The Committee wishes to monitor the progress of the Project Board and ensure that it adheres to its projected timetable.




1.         The Board would welcome the Committee’s views as to its proposals for the future of the core, secondary and especially the “other” services, (as in Annex  2).


2.         To note that the Board is compliant with its projected timescale for completing its work.





A progress report on the work of the Project Group was last considered by the Committee at its meeting of 1 July 2004.  The Committee was also consulted at an informal meeting on the report of the Board’s work which was presented to the Executive on 28 July 2004; its views being made known to the Executive as part of the deliberations over the report.


The Executive agreed all of the recommendations made in the report with the exception of that which suggested that the core and secondary leisure services continue to be provided by the Council in the same Community Development and Leisure Services Unit.  In this regard the Executive preferred that it would want to consider the method of delivery of all 3 service categories en bloc, rather than as separate items.


The activities agreed within each of the 3 categories of service are reproduced at Annex 1 to this report for ease of reference.


As a result of the Executive’s decisions, the Project Board was required to identify and make recommendations to the Executive on the future delivery and methods of delivery for all services by the end of September 2004.  The final report is scheduled in the Executive’s Forward Plan for 6 October 2004.


The Board has now been able to give some thought to this task required of it and the result of its deliberations is shown in Annex 2.  This table sets out its views as to where and how all of the activity areas currently within Wight Leisure could/should be delivered in the future.  It is important to note that the Board has not yet had the opportunity to consult on any of its proposed options which are shown in order of preference (option 2 being the most preferred).  It has acknowledged the need to consult under the Parish Protocol on its proposals and will be taking steps to do so.


One other important aspect to note of the table in Annex 2, is that if none of the options are agreed and settled by December 2004, then some of the activity areas will need to close by default as the time will have passed to recruit staff for the coming year.

The consideration of the risks to the Council from continuing to provide the core and secondary services through a Community Development and Leisure Service Unit is an associated but as yet, unreported piece of work undertaken by the Board.  The risk analysis so far completed has been advised upon by the Audit Section, and is reproduced at Annex 3.


The major point of note in Annex 3 is that the impact of not implementing the options set out in Annex 2, is thought to be significant and detrimental to the future economic, effective and efficient delivery and development of the core and secondary services.  The Board is still to receive complete a similar risk assessment with regard to the “other services”, this having only just been compiled by officers.


The Board remains on target to complete its work by the end of September, although it should be pointed out that the implementation of the options, in respect of the other services in Annex 2 may take a little longer to achieve.  This however is seen as a management, rather than policy development role.


The Committee will also recall that at its informal meeting it agreed to give some guidance to the Project Board in respect of the future management arrangements at the Medina Dual Use Centre.  In this regard it will be considering the relevance of the existing dual use agreement with the High School.  An initial scooping meeting has already been held in respect of this work.




One of the aspirations of the community strategy, under the theme of “Improving Access to Services and Facilities” is to “encourage physically and/or mentally stimulating activities as a route to staying healthy and a foundation for a full and active life”.


The Council’s own key objective of improving health, housing and the quality of life for all identifies the promotion of healthy living as being of particular importance and refers to encouraging the uptake of physically and mentally stimulating activities, as referred to above, as a key priority.


Working with the tourism industry to promote the Island as an all-year holiday destination, particularly seeking to develop sustainable tourism initiatives and improving standards of customer care in the industry is a particular priority for the Council within the context of its objective to encourage job creation and economic prosperity.


Services provided by the Council through Community Development and Leisure and the areas for improvement identified in the best value improvement plans in particular, can be seen to clearly link with these strategic themes, objectives and aspirations.


The completion of the Wight Leisure Review and implementation of its findings are part of the Council’s declared priorities for 2004/05, as set out in the Annual Action Statement.




The Board continues to be well advised by the senior managers within Wight Leisure. A further meeting with the Staff Consultative Committee of Wight Leisure is planned for 25 August 2004.  A verbal update of this meeting can be given to the Committee.




A reduction in the range and scale of leisure services supported by the Council to a more focused approach will lead to some efficiency savings being generated in the overall management of the services.  The scale of saving is currently being determined and will be factored into the budget setting process for 2005/06.


Most of the services grouped under Community Development and Leisure are discretionary.  There is, nevertheless, a need to procure their delivery in such a way as to deliver best value services as defined in the 1999 Local Government Act.  The advent of the Local Government Act 2000 and the prudential borrowing code will assist in the lawful, innovative development of the service.




1.                  Service Area agreed categories


2.                  Options for the future delivery of all services


3.                  Analysis of the risks associated with having the core and secondary services delivered by a Community Development and Leisure Services Unit









Contact Point : John Metcalfe, ( 3825 e-mail [email protected]






Portfolio Holder for Tourism and Leisure

Annex 1



Activity area

Development Opportunities


Heights Leisure Centre

  • Changes to the internal layout to provide a larger health suite and integral crèche, Bar and café to be combined


  • Overall building refurbishment due to the age of the building

Business plan to be prepared.



Programme to be agreed with property services.

Medina Leisure Centre

  • Changes to the internal layout to provide a larger health suite and integral crèche,


  • Completion of the sports/events hall to provide the most comprehensive facility on the Island


  • Overall building refurbishment due to the age of the building

Dual use agreement to be completed.


  • Extension of the facility to include health and fitness, studio, crèche and community room


  • Considerable building refurbishment due to the age of the building

Future direction and future of this site needs further work

Cowes Week

Re-establish Northwood House programme

Subject to appropriate funding

Retain as core - possibility of increased infrastructure costs for firework night with regards to recharges

Walking Festival

  • Develop an enhanced and designated website
  • International walks

Meets all council strategic objectives

Wight Air

Source funds to provide full two week programme

Meets all council strategic objectives

Music Festival

Secure more household/top names within each music genre to increase the appeal and potential investment to facilitate growth

3 day/ core 2 week festival requires further review

Meets all councils strategic objectives

Cycling Festival

  • Secure national events to raise profile
  • Expand from nine days to two weeks and increase potential for investment

Timetabling needs attention further links with highways and cycling officer

Community events :-





Categories core but exact events to be delivered to be agreed with the portfolio holder




Activity area

Development Opportunities


Medina Theatre

  • To provide an all inclusive seating area to meet the needs of the DDA


  • Enhance the facility to provide better artist facilities and a cloakroom for the public

Future of Islands theatres not clear further work to be completed

Wight Leisure due to the proximity of the leisure centre.


Creation of a four court squash conversion to a 40 station fitness faculty, activity room, reception and social area,  health suite and refurbish the changing areas

Business plan revised- funding application to be made

Wight Leisure, Members felt this was more but was an undeveloped site which should be multi-functional.

Sandham Gardens

  • Themed crazy golf
  • New fencing around tennis

A Successful site to be run from the established team at Browns


  • Extension to the clubhouse and facilities to improve service area




  • Extension of the kitchen facilities and licensed bar plus the provision of an outdoor play area

Core but management arrangements requires further work in relation to seasonal sites


Business plan to be revised and funding to be identified.

Shanklin Esplanade

Themed crazy golf

A Successful site to be run from the established team at Browns

Shanklin Lift

  • Modernisation of lift cars
  • Reconstruction of kiosk after cliff fall
  • Provision of CCTV for the safety and users

A Successful site to be run from the established team at Browns

Boating Lake


A Successful site to be run from the established team at Browns

Appley Park

New attendants kiosk


A Successful site to be run from the established team at Browns




Activity area

Development Opportunities

Issues to Consider

Puckpool Park

Resurface and re-fence tennis courts

Externalise or transfer to park and gardens.

Road Train

Extend route at Sandown to improve income

Externalise or transfer to highways.

Community Halls

  • Extensive refurbishment of both St Andrews and East Cowes halls required.
  • Issues surrounding DDA provision for a disabled toilet

Provide by others e.g. Town Councils

Northwood House

  • Complete internal decorations
  • Relocation of registrars
  • Rationalise catering facilities
  • Provide additional male and female toilets

Not core business, future home uncertain, possible transfer.  Legal and Democratic Services to house registrars.

Ryde Harbour


Provide by others, possibly another department.

Seaclose Park

Re_ fence Tennis courts

Split up and find alternative management.

Provide by others, possibly another department.

Sport Pitches

Review of pricing structure increase income and promote junior usage

Transfer to parks and gardens 1st October 2004

Provide by others, possibly another department.

Dinghy Parks


Transfer to parks and gardens 1st October 2004

Provide by others, possibly another department.

Beach Huts


Transfer to parks and gardens 1st October 2004

Provide by others, possibly another department.

Amenity land Hire

  • Clarification of the land available for hire
  • Review Fees and Charges to provide greater income for the work involved

Transfer to parks and gardens 1st October 2004

Provide by others, possibly another department.

Ventnor Park


Available as a concession ( 3 months)

Propose a concession or stop.

Northwood Park

Potential major Heritage Lottery Fund bid.

Dependent on Northwood House.

Options for the Delivery of All Services

Activity Area

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3



All Core Services

To be managed within a Community Development and Leisure Services Unit

All Secondary Services

To be managed within a Community Development and Leisure Services Unit

Other Services

Puckpool Park

Offer as a concession to the existing concessionaire

Offer as a new concession

Transfer to another department


Tennis, bowls, putting

Net cost £1,200

Road Trains

Offer to local Business Association or Town Council

Offer as a new concession

Transfer to another department


Sandown, Shanklin, Ryde

Net cost £16,300

Community Halls

Offer to local Business Association or Town Council

Offer to local voluntary management



Cowes and East Cowes

Net cost £ nil

Northwood House & Community Hall

Transfer to another department (Registrars?)

Offer to an independent operator


Northwood House Trust assume sole responsibility for maintenance and management".


Net cost £30,000

Ryde Harbour

Transfer to another department (Coastal Protection?)

Offer to an independent operator



Net cost £ nil

Ventnor Park

Offer to local Business Association or Town Council

Offer as a new open concession




Net cost £2,000

Northwood Park

Give over to the Trustees fully

Pass over  to the Bowls Club



Net cost £2,000

Seaclose Park

Transfer to Parks and Gardens

Pass over to the Bowls Club



Text Box: ANNEX 2Tennis, Bowls, Skate park

Sports Pitches

Transfer to Parks and Gardens already agreed

Net surplus £8,000

Dinghy Parks

Transfer to Parks and Gardens already agreed

Beach Huts

Transfer to Parks and Gardens already agreed

Amenity Land Hire

Transfer to Parks and Gardens already agreed