Date :              13 DECEMBER 2002









This report is intended to inform Members of the services provided by the Brussels Office, and to open discussion on issues for 2003-2004.




The Hampshire-Dorset Office was set up in 1995 and has undergone a number of changes since it opened its doors 8 years ago.  Isle of Wight joined the partnership in 1997 and West Sussex in 1999.  Dorset left the partnership in 2000 to join the South West UK Office.   The full name of the office is Hampshire, Isle of Wight and West Sussex, which is commonly abbreviated to HWWS.


The main functions of the office are:


°         To represent and promote the partners in Brussels

°         To monitor European Commission policy proposals

°         To provide information on funds

°         To make contact with officials and politicians from the EU institutions

°         To help find regional partners

°         To provide office facilities and meeting space in Brussels for partners


·         Evidence for Success


In the year 2002, the Brussels officers have:


°         Have provided regular information on the following themes which were selected by the UK office partners: climate change, coasts, rural development, transport, business support and innovation, health and social care, e-government, young people, natural resource management.

°         Responded to requests for information on additional themes as diverse as the Commission’s regulation on the use of animal by-products, to cooperation programmes with local authorities in The Gambia and Russia.

°         Have produced around 50 newsletters and briefings covering the major policies and programmes of interest to the partnership.

°         Have welcomed over 30 delegations from partner organisations to Brussels.

°         Have visited the partners in the UK 7 times.


·         Location


The office has operated out of South East England House (SEEH) since 2000.  This is an excellent location that is within walking distance to the European Parliament, most European Commission buildings, the Council of Ministers and the consultative committees: Committee of the Regions and Economic and Social Committee.   HWWS occupies three office units, of which one is a small meeting room that visitors from the UK partners can use as an office during their stay in Brussels.  We also have shared access to a large conference room (70 square metres), a library and kitchen.


·         Management Issues


The objectives of the Brussels officers are to represent the office partners in Brussels to the best of their ability.  This should enable the office partners to participate fully in European decisions that affect their core business, and to access sufficient funding to enable them to promote their own excellence and to learn from others. 


In order to do this effectively, the Brussels officers need to be sensitive to partnership needs.  This works best when there are good lines of communication between the partner and the Brussels Office.  In Isle of Wight, this is assured through daily e-mail and telephone contact with Lesley Williams and Michael Bulpitt.  Once a quarter, the Brussels Officers visit the partners in the UK, and throughout the year arrange visits to Brussels for Members and Officials.


The Brussels Office core business is to provide accurate and timely advice on pre-legislation and policies that will impact on the local area, and EU funding streams open to organisations on the Isle of Wight.  This involves building contacts with officials in the EU institutions to tap into information flows, regular information gathering, and tailoring it to suit partners’ needs. 


Liaison with Isle of Wight is carried out in a variety of ways:


1.      Notice about events in Brussels. 


This can be for Isle of Wight organisations to take part, or to brief the Brussels Officers to attend on your behalf.  In this case a report is then sent out on the discussions.


  1. Euroflash Weekly Newsletter. 


This contains information about EU activities with links and follow up.  It is sent direct to Lesley Williams.


3.      Frequent e-mail service to groups of partnership officers. 


Providing information on priority policies and programmes and recommendations for action.  This helps local decision making on whether to try to influence/participate in decision-making or to develop or participate in projects.  This usually includes contact details of the people that are responsible such as Commission officials; lead Members of the European Parliament, regions promoting projects etc.


  1. Policy analysis. 


This involves scanning for the latest initiatives, analysing texts for local authority relevance, providing explanations, briefings, recommendations for action and support for partnership’s Members and Officers.   As of November, the office is working towards producing a monthly policy update for each policy area of interest to local authorities, and a yearly background report to provide fuller information on Europe’s activities.


  1. Funding guidance and partner searching. 


The Brussels Officers have practical experience of both bidding and evaluating project proposals and can offer advice to those seeking funds and project partners.


  1. Monthly MEP newsletter.


With the other partnerships in SEEH, the Brussels Officers produce a monthly newsletter, as requested by the MEPs at a meeting on 3 April.  This helps to maintain good relations with our 11 MEPs for the South East. In addition, SEEH was used by the Joint Europe Committee for its meeting with MEPs on 18 June.


  1. Seminars on topical issues.


This is always carried out with expert input from the Commission and representatives from other EU institutions such as local MEPS.  Seminars are organised subject to demand from partners.  So far this year, the main event organised by the Brussels office was held on 6th March.  The theme was the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy with 13 delegates from Hampshire, Isle of Wight and West Sussex Councils, and 18 other delegates.  


  1. Help desk service.


This involves maintaining contacts and links to sources of information so that you don’t have to search for answers to your EU questions.  We aim to answer all enquiries within the working week. 


  1. Promotional activities for Isle of Wight. 


Your publications, events, activities.


  1. Advocacy.


To influence decision-makers, network, inform and get involved in consultation.


  1. Intelligence gathering. 


Informal and off the record tips, helping to predict likely outcomes, monitor progress, build relationships with decision-makers, other regions and networks.  To assist colleagues from the UK partners to do this, we can organise tailor-made programmes of visits.  We can also host visitors for short periods of time in the office whilst they undertake research.  During the summer 2002 Dominic Rowles spent 2 months researching topics of interest to Isle of Wight Council.


·         The Team


Jill Lovelock, Corporate Policy Manager, Hampshire County Council

Lesley Williams, (Insert Title), Isle of Wight Council

Rachel Gapp, Europe Officer, West Sussex County Council


Daniella Terruso, European Liaison Officer

Daniella has been working in the HWWS office for the past 6 years. Previously she worked for six months in Portsmouth City Council.  She graduated from University of Leicester in 1996 with a bachelors degree in Law with French.  She speaks French and is learning Italian and Russian.  She is currently reading an MSc in Public Policy and Management at SOAS, University of London (2001-2004). 


Angela Bentham, Assistant European Liaison Officer

Angela has worked for HWWS since 1 November 2002.  Previously she worked for 3 years in Shepway District Council concentrating on links between Shepway and Boulogne-Sur-Mer.  She was seconded to the Kent Brussels Office between March and October 2002.  She graduated from University of Exeter in 1999 with a bachelors degree in Geography with European Study.  She also holds a postgraduate certificate in Local and Regional Economic Development.  She speaks French and German.


Lea Bodossian, Information Officer, Airport Regions Conference (ARC)

Lea has worked in the HWWS Office for ARC since April 2002.  She is managed by West Sussex on behalf of the ARC.  Previously she worked for the Bureau for Lesser-Used Languages, Corsica Regional Office, the Commission’s Directorate General for Regional Policy, the European Parliament and the private sector.  She graduated from Strasbourg University in 1998 with a masters degree in Geography and Urban Planning.  She is a French national and also speaks Spanish and German.


South East England House is a shared facility between 5 partnerships, of which HWWS is one.  The other partnerships are:


·         Kent Brussels Office

·         South East Partners – East Sussex, Surrey, Brighton & Hove

·         The South East RDA and Assembly

·         Thames Valley – 33 local authorities from the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire area


Together, there are 14 members of staff from a wide variety of backgrounds.


The South East Joint Europe Committee in September 2002 agreed a framework for joint work between the officers in South East England House known as ‘enhanced cooperation’.  This means that information-gathering activities are shared between the partnerships, but representation of partners’ interests remains the sole responsibility of individual offices.  The European policies and programmes of interest to local authorities have been split into 14 portfolios of roughly equal size.  For each portfolio, one officer leads and another supports. 


Under this arrangement, Daniella leads on Energy and Climate Change; Environment (1) Habitats and Nature Conservation and Angela leads on Agriculture and Rural Development.  They support on Environment (2) Sustainability; Citizens Rights and Consumer Affairs; Enlargement of the EU and External Affairs; Education, Employment and Social Affairs.  Lea leads on aviation policy, and gives her support to the officers managing the transport and the environment portfolios.  Full details of the framework for joint work are available on request.



o        Developing a strong and active office partnership, including priorities for 2003-2004

o        Improving the quality of information provided and communication channels:


§         From the Brussels Office to the Partners

§         From the Partners to the Brussels Office


o        Providing services that add value to day-to-day work of Officers and Members on the Island by concentrating on what can only be achieved in Brussels, and enhancing services offered by others, such as the CPMR Islands Commission.  




The Isle of Wight Council is committed to contributing  £20,000 per year to the Hampshire, Isle of Wight and West Sussex Brussels Office until March 2005.








Members continue to support the work of the Brussels Office



Contact Point: Lesley Williams, Policy Manager (Economic Development etc), Ext 3797



Head of Paid Service