Date:               13 JUNE 2002


Title:               THE FUTURE FOR TOURISM


                        REPORT OF THE HEAD OF PAID SERVICE




1. Recommendations




  1. Members are recommended to consider the options set out in the report and in the light of the Best Value study and to indicate their preferred way forward.


  1. Officers be instructed to report to the Executive on 2 July on the preferred option and a programme for implementation.


2. Introduction


IW Council Executive on the 21st May 2002 considered the recommendations of the recently completed Best Value Review and recommended: -


  1. A detailed report on the future options i.e.


(1)   Leave the service as it is.

(2)   Integrate Tourism Services within the Council.

(3)   Externalise the function to a trust or limited company.


Be reported to a meeting of the Economic Development, Tourism and Leisure Select Committee on the 13th June.


  1. Tourism delivers improvements within their annual business plan and within approved budgets.


Also at the Executive on 21 May it was resolved that:-


1.   That Tourism Services be relocated from the Directorate of Finance and Information to the Directorate of Education and Community Development


2.   That the Head of Community Development take overall responsibility for Tourism until the future organisational arrangements are put in place.


3.   That the Head of Paid Service and Head of Community Development determine temporary arrangements to ensure the continued good management of Tourism Services until the future organisational arrangements are in place, the costs of which will not exceed the salary costs of the department Head of Tourism.


This provides an interim management arrangement pending consideration of the options for the future of tourism services.


The following report looks at the future options, evaluates each, and recommends the way forward.


3. Issues from the District Audit Review of Partnership Arrangements


This review is still at a preliminary draft stage, but it has identified the following issues:-





4. Issues from the Tourism Best Value Review


The following issues were highlighted in the Best Value review:-








5. Main Options for the Tourism Service


The three main options identified by the Best Value study were:-





There are clearly other models such as the re-integration of IW Tourism within the Southern Tourist Board or its successor with that organisation carrying out the main functions under contract.


6. Evaluation of Options


Following the Executive meeting on 21 May, managerial responsibility, for IW Tourism will be re-located from the Directorate of Finance & Information to the Directorate of Education and Community Development with effect from 15th June 2002.   The Head of Community Development will take overall responsibility for Tourism until the future organisational arrangements are put in place.   In order to involve key stakeholders in the discussion of the issues, the local tourist industry representatives via the Island Tourism Industry Association  have been invited to this meeting.


An outline of the main points for and against each main option is set out below.

Options 1 & 2 would both involve Tourism remaining within the IW Council and will therefore be similar, while Option 3 is a radical change.


  1. Leave within IW Council – IW Tourism stays as part of Finance & Information Directorate and partnership arrangements remain as they are.



IW Tourism is a known entity.

Small and effective marketing team remains.

Links exist to the infrastructure departments and the corporate planning process of the IW Council.



Funding can only be secured on an annual basis.

Staff and management are working for two masters.

Market research function needs strengthening.


  1. IW Tourism formed into a new directorate within the IW Council



Facilitates formation of a sustainable strategy.

Market research strengthened in IW Council, by linking to Economic Development.

Economic developments for Tourism identified through closer working.

Staff and management of IW Tourism have clearer aims as a result of integrated longer-term strategy and planning.



There would a need to restructure the top of IW Council management to create an extra strategic director.

The loss of crucial involvement, support and synergy with the local tourism industry – weakened staff morale.

Marketing team partnership with tourism industry weakened by more inclusive IW Council structure.


3.   IW Tourism becomes an arms length Trust or Private Company

In this model it is envisaged that the client function would remain within IW Council dealing with strategic planning, market information, and review, whilst the new IW Tourism body would have the operation and marketing responsibility.



Finance arrangements will be given longer-term stability, and the new body will be in control of its finances.

Facilitates formation of a sustainable strategy.

Staff and management of IW Tourism have clearer aims as a result of longer-term strategy and planning.

Market research strengthened in IW Council, by linking to Economic Development.

Economic developments for Tourism identified through closer working.

      Marketing team remains small and effective; IW Tourism remains a known entity.

      Partnership strengthened with local tourism industry, as aims would be clearer.

      There is a possibility of lower costs, due to partial rates exemption, if the new body is a non-profit making organisation.



Overall tourism responsibility split between IW Council and IW Tourism.  However, this is overcome by overall director responsibility within IW Council, arising from the organisational change within IW Council to accommodate client responsibility.



7. Implementation of the “Favoured Option”


A new Head of Tourism should be appointed to carry out the implementation of the favoured option.


An outline plan of implementation should then be agreed, showing tasks, responsibilities, time scales and reviewing arrangements.


If Option 3 is chosen then the following need to be addressed: -





The implementation plan tasks should become integrated within the IWC business planning process and budget arrangements.   It should be reviewed at regular intervals and progress monitored with achievements measured against objectives.  Best Value recommendations involving future development should be held in abeyance pending any new structure being formed.


Background papers


The Best Value Review and its Appendices.


Contact point: John Vosper 823536





Head of Paid Service