QUARTER 2, (2002/03)



Progress against Key Indicators.



Partnership, Management and Administration


Review of all management systems in line with DETR guidance and new output requirements by July 2002.


Management systems reviewed in line with DETR guidance and output tables being adjusted for second half of year.


Strategy & Programme Co-ordination


Formal reporting mechanisms through the Rural Management Group in place by July 2002.

Rural Management Group in place and quarterly reports will be distributed and discussed at Rural Issues meetings.


Leverage          Private







Planned Private Sector Leverage                       £265,508

Actual Private Sector Leverage             £303,546

Debit OR Credit                                               £38,038 credit


Planned Public Sector Leverage                        £162,500

Actual Public Sector Leverage              £302,174

Debit OR Credit                                               £139,674 credit



RDP expenditure defrayed

£ 117,801


Actual RDP expenditure defrayed £164,212


No 4

Farming Futures

Links established with Leader+ Project Officer and joint meetings to develop action plan to stimulate project development to support farm diversification and farming developments by September 2002.

Links with Leader+ established and development worker network set up to discuss mechanisms to address farm diversification at local and regional levels.

No 5

Meeting the needs of Rural Businesses

Interviews with key stakeholders for feasibility of establishing air links to the Island completed by September 2002.


Joint working with other Rural programme officers to develop action plan to stimulate project development to meet the needs of Rural Businesses by September 2002.

Discussion has taken place to request Leeds University to undertake the feasibility study.

Regular network meetings of IWEP, IWC, RCC and Island Volunteers established to review the delivery of RDP, MTI, Leader+ and Vital Villages.

Progress has also been made with the scoping exercise involving the Farm Advisor and other rural activities, to share information and to develop joint actions  


No 6

Meeting Community Needs





New community based database in place; training needs analysis completed for community trainers and support mechanisms in place for town co-ordinators and village clerks by September 2002.

New Community Database established through project based at West Wight Information Centre.

Capacity building workshops have been developed and are scheduled to commence in Q3 in Sandown.

A community capacity building portfolio has been developed, through the network mentioned in 5 above and is now available to all organisations.

Parish clerks training/options will be discussed during October.



No 7

Protecting and Enhancing the Island’s Rural Environment





Links established with Leader+ programme and mapping exercise to establish gaps in achieving the objectives of this theme under the Rural Strategy by August 2002.


Restructuring and relaunch of Sustainable Tourism Forum by September 2002.


All projects in RDP and Leader+ listed to establish links / joint working practices and gaps.  Outcome to be discussed at next Rural Issues Group meeting.

Meetings have been held between the Assistant Director of Community and Development and ITIA to discuss the way forward for the Sustainable Tourism Forum.

The re-launch is now scheduled for November 2002.





No 8




3.6 jobs created;


440 counselling sessions completed and 3030 people advised by September 2002.


6.1 jobs created


449 counselling sessions


4056 people advised



















QUARTER 2  YEAR 7 (2002/03)


Progress against Key Indicators.



Partnership, Management and Administration



Completed Statement of Grant Expenditure to Auditors by September 2002.


Completed Statement of Grant Expenditure to Auditors by first week in October. 



Leverage          Private








Planned Private Sector Leverage                       £14,500

Actual Private Sector Leverage             £42,663

Debit OR Credit                                               £28,163 credit


Planned Public Sector Leverage                        £147,000

Actual Public Sector Leverage              £53,659

Debit OR Credit                                               £93,341 debit


Public Sector leverage down due to delay in Ventnor Harbour project.


SRB expenditure defrayed



Actual SRB expenditure defrayed  £121,000


Ventnor Harbour Scheme delayed, but will start second week of November 2002.


No 8



Review of all management systems in line with DETR guidance and new output requirements by July 2002.

Management systems reviewed in line with DETR guidance and output tables being adjusted for second half of year.



No 10

Ventnor Harbour



Commencement of construction of harbour arms by May 2002.


Complete rock deliveries by Aug 2002.



Project was on hold pending DEFRA approval, (now approved 24/10/02.)  Considerable progress has been made in the quarter in implementing the construction phase. Project went out to tender in June, lowest tender was returned within budget and the contractor has been notified of the intention to appoint him for the construction phase which will now start on 4 November 2002.


No 14

(a)    Baseline Data






(b) Evaluation

(a) Socio-economic analysis completed and fed into AIF by April 2002.


(a) AIF in place and being used by Local Strategic Partnership and Isle of Wight Economic Partnership in the planning process by July 2002.


(b) External consultancy commissioned to carry out evaluation of all SRB programmes by Aug 2002.


(a)    Completed and document available.  Draft copy has been circulated to LSP and IWEP and comments are being fed back for final document to be produced – November 2002.

(b)   Contacts for suitable consultants being collated from other SRB areas.



10 Jobs created by Sept 2002 [1A(i)]


2 New business starts in Innovation Centre by Sept 2002 [2A]


1A(i) – 15 jobs created

2A – 2 new businesses in Innovation Centre























QUARTER 2 YEAR 5 (2002/03)


Progress against Key Indicators.



Partnership, Management and Administration



Completed Statement of Grant Expenditure to Auditors by September 2002.



Completed Statement of Grant Expenditure to Auditors by first week of October.



Leverage          Private








Planned Private Sector Leverage                       £401,500

Actual Private Sector Leverage             £375,503

Debit OR Credit                                               £25,997 credit



Planned Public Sector Leverage                        £269,500

Actual Public Sector Leverage              £452,629

Debit OR Credit                                               £183,129 credit



SRB expenditure defrayed




Actual SRB expenditure defrayed  £130,281

No 7

Overcoming Barriers

(a)    Ladders



(d)  Cowes Extension College




(a) Marketing initiative for Ladders Project in place by Sept 2002.


(d) Publication of black and white cards using student photos by April 2002.

(d) Preparation of new after school programme to introduce Arts workshops for the community by August 2002


(a)  The Ladders project has been successful in stimulating sufficient interest within the community to justify the provision of new resources for adult basic skills learning in the Cowes and East Cowes areas.  Two new resources have now been set up to deliver adult learning opportunities.  The Isle of Wight College have started to provide weekly free classes in East Cowes Library and Community Solutions have set up a Community Learning Centre in Cowes, providing free basic literacy/numeracy and basic computing courses (copies of advertising for both resources attached to this Report).  The project has been successful in its aims to stimulate community activity and provide sustainable provision to meet the community needs.


(d) Photocards have now been published. 

      Arts workshops including jazz, textiles & photography, have been introduced into   

      the after-school programme.  They will be enhanced further by ‘Awards for All’    



No 19

Leisure for Youth

(a)  HECK [Help East Cowes Kids]



(a) Annual General Meeting by Sept 2002.


(a)  The project's AGM took place on 11th September 2002.  



External consultancy commissioned to carry out evaluation of all SRB programmes by Aug 2002.


Contacts for suitable consultants being collated from other SRB areas.



16 Business Starts by Sept 2002 (2A)


525 Young people benefiting from projects to promote social development by Sept 2002. [1J]


  2A – numbers being confirmed.

  1J – 587 young people benefiting.



















QUARTER 2 YEAR 4 (2002/03)



Progress against Key Indicators.



Partnership, Management and Administration



Completed Statement of Grant Expenditure to Auditors by September 2002.


Completed Statement of Grant Expenditure to Auditors by first week of October.


Leverage          Private







Planned Private Sector Leverage                       £79,500

Actual Private Sector Leverage             £56,647

Debit OR Credit                                               £22,853 debit



Planned Public Sector Leverage                        £118,250

Actual Public Sector Leverage              £303,266

Debit OR Credit                                               £185,016 credit



SRB expenditure defrayed





Actual SRB expenditure defrayed £238,515



Capacity Building

1j         Wight 2B Heard



(j) Evaluate year one of the project development plan, including sustainability by September 2002.


An evaluation report was produced by the project's Co-ordinator in August 2002 covering the project's first year of operation.  The report detailed progress and outcomes against agreed milestones and how the project intends to develop and achieve future sustainability.


No 2

Community Development

2c        Salisbury Way



2d       Brading Community



2i        One Stop Feasibility Study



(c) Exit Strategy developed and put in place by June 2002.


(d) Move to new, larger premises complete by June 2002.

(i) Study completed and information disseminated by August 2002.


(c)        The work currently being undertaken by this project will be picked up by SWHA through Housing Officers, Tenants Participation Officers or Caretakers ensuring sustainability.


(d)     The Centre opened on 2nd September with demand far in excess of estimates. Official opening to be held in October 2002.


(i)      Study has been completed and disseminated to all relevant people and organisations.       


No 3

Disaffected Youth




3d  Youth Arts Base



(b) Additional volunteers trained and peer mentoring schemes established by Sept 2002


(d) Move into stage one of building by June 2002.


(b)     Additional volunteers have been recruited and training will be completed in October 2002.


(d)     Furniture is currently being moved into the building and Stage 1 will be open by the end of October 2002.



No 4

Community Safety

4c        Interact



4d        Domestic Violence Co-ordinator


(c) Review and report of goals achieved by young people by September 2002.


(d) Recruit and train staff by June 2002. [Team Manager post]


(c)     This has been achieved in September 2002.


(d)     A further recruitment exercise on 30th September was successful in appointing a Team Leader with the applicant due to take up post on 28th October 2002.


No 6    Support for Older Persons


6b       Outreach Support for

           Older Persons



(b) Establish Age Resource Desks on Mobile Service and E. Cowes office by August 2002


The East Cowes Outreach office is established, opening one morning a week and is located adjacent to the Age Concern shop in the town centre.  The Age Resource desks are a point to access a comprehensive database containing details of local and national organisations that provide social and leisure activities, benefits information, etc. for older members of the community.  The database is in the process of being developed and updated from the existing local information given.  In addition, further research of the potential client base and a questionnaire is underway to ensure the target population needs are met.



External consultancy commissioned to carry out evaluation of all SRB programmes by Aug 2002.


Contacts for suitable consultants being collated from other SRB areas.



9 Jobs created by Sept 2002 [1A(i)]


103 Training weeks delivered by Sept 2002 [1E]

1A(i) – 14.3 jobs

1E – 219 training weeks delivered



















QUARTER 2 , YEAR 3 (2002/03)


Progress against Key Indicators.


Partnership, Management and Administration


Completed Statement of Grant Expenditure to Auditors by September 2002.


Ryde Development Trust established as a company by June 2002.


Completed Statement of Grant Expenditure to Auditors by first week of October.


A meeting arranged for 16/10/02 to discuss formation of the company has had to be postponed due to illness of the external facilitator.  A new date will be arranged as soon as possible.


Leverage          Private







Planned Private Sector Leverage                       £442,000

Actual Private Sector Leverage             £556,783

Debit OR Credit                                               £114,783 credit


Planned Public Sector Leverage                        £497,600

Actual Public Sector Leverage              £1,008,930

Debit OR Credit                                               £511,330 credit




SRB expenditure defrayed




Actual SRB expenditure defrayed £665,812


Defrayed expenditure continues to be under the planned figure due to the freeze on infrastructure projects until the Public Realm Strategy is in place.  Additionally, the capital spend at the George Street Centre has slipped, but we are confident this time will be made up by the end of the financial year. 


Learning & Employment

1b        Ryde Young People’s   Inclusion Project


1d        Not Just Enterprises



1f       Baptist Church – George Street



(b) Volunteers recruited by Sept 2002.



(d) Appointment of office skills trainer by June 2002


(f) Commence construction work by April 2002.


(f) Develop organisational structure for management of the centre by Sept 2002


(b)   The volunteer’s scheme has been re-launched with a replacement coordinator and additional volunteers being recruited, with mostly ‘at risk’ students supported.


(d) Appointment delayed due to funding delay.  Gap funding from SRB now agreed – trainer  

           should be in place Q3.


(f)     The project was re-tendered as a result of the original tenders not producing any competitive bids as advised by the Project Construction Surveyors for the project.  The tendering process is expected to be completed shortly with construction commencing in November.


The organizational structure for management of the centre has been timetabled to reflect the new construction schedule.



Social Inclusion

2a        Ryde Women’s Day



2d  Ryde ArtWorks (RAW)






2f   SunRyders



2i  Streets Ahead



(a) 1 new team member appointed by Aug 2002.


(d) Establishment of 3 year plan for Festival Development by June 2002


(d) RAW Partnership constituted & feeding into cultural strategy by Sept 2002.


(f) Childcare facility in place & equipped by May 2002


(i) Implement summer projects working in coastal areas by August 2002.


         (a) A new team member was appointed and commenced employment in                              September 2002 on a three month trial basis.


   (d) Interim plan received, full plan due Q3.    

   (d) Part of cultural strategy with effect from June.


(f)           As previously advised, a review has been undertaken on this project.  Childcare facility should be running by end of financial year.


(i)   Summer projects were implemented and this was the busiest quarter of the project, supporting young people from overseas as well as from the Island. The biggest external influence to the summer programme was the murder of a Swedish student on the Island, which had a knock on effect.



Physical Regeneration

3e        Physical Enhancement

            Project Officer


3f       Ryde Countryside Ranger



(e) Ryde Esplanade Phase 2 outline design completed by Sept 2002.


(f) Action Plan for landscape improvements implemented by Sept 2002




(e)     Outline design held up due to the Public Realm Strategy (PRS) being put in place. A twin track approach with PRS and outline design will allow a second phase to go ahead if required, in December, rather than waiting until April for the PRS to be implemented.


(f)      The Ryde Countryside Ranger resigned May and a holding position has been maintained with Countryside Section staff of the Isle of Wight Council providing cover until a replacement Ranger is in post in November.


No 4

Business Development

4a        AIF




(a) Interviews, gap analysis and workshops for all key stakeholders completed to produce first draft of AIF by June 2002. 


(a) AIF in place and used as a management tool by LSP and IW Economic Partnership by July 2002


(a)    Draft report and investment audit report received.  Draft copy has been circulated to LSP and IWEP and comments are being fed back for final document to be produced – November 2002. 


Capacity building activities being planned with LSP to enable them to take ownership of the document. 



11 Buildings improved by September 2002 [6C]


497 Training weeks delivered by September 2002 [1E]


  6(c) 13 buildings improved                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

  1(e) 1205.7 training weeks delivered.









