In recent years high street names have moved to the Island, with the Island’s capital Newport now being accepted as the main retail centre.  A multiplex cinema opened in Newport in 2000 that significantly added to the town’s leisure facilities. The future of Newport’s market is the subject of much discussion over its content and location.


Sandown, Shanklin, Ventnor and Ryde represent the Isle of Wight’s most established tourism areas. All benefit from excellent beaches that are a major tourism and recreational resource and there is a concentration of accommodation establishments and related infrastructure in these areas. It is important to differentiate Island resorts from their much larger and more developed mainland counterparts (Bournemouth, Torbay, Margate…). However all resort towns on the IW are in need of significant regeneration:


“The decline in resorts has been slow and subtle and, therefore, difficult to detect.  Nonetheless, the overall result of changes over the last 30 years has seen the share of domestic holidays taken at the seaside decline dramatically.  The seriousness of this decline should not be underestimated.  If no action is taken, the decline in some resorts will be terminal.  Inactivity will also have a wider social cost.  The Government has recently announced substantial funding for the renewal of our most deprived neighbourhoods.  Continuing decline will, for many of our resorts, result in them becoming the major regeneration problems of tomorrow, with the attendant costs and social implications that that entails.”

– English Tourism Council “Sea Changes” February 2001


Ryde is an important gateway town and the current SRB VI regeneration programme will seek to revitalise its tourism role, Ventnor has an established regeneration scheme which is on-going with significant results achieved.


Sandown Bay (Sandown, Yaverland, Lake and Shanklin) must be the next priority area for regeneration. Sandown and Shanklin have now both been included into the Rural Development Area and together with Ventnor should be considered as coastal villages.



Countryside and Coastal areas

The countryside and rural areas of the Island are largely designated as Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. These areas now support a wide range of accommodation establishments, places of interest and visitor attractions.  In addition, walking and cycling are popular with visitors and these are supported, encouraged and promoted through events, such as the IW Walking Festival now the largest of its kind in the UK . Rural economies can often no longer rely on farming as a sole revenue source and must look to diversify. Tourism offers a complementary income stream for many rural businesses and the Island can boast many examples of best practice in this area.


The Isle of Wight is surrounded by some of the most beautiful and dramatic coastline in Europe, from safe sandy beaches in resort areas to the famous coloured sands of Alum Bay and The Needles rocks.  Much of the coastline is environmentally protected and unspoilt, supporting a huge range of animal, bird and plant life – many species unique to the Island. The coastal waters are well known to yachtsmen around the world and are the home to the sailing world’s most famous regatta – Cowes Week.


Cowes and Yarmouth are well known for their sailing connections and as cruising bases, whilst there is increasing interest in water activities such as windsurfing and surfboarding.


The recent FMD crisis demonstrated the growing dependence of rural economies upon diversification into leisure and tourism and so the importance of tourism in future rural strategies.


“Tourism income is fundamental for the rural economy and has played a central role in revitalising many small towns and their surrounding areas and there is considerable potential for further growth.” - Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions “Our Countryside:  The Future

A Fair Deal for Rural England


Visitor Attractions and Places of Interest

The Island has perhaps more recognised attractions per square mile than any other destination in the UK although few are able to attract visitors to the Island in their own right. Undoubtedly a key factor in many visitors returning year after year is the wealth of things to see and do, which are not intrusive to the character of the Island and which range from significant historic properties through to modern family facilities.


Much of the Island’s heritage can be attributed to its close associations with the Royal family primarily Charles 1 (Carisbrooke Castle) and Queen Victoria (Osborne House). The Royal patronage made the IW one of the most fashionable destinations in the world during the Victorian era. Many famous Victorian people then made the Island their home, including the poet Alfred Lord Tennyson, adding to its cachet.




The IW remains the UK’s only major destination to be 100% committed to exclusively promoting graded and inspected accommodation - indeed in the UK only around 50% of all accommodation is graded and inspected. This represents an important commitment to quality and has certainly ensured that minimum standards on the island exceed those in similar mainland areas.


Accommodation is also varied, with traditional seaside hotels and guesthouses as well as some of the most attractive holiday parks and caravan/camping sites in the SE England. The Farm accommodation sector is growing with self-catering establishments of all styles signalling a growth in demand for this type of facility.


However, like the resorts themselves, the Island’s existing accommodation must continue to meet the high expectations of today’s visitor. This is an incremental process, which should be led by a programme of regeneration throughout the island.




One simple way to examine various issues is to undertake a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats) Analysis. This lists down factors that need change, some of which can be influenced easily and some which are almost impossible, as well as describing those factors that need to be retained and protected. The following is a SWOT analysis for the Island product compiled by team members of IWT:




1.       Island - feeling of “getting away”

2.       Good rail and road connections to ports of entry

3.       Close to ingress point for continental ferry

4.       Safe, attractive environment

5.       Promoted accommodation 100% graded and inspected

6.       Safe, clean family beaches

7.       Sunshine hours vs mainland (Sunniest resort in England)

8.       Spectacular coastal and inland terrain - AONB, biodiversity

9.       Relative under-development

10.   Pace of life

11.   World centre for yachting activity

12.   High quality visitor attractions and places of interest

13.   Historic buildings – Carisbrooke Castle, Osborne House, Roman Villa

14.   Culture & heritage - Royalty and historic figures

15.   Wide range of accommodation to suit all styles and budgets

16.   Quality of Island pubs

17.   Diversity of towns and villages (Ryde vs Calbourne….)

18.   Effectiveness of low budget campaigns

19.   Visitor attractions – historic, cultural, play & modern

20.   Variety of outdoor activities – walking, cycling & sailing

21.   Events programme – Cowes Week, Walking Festival….

22.   Value for money




  1. Under-investment in infrastructure – “civic pride”
  2. Many agency services are designed for a “mainland economy” (Hants - 5% tourism)
  3. Strategic importance of tourism for Island agencies is inconsistent
  4. Non-integration of public transport
  5. Island roads have capacity issues - overcrowding, parking
  6. Perceived cost and hassle of getting to the Island
  7. Resorts in need of regeneration and investment
  8. Diversity of product difficult to promote
  9. Seasonality of traditional business
  10. Planning constraints vs appropriate tourism development
  11. Under-supply of higher demand products – eg rural self catering
  12. Public transport expensive and lacks coverage in some areas
  13. Limited indoor attractions for wet weather
  14. Lack of consistency in quality of attractions and places of interest
  15. Failure to enforce building improvement notices in sensitive areas
  16. Lack of professionalism in leisure/tourism/hospitality
  17. No sense of understanding core product
  18. Community planning lacks direction and co-ordination
  19. Lack of competition – “Island Standards” apply
  20. Image - bucket & spade, elderly.. – not changing fast enough
  21. Perceived lack of quality places to eat/entertainment



1.       Tourism is a growth industry – UK short breaks

2.       Reduced seasonal sensitivity in new short break markets

3.       Improved access to information and distribution – on a global basis

4.       Improving skills base in tourism/hospitality

5.       IW recognized as a Rural Development Area (funding)

6.       SRB6 – town regeneration programme in Ryde

7.       Tourism can demonstrate benefit to “quality of life” for residents

8.       E-commerce opportunities – industry very suitable for development

9.       Profitable partnerships – ETC, STB…

10.   Introduction of better quality standards (attractions etc)

11.   Improvements in non-tourism sectors

12.   Sustainability of tourism on Island – green industry

13.   Potential to improve IW College

14.   Lifestyle-led tourism, suits Island product –Walking, Cycling & Sailing…

15.   Government emphasis on environmental issues – transport improvements

16.   Potential for car-free tourism (fixed rail link)

17.   Develop centre of excellence for quality of life (organic farming..)

18.   Overseas visitor markets

19.   Corporate and incentive travel





1.       Under valuation of tourism by the Island

2.       UK main season holiday market in serious decline

3.       Macro-economic issues (recession)

4.       Currency fluctuations

5.       Competition - low cost and easy availability of overseas holidays

6.       Competition - domestic

7.       Loss of accommodation capacity to residential/other uses

8.       IW could lose its “difference” and become more like the Mainland

9.       Conservation will inhibit leisure developments in line with consumer expectations

10.   Lack of continuity in local Government planning and finance

11.   Island residents don’t appreciate relevance of tourism

12.   New customer expectations may out pace Island ability to improve product

13.   Lack of marketing budget allowing competitor destination advantage

14.   Growing interest in UK city breaks

15.   Fuel costs – ferry prices could rise

16.   Fixed link




IWT and its partners can work together to tackle many of the above challenges (illustrated in the objectives set out below). However there will be significant gaps that should be addressed by a new Tourism Development Plan to direct IWT, its partners and other agencies in the future.



A tourism strategy for the Isle of Wight must look at specific issues affecting the county and also take account of the wider context in which tourism must operate. It addresses the economic issues, but also those which concern Island residents and the environment.


The Government’s Tourism Strategy for England is set out in “Tomorrow’s Tourism” published by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport in 1999, whilst a regional context is set out in the Regional Tourism Strategy published by the Southern Tourist Board in the same year.  Both these documents identify the potential for growth and highlight the importance of local authorities in helping to deliver tourism objectives.


Key themes from these strategies are;


à                     Improving the quality of the product and becoming more customer focused

à                     Improving the delivery and co-ordination of marketing

à                     Exploiting Information Technology in delivering services/improving marketing intelligence

à                     Sustainable development protecting the environment and respecting local communities

à                     Developing the skills of the local workforce and improving tourism jobs

à                     Improving access to tourism for all sectors of the community

à                     Improving the image of the industry


Tomorrow’s Tourism has provided the strategic framework upon which Isle of Wight Tourism’s strategy and business plan have been developed. Strategic objectives flow from those set out in 1999 and strongly interrelate with our elected approach for 2001-2005.




As explained in the introduction this plan aims to explain the strategic thinking behind IWTs objective setting. These will be used by each department of IWT to draft work programmes within base budgets. Where appropriate financial input will be attracted from the private sector to deliver co-operative projects. This hopefully explains why there is no mention of familiar products and services (tourist information centres, official pocket guides etc).


Each department of IWT will produce an annual business plan with regular updates and budgetary reports presented at TPL board meetings. IWT is proud to be an Investor in People recognised organisation and every team member has a part to play in delivering our business plan.


Finally, IWT will co-ordinate the production of a Tourism Development Plan. This will be linked to the IWC Local Strategic Plan and IWP Regeneration and set out how tourism infrastructure on the Island should be developed over the next 15 years.




Tim Addison

Head of Tourism Services

Isle of Wight Tourism



May 2001





Having established what tourism is, which organisations are involved and how it can benefit the Island, what strategic objectives should Isle of Wight Tourism be setting itself? These objectives should define IWT work programmes and ultimately how IWC subsidies (public money) are used to directly support Island businesses and create sustainable jobs through Isle of Wight Tourism.


The following IWT objectives were taken from the previous IWT Strategy 1998 and have been retained:


         i.            The right framework
IWT currently represents more than 800 Island business through the Island Tourist Industry Association but does not have control over the factors that interplay to enable tourism to flourish on the Isle of Wight.  However, we aim to ensure that the maintenance and development of tourism interests are strongly represented in the political and commercial environments and will use the government’s “Tomorrow’s Tourism” framework to guide our action.

        ii.            Sustainable Tourism
Isle of Wight Tourism will continue as an active partner on Agenda 21 issues to ensure that the tourism strategy is sustainable for the Island, with particular emphasis on green/eco tourism marketing, walking and cycling holidays and the environmental impact of Tourism business investment and development. Tourism must be developed in a sustainable way, protecting the environment and respecting the concerns of local communities.

      iii.            Access for All
Working with appropriate partner organisations we will widen access to tourism for the 40% of the population who do not currently take a holiday.

       iv.            Technology
Isle of Wight Tourism is committed to effective use of electronic media ( to supplement marketing of the Isle of Wight as a visitor destination.  IWT aims to significantly upgrade the IT upon which its services depend (principally Destination Management System) to achieve both internal efficiencies and improved service to its customers and members. Connectivity with accommodation providers to enable availability to be updated remotely and online accommodation bookings by the customer direct with the establishment

        v.            Improving Quality
 We will continue to work with Island partners to help raise the quality of training, product development, customer service and business management in the industry on the Isle of Wight. IWT will promote universal grading and inspection for all accommodation.  IWT is fully committed to delivering Best Value across its own range of services and its Review is planned for 2001.  A continuous improvement approach is becoming integrated into business as usual with the aim of identifying and building on internal synergies. 

       vi.            Training & Business Development
IWT will continue to work with existing training agencies to identify specific training shortfalls in the local industry and contribute to upgrading the levels and skills in evidence.  It will also continue its programme of direct collaboration with Island College and schools. Business should be encouraged improve quality of service, operational efficiency and take opportunities for sustainable growth where appropriate. Isle of Wight Tourism has achieved Investors in People accreditation and will seek re-assessment in 2001

     vii.            Regeneration
Isle of Wight Tourism will continue to encourage the regeneration of traditional local resorts with ongoing commitments to Cowes, Ventnor and Ryde. Sandown Bay is the priority and it is hoped that this work will also be of benefit to other communities such as Freshwater and Totland.

    viii.            Research
Reliable market research provides the basis for our planning.  We will continue to ensure that the Island product is audited and opportunities properly identified to encourage continual investment.


       ix.            Marketing

Awareness and ease of access represent perpetual challenges in respect of marketing the Island.  We will continue to work particularly closely with cross-Solent ferry operators to improve this situation.  The key Image Strategy is essential to this process.  IWT will consolidate its website presence and exploit PR and Press approach to ensure that maximum use is made of opportunities to supplement Marketing strategy.  It will develop its Hotline and Distribution service and information provision to supplement customer relationship strategy. IWT will continue to identify and promote key events designed to profile the Island as the UK's leading holiday destination. 

        x.            Premises

IWT premises need to be safe and adequately maintained.  We will work in partnership with Property Services to ensure best strategic use, care and maintenance of our premises.



The following objectives have been included for this 2001 revision:


      xi.            Inward investment

A more confident approach to inward investment must be developed. This will be strongly connected to regeneration and work undertaken by IWC (Planning) and IWP. Planning briefs for important tourism sites should be produced which understand the island product.


    xii.            Best Value

IWT started its fundamental service review (Best Value review) in April 2001. This process review how the IWC supports tourism services. Where services are still required it reviews how they could be best delivered for Island people and business.


   xiii.            New business support

IWT is concerned over access to and quality of support for new entrants to the leisure and tourism industry. This should cover effective management, training and marketing skills for a range of enterprises.


   xiv.            Tourism for Islanders

Undertaking an educational programme aimed at residents to improve image and understanding of the Island’s main industry. Wherever possible to ensure benefits to residents are a priority for all new initiatives.


    xv.            Beaches, parks, gardens and public conveniences

Important facilities enjoyed and used by visitors and Islanders alike are currently subject to cutbacks to maintenance, repair and renewal budgets. Often they appear to be a costly drain on resources rather than vital infrastructure that underpins hundreds of other businesses. The Island has no Blue Flag beaches (Tidy Britain Group Award for UK’s best beaches), which should be rectified. IWT will create a list of important improvements from the tourism perspective from esplanades to cycle ways. 


   xvi.            Events

Currently the effect of Cowes Week, by far the Island’s most famous event, is not felt around the Island, this is a situation that could be improved over time. In addition more high profile events are needed to boost off-peak tourism to benefit the whole Island. The IW Walking Festival is designed to meet this brief and IWT will seek to supplement this with other events that bring a strong lifestyle association.




Tim Addison

Head of Tourism Services

Isle of Wight Tourism



May 2001