Service Vision for 2008


Our Business Plan for 2005-2008 is based on consolidating the progress that has been made to date, and to becoming a recognised excellent Planning Service.  This note sets out our vision for the Service arranged under Service-specific issues, and more general, underlying principles.


Service Related Aims


To deliver a planning service which maintains and enhances the natural, built and historic environment of the Island.


·         An adopted Local Development  Framework (LDF) will be in place.


·         The LDF will be monitored annually, and a detailed report submitted to the Executive.


·         All planning decisions will be based in a transparent way on the policies in the LDF.


·         The AONB will be managed as an attractive, vibrant and economically buoyant part of the Island.


·         An up-to-date Historic Environment Record will be published.


·         Detailed Conservation Area Character Appraisals will be adopted for each of the Island’s conservation areas.


·         The environment of the Island will be a main driver for the future of sustainable tourism.


To deliver a planning service that encourages and promotes excellent design and building process.


·         Excellent quality design will be promoted on the Island by the Council, local groups and organisations involved in the submission of applications.


·         Detailed guidance notes will be available, publicised and circulated on the Island.


·         The value added by the Planning Service on planning application determination will be monitored.


·         Detailed performance monitoring procedures will be in place for developments in conservation areas.


·         Eco-friendly building practices and standards will be encouraged and promoted.


To promote the regeneration and development of sustainable communities which provide a range of houses and employment opportunities to meet the needs of Island residents.


·         A development team approach will oversee the promotion and development of major strategic sites on the Island.


·         The Council will actively work in partnership with SEEDA, English Partnerships, the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership and landowners to secure the development of employment sties and other economic development proposals.


·         High quality housing developments will be supported in sustainable locations.


·         There will be a consistent yield of affordable housing on all sites above identified thresholds.


·         Proposals for workspace housing will be supported in appropriate locations.


To ensure that the delivery of the Planning Service properly and fully contributes to the needs of the community.


·         The package of community benefits/planning obligations used in negotiations will be regularly monitored and updated.


·         Community involvement in the planning obligations process will be encouraged where it is appropriate to do so.


·         The Planning Service will monitor its implementation of key LSP policies through the Development Control process.


·         The Planning Service will contribute fully and effectively to community events and initiatives, and will play an active role in the implementation of wider corporate and community initiatives.


Underlying Principles


To provide a customer focused service which makes a wide range of information and advice notes on the planning service.


·         The delivery of a self-service planning information service through an interactive website.


·         Web-based access to planning applications end to end.


·         The availability of high quality detailed information and advisory notes on the Service.


·         The availability of planning advice at Service centre across the Island.


·         A wider range of Council and other services offered from the Seaclose reception.


·         High quality telephone access to the Planning Service.


·         Ongoing monitoring of customer perceptions of the Service.


·         Providing timely feedback to consultants and local residents on the outcomes of planning applications.


·         Detailed monitoring of meeting Customer Charter standards.


To value and support our staff and provide opportunities training, development and career advancement.


·         The provision of a high quality front and back office environment.


·         The provision of high quality ICT and technical back up for all officers.


·         Extended and flexible working arrangements to cater for a range of lifestyle and career expectations.


·         The availability of tailor-made training and development plans, including graduate training.


·         Opportunities for secondment.


·         Sponsorship for students.


To promote high quality standards in an efficient and cost-effective way in everything we do.


·         The Service, and individual team where appropriate, will achieve quality management systems (such as Total Quality Management, Chartermark or ISO 14001).


·         Ensure quality in the presentation of the Service’s website and materials and documents.


·         Ensure quality in standards of letters and reports.


·         Ensure quality in our procedures for meeting customers in our Reception area and in handling telephone calls.


·         Ensure that we provide a cost-efficient service in accordance with Gershon efficiency savings.


To engage proactively with local communities, developers and the media


·         Local agents and developers will be kept up-to-date with Service issues and other developments.


·         Relationships with Town and Parish Councils will be based on common trust and understanding.


·         Press release will be regularly sent to and used by the local press on achievements on development on the Island.


·         Local residents and schools will be extensively involved in environmental enhancements and countryside management.


·         Regular newsletters will be produced and circulated widely on the Island.


Structure of Business Plan


In order to focus the service on achieving the aforementioned improvements the Business Plan allocates key tasks for the next three years, as follows : -   


Service Related Aims


2005/ 2006



2006/ 2007



2007/ 2008 



A fundamental principle in the new business plan is that it is informed by feedback from staff and customers.  In order to achieve this, communication and learning from experience and customer contact will be incorporated into the plan.  The development of project based working will enable control of delivery of the key tasks and as such, although a basic framework for service delivery exists, it will be reassessed at predetermined dates to ensure the plan is delivering the needs of our customers and community at large. A further development is that the business plan will be available as web pages and will incorporate regular newsletter and comments pages.  Access to the plan will be enabled at various levels in order that individuals can understand the plan in detail or at a higher level depending on their personal requirements.


Underlying principles


As far as the underlying principles are concerned the following key elements will be put in place : -


2005/ 2006 



In order that the plan is flexible, the tasks underpinning these principles will be assessed on an annual basis, allowing the service to develop focus areas each year.   



The basic format for the business plan has been redrawn and an example is shown below : -


Item Number



Quarterly newsletter

Responsible person


Implementation Date

May 2005


£1000 pa

Outcome Measure

Newsletter available on Web and in paper copy if required

Monitored By

Andrew Ashcroft

How outcome is to be achieved and measured

CJ to produce draft front page

Planning Management Team to be consulted on format

DH to arrange where copy is to come from

Draft Newsletter to be produced and approved

Newsletter Published 

Reader feedback

Benefits and Risk

Better informed customers leading to fewer complaints

Transparent Service

Greater awareness of the planning process

Risk :  Complaints 

Local PI




Training Requirements

These need to be assessed after first two editions